
Dog Allegedly Abandoned and Left Outside to Starve Deserves Justice

A dog named Tank was apparently left to die a cruel death from starvation. His body was reportedly covered in untreated sores and frostbite, and feces were found in his mouth. Demand justice for Tank.

Stop Slaughtering Crocodiles for Handbags

Thousands of crocodiles and other wild animals are being farmed and slaughtered annually so humans can wear so-called fashionable accessories. Demand an end to the production and sale of exotic animal skin products.

Stop Stealing Money From Starving Afghans

Children and families are still suffering and starving by the millions in Afghanistan after a brutal Taliban takeover. The American government is withholding funds from the country that could help its desperate citizens. Demand U.S. leaders stop reallocating life-saving aid.

Punish Russia to Fullest Extent for Ukraine Invasion

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has caused casualties, chaos, and could devolve into a tragedy of massive proportions with worldwide impacts. Demand global leaders take urgent and decisive action to curtail this crisis.

Protect Transgender Youth and Families from Blatant Bigotry

Governor Greg Abbott of Texas is pushing the idea that any gender affirming medical treatment is “child abuse.” He wants to investigate parents and have doctors, teachers, and the public report any instances they are aware of. Demand trans youth and their families be protected.

Don’t Cut Down Forests in Name of Clean Energy

Clean energy needs a workable path forward that does not cause harm to its main mission: protecting the environment. Demand a major New England electric power project deliver on its promises to the people.

Support Ukraine’s Efforts to Defend Itself From Russian Invasion

Russia has launched an imperialistic invasion of neighboring Ukraine in an attempt to rebuild the Soviet Empire. Ask President Biden to provide more weapons to Ukrainians fighting to defend their homeland.

Success: Bear Who Broke Into Homes for Food Saved From Euthanasia

The bear who broke into multiple California homes has been saved from euthanasia. DNA samples showed that he was not the sole culprit, and it is safe to relocate him to a different part of the forest once captured. Thank the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for investigating, listening to the public demands, and saving Hank the Tank.

Dogs Reportedly Left to Starve in Abandoned House Deserve Justice

Two dogs were allegedly left behind without food or water inside an abandoned home. It was reported that one dog died, and the other animal had lost a massive amount of weight due to starvation. Demand justice for these innocent dogs if it is discovered they suffered because of their owner’s neglect.

Success: Bobcat is Healthy and Safe After Reported Theft

The bobcat that was reportedly stolen from a farm is back safe and sound. The farm itself released video of Blanche the bobcat looking happy as ever. Thank the farm owner who took measures to ensure the safety and security of their animals after the alleged theft.

Don’t Euthanize Bear Named ‘Hank the Tank’ for Destroying Property in Search of Food

A 500-pound bear named Hank the Tank is being threatened with euthanasia because he is breaking into homes for food. The bear has not hurt any humans. Demand that he be relocated safely to a sanctuary and not killed.

Justice for Goldie: Protect Puppies From Deadly Neglect

Puppies and other vulnerable animals are dying due to widespread failures at the federal agency that should be protecting them. One such dog, Goldie, apparently declined right before an inspector’s eyes. Urge legislative leaders to fix deadly loopholes that are killing countless animals.

Blind Dog Apparently Starved and Abandoned in Remote Area Deserves Justice

Two dogs were reportedly denied food or water and then abandoned by their owner. One of the dogs was completely blind, leaving the animal at a huge disadvantage. Demand justice for these animals.

Success: Transport of Monkeys for Experimentation Stopped

The flights that transport macaque monkeys to be used in experiments will be stopped, thanks to public outrage. Kenya Airlines will not be renewing their contract. Thank them for saving so many monkeys from cruelty and death.

Success: Applaud Hate Crimes Verdict in Murder of Black Man

The three men who took Ahmaud Arbery’s life were convicted of federal hate crimes. Support the repudiation of horrific violence driven by racism and prejudice.

Enforce Stronger Security at Animal Shelter After Puppy Was Reportedly Stolen

A 7-week-old puppy was reportedly stolen from an animal shelter just days after undergoing surgery. Thankfully, she was returned and is now safe, healthy, and up for adoption. Demand stronger security at the shelter to ensure nothing like this happens to any other animals.

Stop Stock Trading From Further Corrupting Politics

Politicians who play the stock market end up playing their constituents the most. While they get richer and often violate the law in the process, the voters lose out on impartial, transparent leadership. Demand an end to these blatant conflicts of interest.

Investigate Shelter Where Cats Were Reportedly Found Dead and Bleeding at the Mouth

An animal shelter is accused of maintaining gruesome conditions where cats were found dead or bleeding at the mouth from untreated injuries. Demand the animals be rescued and a full investigation conducted.

Save Reportedly Sick and Dying Guinea Pigs and Rabbits From Breeding Facility

Thousands of guinea pigs and rabbits at a Pennsylvania breeding facility are reportedly suffering and dying. They are allegedly subjected to horrific conditions that give them no chance to live a prosperous and health life. We demand an investigation be opened at this breeding facility and that the animals be saved.

Deploy Mental Health and Homeless Outreach Services Amidst Rising Crime

Crime in New York City is on the rise alongside the number of homeless and mentally ill individuals. Demand the mayor deploy mental health workers, medical professionals, and relevant experts to tackle this growing problem.

Uphold and Defend Olympic Values and Prevent Human Rights Abuses

Abuse and exploitation have become synonymous with the Olympics. The athletes and the people around the world who believe in the stated values of these games deserve better. Urge essential change that protects vulnerable youth and promotes integrity and equality.

Don’t Evict Hundreds of Thousands of People

New York State’s eviction moratorium has ended, leaving 600,000 residents vulnerable to losing their homes. In light of rising homelessness, unemployment, and crime urge lawmakers to reinstate the moratorium and help those at risk.

Stop Killing Monkeys to Make Elon Musk’s Brain Chips

Elon Musk says monkeys have died to develop his new brain chips. They endure suffering before being “humanely” put down after terminal surgeries. Demand Musk stop killing monkeys.

Dogs Reportedly Starved, Tied to Trees, and Abandoned Deserve Justice

Eight dogs were reportedly starved and neglected in a shocking case of animal cruelty. One dog named Thrax had to have her leg amputated after a leash reportedly wound too tightly around it while she was tied to a tree. Demand justice for these innocent animals.

Stop Banning Books in Texas

Censorship is alive and well in Texas schools, leaving students ill-prepared to think about and deal with the real world. Urge leaders to stop banning books for their political agendas.

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