Justice for Animals Allegedly Confined in Car Stuffed With Garbage

Target: Erica A. Marthage, Bennington County State’s Attorney, Vermont, US

Goal: Prosecute the individual responsible for repeatedly confining animals in a hazardous environment.

A shocking case has emerged from Bennington, where an individual, Allan Washburn, allegedly confined animals in dangerous conditions. Two separate incidents involved a Siberian husky and later, a cat, reportedly locked in a car brimming with clutter and garbage. These allegations, if true, depict a distressing disregard for animal welfare.

In detail, the husky, named Chad, was reportedly found in a vehicle filled with trash, under high temperatures, and without basic necessities like water. A similar fate befell a cat later, found in a similarly cluttered car. Such conditions could lead to severe distress or worse for any confined animal. This repeated behavior signals a disturbing pattern of neglect and a clear disregard for the welfare of these creatures.

Given these alarming allegations, it is imperative to ensure justice and prevent further such incidents. The responsible individual must face appropriate legal consequences. Hence, demand strict legal action against Allan Washburn for his alleged repeated acts of animal cruelty. This will send a strong message against animal neglect and abuse.


Dear Attorney Erica A. Marthage,

We are deeply troubled by the alleged incidents of animal cruelty in Bennington involving Allan Washburn. He is accused of confining a dog and later a cat in a car full of clutter and garbage. These acts, if proven true, reflect a serious violation of animal welfare laws.

The Siberian husky, Chad, was reportedly found in distressing conditions, trapped in a car amidst rotting garbage and in high temperatures. A cat reportedly faced a similar situation, indicating a pattern of neglect. Such acts cannot be overlooked, as they pose a grave threat to the well-being of innocent animals. It is crucial that these allegations be taken seriously and that appropriate legal action is pursued.

Therefore, we urge you to prosecute Allan Washburn to the fullest extent of the law for his alleged repeated acts of animal cruelty. It is essential to uphold the laws designed to protect animals from abuse and neglect. Your action in this matter will not only serve justice but will also deter similar acts of cruelty in the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Делфина

One Comment

  1. If you do not charge and prosecute this ‘person’ then you are sending a very clear signal – we tolerate and encourage abusing animals in Vermont. There is no other way to interpret the fact that he is not in jail now. This was obvious and deliberate neglect and that is felony animal abuse. Do your job, put him in jail.

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