
Stop Stock Trading From Further Corrupting Politics

Politicians who play the stock market end up playing their constituents the most. While they get richer and often violate the law in the process, the voters lose out on impartial, transparent leadership. Demand an end to these blatant conflicts of interest.

Deploy Mental Health and Homeless Outreach Services Amidst Rising Crime

Crime in New York City is on the rise alongside the number of homeless and mentally ill individuals. Demand the mayor deploy mental health workers, medical professionals, and relevant experts to tackle this growing problem.

Don’t Hire Anti-Gay Politician as Community Representative

A controversial pastor who has made anti-gay remarks is being considered for a position in the New York City mayor’s administration. This will directly harm the LGBTQ+ community and activists are speaking up. We demand the mayor reconsider his choice and take a stand against hatred and bigotry.

Stop Using Puerto Rico as a Tax Haven for Wealthy Colonists

Puerto Rico gives heavy tax breaks to the wrong people, affording new “bona fide residents” federal tax relief while its islanders remain wanting. The breaks are colonist in essence and drive a further wedge between Puerto Ricans and their right to self-determination. Demand a repeal of this incentive at once.

Success: Court Strikes Down Partisan Power Grabs

Politicians around the country are trying to stack election odds in their favor, ending races before they even start. Voters lose out in the process. Thank one state leader who took a stand against partisan gerrymandering and for free and fair elections.

Demand Supreme Court Justice Remain Impartial and Respect His Colleagues

A Supreme Court justice is openly defying public health measures while giving top-secret talks to special interest groups. Demand Neil Gorsuch stop compromising his objectivity and his role as a guardian of the legal system.

Don’t Deny Funding to Public Library for Shelving LGBTQ+ Books

A public library in Mississippi is being denied $110,000 worth of funds for supplying LGBTQ+ books. This is another direct attack on an already outcasted community following the ban of transgender athletes in schools. Demand the mayor fund the library and let them keep LGBTQ+ books on shelves.

Oppose Ban of LGBTQ+ Content and Discussion in Schools

The discussion of gender identity or sexuality has been banned in Florida’s schools. This hateful rhetoric shuts out an entire community and jeopardizes the safety of LGBTQ+ youth. Hold the representative who supported this ban accountable and demand that he do better.

Oppose Hateful Ban on Trans Athletes in Schools

Transgender athletes have been banned from school sports in South Dakota following the governor’s own proposal. It is horrific, hateful, and transphobic to take away these children’s ability to play. Hold the governor accountable for this harmful act.

Stop the Slaughter of Whales for Blood Money

Japan is still allowing commercial whale hunts, with hundreds of these majestic creatures killed every year. Sign the petition to ban this cruel and inhumane practice.

Don’t Let Europe’s Last Dictator Use Lives as Leverage

Refugees, political prisoners, and everyday citizens are being sacrificed to a power play between Belarus and the rest of Europe. Demand an approach to these tensions that does not hurt the people it should be helping.

Stand Against Bullying and Threats of Invasion in World Politics

Taiwan is facing increasing aggression from a Chinese government seemingly determined to reclaim the land at any cost. Demand the United States take a decisive stand against potential invasion and the chaos that would result.

The Filibuster Has to Go

The filibuster is an archaic, racist rule that has held the Senate in political gridlock for far too long. Act now to ensure that the American majority’s voice is heard.

Stop Compiling Blacklist of Political Dissidents

Singapore is in serious danger of sacrificing more freedoms in the name of politics. A current proposal could curtail the privacy and right to free expression of countless individuals. Demand the government end this detrimental and legally unsound overreach.

Stop Dangerous Descent Into Authoritarian Rule

Poland is once again slipping into authoritarianism, and the results could be dire and far-reaching. Demand the government cease and desist efforts to extricate itself from widely popular European Union membership.

Topple Tax Havens and Legal Shields for Billionaires

All manner of financial crimes have found safe harbor in the United States. The wealthy, powerful, and criminal from around the world are legally protected and their billions shielded. Call for an end to the rich getting richer at the expense of everyone else.

Empower Voters and Weaken Special Interests With Ranked-Choice Voting

Ranked-choice voting allows anyone to vote their conscience. It is a non-partisan tool that enforces true majority rule and decreases the power of the two-party system. Sign the petition now to increase your own voting power in the next election.

Acknowledge Transgender Murders as Hate Crimes Nationwide

Trans people disproportionally face violence and discrimination in the United States with penalties varying based on the state. With nearly thirty reported murders this year of trans people, something must be done to protect this community. Demand criminal offenses committed due to sexual orientation and gender identity be recognized as hate crimes nationwide.

Protect Marginalized People from Homelessness as Delta Cases Surge

Nearly six million renters face losing their house this month alone due to withdrawal of governmental protections against eviction. Federal aid and non-profit rent relief programs are not enough to protect millions. Insist that appropriate rent relief is provided to households in need.

Give Closure to Grieving 9/11 Families

Potential Saudi complicity in the September 11 terrorist attacks is still being withheld by the American government 20 years later. Demand leaders give peace of mind to families searching for answers.

Don’t Give Sanctuary to Gun Violence

Missouri is placing more value on guns than on the safety and the lives of its citizens by restricting state officials from enforcing federal laws. Urge power-hungry politicians to reassess their priorities in the wake of a nationwide gun violence epidemic.

Success: Juneteenth Recognized as National Holiday

America’s liberation from the shackles of slavery will finally be acknowledged with a federal holiday. Applaud the designation of Juneteenth as a national day of remembrance.

Success: Biden Pulls U.S. Support From War in Yemen

The U.S. will no longer be providing offensive support to Saudi Arabia, including related weapons’ sales. This is a major victory for humanitarian efforts, as the Saudi-led conflict in Yemen has led to one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. Applaud Biden for honoring the will of the people to withdraw from this treacherous war.

Success: Biden Suspended Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE

Sales of bombs that might have been dropped on Yemeni civilians have been suspended by the Biden administration. This may be the first step toward pulling U.S. support from the war in Yemen. Sign this petition to applaud Biden and encourage him to terminate the sales completely.

Trump - Gage Skidmore

Success: President Trump Impeached for Incitement of Insurrection

President Trump has been impeached for a second time after inciting a mob to overtake the chambers of Congress with deadly violence. Support this essential safeguarding of American democracy.

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