A dog was reportedly dragged behind a pickup truck, causing the poor animal immense pain and suffering, and inflicting emotional distress on concerned witnesses. Demand justice for this innocent victim.
A popular YouTuber has reportedly admitted to abusing her childhood dog in a video that has sparked outrage. Demand a full investigation so that she will face accountability, if found guilty.
Millions of stray cats suffer lives of terror and deprivation, without ever receiving the care they need. Meanwhile, their populations decimate native wildlife. Support an ethical solution to the stray cats crisis.
A dog named Marigold was abandoned in a park with rubber bands tightly wrapped around her muzzle. Struggling to breath and suffering due to maggot-filled wounds, this poor animal barely survived. Demand authorities deliver justice for Marigold by finding and arresting her abuser.
A swan was decapitated, eaten, and her offspring taken, allegedly at the hands of three teenagers. Call for more expansive charges to address this reported act of animal cruelty.
A kitten was found dead after reportedly being kicked three times in the head. Demand justice now.
Two dogs died, and another fell seriously ill, after neighbors allegedly poisoned them out of vengeance. Demand the most severe legal punishment if these suspects are found guilty.
Animal shelters are responsible for the care of at-risk animals, and too many are failing at their responsibilities. Demand stronger standards and accountability for these self-appointed guardians of animal welfare.
Wolfdogs are being abandoned or euthanized in large numbers because of lax or non-existent breeding standards. Demand an end to this death by design.
Racehorses are dying in alarming numbers at some of the world’s most prestigious tracks. Demand an end to the death and abuse in the horse racing industry.
Pets are apparently being neglected and dying in a community known for its wealth and privilege. Call on local leaders to stop the epidemic of abuse.
A German shepherd reportedly died after being left home alone for days without a proper pet sitter. The woman found guilty of the crime thinks she should be given permission to leave jail early. Demand that she should serve her entire sentence for her alleged actions.
A horse reportedly died of cardiac arrest on the set of a major Hollywood franchise. This is only the latest to apparently allow harm to come to animals used for its gain. Demand productions end on-set exploitation and death.
Circus animals face a sad and painful life of imprisonment. Demand a ban on the use of live animals in circuses.
Racehorses suffer pain and injury when they are whipped to increase their speed. Sign this petition to demand a ban on this cruel practice and protect the welfare of these animals.
Thousands of cattle suffocated and burned to death in a devastating farm fire. Call for stronger safeguards to protect vulnerable farm animals from these preventable tragedies.
A dog was reportedly beaten, tied with a rope, and dragged by the neck. Demand prosecutors seek the maximum penalty in this case.
Six puppies were reportedly thrown from a bridge, and five of them died as a result. The man accused of this heinous crime will not face any charges. Call for a change in the system that too often lets alleged offenders walk.
From camels breaking bones to donkeys crushed to death, too many animals suffer and die at holiday events intended to celebrate spirituality and life. Demand event producers keep exploited animals out of their plans.
Electric shock collars cause dogs physical pain and distress, and they are a popular tool commonly used for training. This inhumane method cannot be allowed. Demand a ban on these devices and advocate for positive reinforcement training methods.
Elephant riding is one of the most inhumane and exploitative practices in the tourism industry, causing the animals physical and psychological abuse, malnutrition, and chronic health problems. Take a stand against this cruelty.
Too many of the eggs made available to consumers are produced from long-standing animal cruelty. Battery cages subject egg-laying hens to cramped and dirty living conditions that they must endure their entire lives. Demand a swift ban on these instruments of inhumanity.
Dozens of animals were apparently found starved to death in the backyard of a former animal control worker. Demand the suspect be fully prosecuted and serve time in prison, if found guilty.
Four dogs found wandering the streets were so malnourished and dehydrated that their spine and ribs were showing. Their snouts had wounds from being bound shut, they had head wounds, and appeared to have recently given birth. Demand justice for these innocent creatures.
Two innocent dogs were shot while playing in their yard. One of these animals died as a result. Demand justice in this horrific case of deadly animal cruelty.