
Help Workers Beat Deadly Heat

Extreme heat is claiming the lives of workers from across the American labor force. Urge immediate action to stop this deadly trend.

Don’t Let CrossFit Games Turn Deadly Again

The CrossFit Games began with tragedy and ended in controversy after the possibly preventable death of an athlete. Call on the games’ leaders to protect the health and well-being of participants.

Success: Major Strides Made in Healthcare Affordability

Patients may soon see much lower prescription drug prices, less burdensome credit scores, and needed debt relief. Applaud major efforts to make Americans’ good health less costly.

Nurse Patient Care Back to Health

Nurses are a lifeline of healthcare, but they are leaving the profession in record numbers. Demand medical leaders address and correct the root issues of this crisis that’s endangering patients.

Don’t Discourage Patients From Seeking Medical Care

Texas leaders are trying to force doctors to betray their patients. As a result, countless individuals will likely avoid desperately needed care. Speak out against this step backward for a state with one of the nation’s worst healthcare records.

Don’t Keep Patients in the Dark About Crucial Treatments

A surgeon allegedly violated the trust of his patients by subjecting them to a defective procedure designed to meet his own self-interests. Demand more transparency to restore the important bond of trust between physicians and patients.

Give New Mothers Battling Depression a Lifeline

Maternal depression is an often-overlooked mental health epidemic that has skyrocketed in recent years. Demand more aid and investment to confront this crisis upending families across the country.

Protect City’s Children From Toxic Lead Exposure

Chicago’s children are being exposed to toxic levels of lead, and the nation’s leaders are doing nothing to remove this threat. Call for a swift strategy to replace the city’s dangerous lead pipes.

Prevent Patients From Dying in Blood Deserts

A critical shortage of blood is endangering lives in Kenya and well beyond. Demand investment in techniques that could prevent untimely deaths.

Don’t Make Patients Pay the Price for Lacking Healthcare

Reforms to France’s healthcare services could end up hurting patients instead of helping them. Demand a unified approach that will help fill the wellness gaps caused by physician shortages.

Fill Critical Physician Shortages

A lack of commitment from leaders is destabilizing Italy’s fractured healthcare system, and citizens are paying the price. Demand support for an initiative that could literally stop the bleeding.

Prepare Before the Next Pandemic Hits

Monkeypox is making a dangerous comeback in parts of Africa. Demand a strengthening of testing and public education to help lessen transmission of a deadly new variant.

Protect Impoverished Communities From Deadly Cholera Outbreaks

Deadly outbreaks of cholera are threatening close to one billion people worldwide. Demand more funding for the fight against one of the planet’s most hidden and most devastating epidemics.

Don’t Let Women Literally Die to be Mothers

Nigeria has the largest economy in Africa, but its expectant mothers are not reaping the benefits. Demand safer and stronger pre-natal care for pregnant women at heightened risk of life-threatening complications.

Don’t Leave At-Risk Children Behind

A shocking murder in China allegedly involving young boys has shone a harsh spotlight on the nation’s lacking outreach to troubled youth. Call for robust investment in mental health support services for the most at-risk kids.

Protect Vulnerable Populations From Mosquitoes and Malaria

Individuals at risk of malaria infection could soon have an important safeguard against the carriers of this often-lethal illness. Help make this aspiration a reality.

Don’t Let Dangerous Drinking Water Sicken Inmates

America’s prison water is a reservoir for harmful toxins that pose a serious and lasting threat to health. Call for a clean-up of this insidious hazard.

Don’t Let Possibly Faulty Pumps Puncture the Heart

A heart pump relied upon by thousands of critically ill patients could pose a serious health risk. Urge a recall of this possibly dangerous product by the agency tasked with safeguarding American health.

Prevent Large-Scale Starvation and Famine

Millions of human beings in Haiti are on the brink of famine. Urge American leaders to stop retracting a helping hand.

Prevent Millions From Running Out of Water

Residents of one major city may soon lack one of the most vital resources for health and well-being: water. Call for urgent remedies to a catastrophic water shortage in Mexico City.

Don’t Destroy Infertile Couples’ Dreams

So-called pro-life politicians in Alabama are taking parenting opportunities away from people who are actively seeking them. Demand the state’s leaders curb a legal attack that imperils in-vitro fertilization.

Don’t Let Lacking Earthquake Aid Claim More Victims

A New Year’s earthquake is still taking a devastating toll on the communities it shattered. Demand more healthcare assistance during this crisis to stop another wave of deaths.

Don’t Let Racial Bias Hurt Patient Care

Racial inequities in healthcare are causing patients to be misdiagnosed and they’ve provided delayed or inadequate treatments for serious conditions. Demand stronger efforts to bridge these critical gaps in public health.

Success: Prescription Drug Pricing Gets a Reset

Prescription drugs that Americans need for better health could be in closer financial reach. Applaud needed amendments to the country’s overpriced pharmaceutical system.

Protect Infants From Unnecessary Procedures

A medical procedure is reportedly being performed on infants who may not need it or being recommended by individuals without the proper credentials. Demand better guidance for parents.

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