Success: No More Permits Issued for Cruel Black Bear Killings
Permits will no longer be issued in Washington authorizing the inhumane killing of black bears. Support this victory and encourage the discontinuance of any such permits in the future.
Permits will no longer be issued in Washington authorizing the inhumane killing of black bears. Support this victory and encourage the discontinuance of any such permits in the future.
The teacher who fed a dog to a snapping turtle was charged with animal cruelty. Sign this petition to praise the attorney general’s office for charging him with a crime in the cruel death of this innocent dog.
A new Ebola outbreak recently threatened a small village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At the same time, President Trump cut nearly 250 million dollars from Ebola response funding. Applaud the diligent advocacy that made him back down from this dangerous action.
Syracuse University has made a clear demonstration that discrimination will not be tolerated on campus. Praise officials for taking substantial action against students engaging in hate speech and intolerance.
Horrific experiments that forced monkeys to breathe diesel exhaust will no longer be conducted by Volkswagen, nor will any other animal testing unless required by law, according to an announcement by the company. Support this victory for compassion and animal welfare.
Rhode Island is taking decisive action to prevent future gun tragedies. These initiatives are the appropriate responses in the midst of a national gun violence epidemic. Congratulate the Ocean State governor for these reformist measures while urging continued action.
It has faced opposition from lawmakers who want to cripple it for alleged budgetary reasons. Increasingly, the will of the people has made it a reality in states with strong backlash from those in office. Celebrate Virginia as the latest victory for Medicaid and healthcare coverage expansion.
Chile’s President and Congress recently approved the ban of plastic bags across the entire country. Congratulate this nation on being the first in the Americas to institute a nationwide plastics ban, and ask that it encourage others to do the same.
Irish citizens recently voted to overturn a constitutional ban on abortion. Sign the petition to congratulate organizers for this monumental breakthrough in women’s rights and reproductive health.
A bill has recently been proposed to stop the culling of wild horses in New South Wales, protecting thousands of these horses from unnecessary deaths. This bill has been very much needed for the past two years, as there are far more humane ways to control the brumbie population. Sign this petition to support the bill and ensure it becomes a law.
Minneapolis recently made headlines by being the biggest city to unanimously vote in clean energy regulations. Congratulate Minneapolis on making history.
Clarkston, Georgia is one of the most diverse places in the country and recently committed themselves to 100% clean energy. Sign this petition to stand with us in thanking Clarkston for their clean energy commitment.
A mink farm in southwestern Ontario faces 14 counts of animal abuse after an undercover investigation revealed ¨filthy¨ living conditions. Footage appeared to show distressed minks with neglected open wounds in maggot-ridden environments. Sign the petition to congratulate the animal welfare organization for initiating the formal charges and bringing justice to the victims of the global fur industry.
Thousands of animals will be spared a needless death as Indiana withdraws proposals for new rules, including one that would have forced animal control workers to kill wildlife. Support this move toward humanity and compassion.
More than 80 cats and dogs were removed from a breeding facility where they reportedly suffered from neglect and infection. The owner was recently banned from owning pets for the next seven years. Sign the petition below to thank Canadian authorities for protecting more animals from becoming victims of this alleged abuser.
The Australian government has announced funding of millions of dollars into the restoration of the Great Barrier Reef, in order to protect it against numerous environmental threats. Sign the petition to applaud Australia for funding this important undertaking.
Child marriages can lead to a lifetime of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse for the young people often forced into these unions. One young woman, compelled by her family’s personal history, took the issue straight to the halls of her state government. Applaud her success in helping change a century-old law that sheltered child abusers.
TripAdvisor has updated its policies and tightened its standards of animal welfare so that it will no longer promote exploitative attractions that force animals to perform for human entertainment. Support this important stand for the well-being of animals around the world.
The European Union has agreed upon a total ban on a number of bee-killing pesticides. Thanks to this decision to stop the use of these harmful insecticides, bee populations will have a chance to recover across Europe. Sign this petition to applaud the EU for this important breakthrough.
Maryland passed a bill securing access to reproductive healthcare in their prisons. This is a huge victory for those locked up who don’t have access to essential treatments and deserves to be commended!
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program shall remain untouched, according to a federal judge. This is a huge victory in the fight against Trump’s attack on DACA recipients.
A reporter who called Black people “primates” and suggested women who seek abortions be treated as murderers has been fired from the Atlantic. Sign this petition to thank a watchdog journalism group that helped expose his history of dangerous rhetoric.
Dogs and cats will finally be nationally protected from cruel slaughter for their meat by the U.S. House Agriculture Committee. Support this important step for animal welfare and combatting the inhumane dog and cat meat trade.
TripAdvisor has removed its Certificate of Excellence award from three allegedly abusive wildlife attractions. Sign this petition to thank the travel site for no longer rewarding these destinations for their reportedly cruel treatment of animals.
Every day, victims of human trafficking are sold alongside used clothes and disposable goods. Certain websites have become refuges for exploiters and abusers of every stripe. Congress recently dealt a serious blow to these criminal acts. Urge legislators to continue the fight against online sex trafficking.