Five puppies were reportedly found dead in a freezer and dozens more were apparently kept in shockingly inhumane conditions at an animal rescue. Justice must prevail for these voiceless animals.
A dog was found by sanitary workers inside a plastic bag with his mouth and feet bound by tape. Those responsible for this horrific abuse must be found and prosecuted.
Almost 40 dogs reportedly suffered unimaginably before finally being killed. Demand swift and just legal action in this case.
A staggering 192 animals were reportedly neglected and abused by dog trainers at their private residence. Demand an immediate and thorough investigation into these allegations.
A woman and her dog were reportedly assaulted in a potential case of domestic violence and animal cruelty. Demand justice for these victims.
One cat was reportedly beaten to death with a back scratcher, and another severely harmed, in an apparent case of domestic abuse. Demand a thorough investigation to ensure accountability.
A paralyzed dog was reportedly starved and kept in inhumane conditions. What’s more shocking, is that an animal rescue is apparently behind this treatment. Demand a thorough investigation now to ensure the welfare of all the innocent animals in their care.
Animal abuse videos have reportedly been surfacing on TikTok, resulting in users making money in a despicable manner. Demand TikTok ban such videos to prevent further animals from losing their lives for the sake of profit.
A husky named Justice was reportedly found roaming the streets with a metal chain stuck inside his neck that needed to be surgically removed. Demand the person accused of abusing Justice be fully prosecuted.
Animals were allegedly not provided with food, water, or proper shelter by a sanctuary that has been cited multiple times for animal cruelty. Demand this establishment be closed down and that the animals be moved to a reputable sanctuary if these allegations are found to be true.
Two cats were reportedly beaten with a wooden backscratcher by their owner in a shocking case of animal cruelty. One cat apparently died, and the other was severely injured. Demand justice for these innocent cats.
An eight-week-old pet puppy allegedly had to be revived after reported exposure to fentanyl. Call for maximum charges against the puppy’s caretakers if they are deemed responsible.
Puppies, kittens, and other young animals are reportedly being exploited and mistreated in a new and unexpected way. Demand leaders address the apparent cruelty disguised in cuddly cuteness known as animal yoga.
Fish and other important marine life are treated as disposable trash to be used and exploited in much of the world. Call for stronger protections for these overlooked animals.
Several horses have died under mysterious circumstances. An investigation into the cause has not proven fruitful. Demand more commitment to solving this lethal puzzle.
Two non-aggressive dogs got loose and were apparently shot and killed by police on a highway. Demand justice for these poor animals.
A horse was allegedly hit with a switch and dragged while lying on its side. Demand urgent action to ensure justice for this innocent animal.
A dog was allegedly strangled to coerce the poor animal’s owner. Make sure this alleged animal cruelty case is addressed so justice can prevail.
Innocent rabbits have become some of the latest alleged victims of companion animal cruelty. Demand stronger safeguards for pets in the crosshairs of domestic abusers.
A dog named Conrad was reportedly found with untreated broken bones and starved until he ate rocks out of desperation. Demand justice for Conrad.
A dog was reportedly shot to death with a shotgun. Those allegedly responsible must not escape legal consequences. Ensure justice prevails and cruelty towards animals is not tolerated.
An innocent dog was allegedly physically abused while on a walk. Stand with us, urging a thorough investigation and justice for this alleged cruelty.
A family cat was allegedly attacked by a dog and stomped on by a man on a bike. This innocent animal died and those responsible must be held accountable. Demanding justice be served in this heinous case.
Six blind puppies were apparently abandoned to die, and yet the accused abuser won’t suffer any meaningful consequences if convicted. Demand harsher legal penalties in cases of pet abandonment.
A 12-year-old dog tragically died due to alleged abuse and neglect by her owner. Ensure a thorough investigation and prosecution to bring justice for this innocent pup.