Air pollution is choking residents of one major cosmopolitan city and putting those with respiratory ailments at high risk. Demand stringent regulations and preventive measures to protect public health.
Adirondack Park stands on the edge of annihilation, its ancient trees felled, its untouched lands invaded, and its ecosystems teetering under climate change’s dark shadow. Rescue this irreplaceable sanctuary.
Hundreds of animals were allegedly endangered, with many tragically dying, in a house of horrors. Demand the couple charged with these reported acts of atrocious cruelty face the full measure of justice.
Gypsum Dunes, a fragile masterpiece of nature, teeter on the edge of annihilation. They are being marred by reckless driving, litter, and illicit camping. Act before the sands of time run out.
Arid lands are gasping for water, a lifeblood drained by climate change, reckless groundwater extraction, and dismal management. Address water scarcity.
The very essence of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument is under siege from rampant development, desecration, and plunder. Save these irreplaceable cathedrals of nature and history before the sands of time run out.
The Chihuahuan Desert stands on a razor’s edge, its delicate ecosystems and endangered species teetering between the promise of renewable energy and the peril of reckless development. Let’s honor the desert’s role as a vital carbon sink and sanctuary for life.
Critical mental health services are still out of reach for millions of Americans. Call for a broad plan of action at the national level that affirms mental health care is healthcare.
The Rio Grande Valley, a sanctuary for life in all its forms, is being torn asunder—its habitats shattered by urban sprawl, reckless development, and encroaching agriculture. Stand up for it now.
Spanish-speaking and other multi-lingual Americans are encountering increased barriers and decreased access in areas ranging from education to voting. Call for a widespread removal of language bias from U.S. public life.
Urban skies are drowning in a sea of artificial light, stealing the stars from our eyes and wreaking havoc on local ecosystems. Take action now.
The Atlantic Ocean’s very soul is being ripped apart, its marine life plundered by overfishing, illegal gear, and indiscriminate bycatch. Demand unyielding, immediate action.
A pair of snapping turtles vanished from the park they had called home for years. Demand a full investigation into their whereabouts.
The Delaware River is drowning in a toxic cocktail of industrial filth, farm runoff, and plastic debris. Don’t allow it to turn into a poisonous gutter.
Pine Barrens are on the verge of ecological collapse, besieged by relentless development, pollution, and the annihilation of native habitats. Protect this fragile ecosystem now.
An important valley’s air has turned toxic, choked by factory fumes, car exhaust, and pollutants that endanger every breath we take. Demand sweeping and immediate action.
The White Mountain National Forest stands on the edge of ecological ruin, its very soul threatened by reckless logging that could topple its intricate web of life. Demand sustainable logging practices.
Coastal sanctuaries are gasping for life, choked by overfishing, poisoned by pollution, and scarred by reckless development. Rise up to stop this now.
The Mojave Desert is being torn apart, piece by piece, by the relentless march of urban sprawl, roads, and industry. Sound the alarm and act now.
Precious lakes are drowning in their own filth, poisoned by agricultural waste, obsolete sewage systems, and industrial toxins. Preserve them now.
The White Mountains are on the verge of ecological collapse, battered by relentless tourism, climate upheaval, and insidious pollution. Take action now.
Animals confined in inhumane zoos are reportedly enduring severe mental anguish and distress. Ensure psychological well-being checks for animals in captivity.
Mining is tearing the heart out of the ecosystems, poisoning waters, and turning fertile lands into wastelands. Take action now.
People are on the brink of facing a water apocalypse, where life as we know it hangs in the balance. Act now to halt over-extraction, combat climate change, and manage population growth before taps run dry.
The Great Basin wilderness teeters on the brink of irreversible damage, ravaged by illegal mining, rampant deforestation, and unforgiving climate change. Act now; the time for debate has evaporated, leaving only the stark urgency of saving this irreplaceable sanctuary of life and history.