Target: Janet Coit, Assistant Administrator of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Goal: Stop vessel strikes to preserve the lives of blue whales.
In the early 1900s, there were about 350,000 blue whales throughout the world. Currently, it is estimated that there are only around 10,000-25,000 left. The use of dangerous vessels and the extreme hunting of this species caused it to dwindle drastically. Boats have a history of ramming into whales, causing them to immediately die and/or become beached ashore. Although blue whale populations have gradually increased through the reduced amount of commercial hunting, strike vessels and boats need to be more careful when surrounded by whales.
When vessel strikes occur, the habitats of whales and other marine life are destroyed. Whales themselves are put at risk if they come in any contact with a large vessel. Blue whales and other whale species have habitats that are in close proximity to important ports and transport lines. Although this is an issue that is difficult to navigate, boats and other vessels should try their best to sail around whale habitats to prioritize their safety because of the importance blue whales have on the ecosystem. They stabilize the biodiversity in nearly every ocean outside of the Arctic Ocean, so their impact is extensive.
Blue whales are an essential marine species that is endangered, and with the increased rate of vessel strikes occurring, they’ll soon be extinct. This cannot go on any longer. Sign below and demand the safety of blue whales be prioritized by preventing boats and vessels from entering their habitats.
Dear Assistant Administrator Coit,
Blue whales serve as great predators and stabilize the biodiversity within the ocean. Without them, the food chain would be compromised and all marine life would suffer. Unfortunately, they’re currently at risk of extinction because of vessel strikes and habitat destruction. Ports and shipping routes often enter their habitats, leaving behind severe destruction and putting their lives at risk. Boats and vessels need to be more courteous towards the habitats of marine life in order to promote their safety.
While blue whale populations are slowly increasing, it’s going to be next to impossible to bring their populations back to what they once were pre-commercial fishing times. Vessels have a difficult time preventing the striking of whales, and this can be easily changed. Trading is an important aspect within our world, but the lives of these vital animals are too. To create a fair compromise, vessels should slightly change their routes in order to stay out of whale habitats.
Please promote changes to shipping routes that prioritize the lives of whales and other marine life. Boats crash into these majestic animals, ending their lives and causing more concern towards their endangerment. Alter shipping routes that directly impact the lives of blue whales. Thank you for your attention to this message.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: Pxfuel
Stop vessel strikes … sink ships!!!!!
Yes, I say this tongue and cheek yet it does have a bit of merit. If there are no cameras on board ALL ships then they must stay in port. Period.
The blue whale is magnificent where as ships … not so much. Cameras need to be required as crews can’t be trusted and saving our ocean mammals is not negotiable!!! Corporations are destroying all our oceans for a buck. The only way to stop this is by every country joining this combined effort.