Cattle held on ranches not only are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, but they often are forced to live short and painful lives. Demand a stop to this inhumane and environmentally destructive business.
A massive amount of whole and partial food ends up in the landfill because people find it undesirable. Feeding these perfectly healthy scraps to livestock is one way to put this food to use. Demand leaders make moves towards zero waste.
Factory farming is a major cause of climate change and environmental pollution. Demand Big Agriculture clean up their act and stop the destruction of our natural world.
A woman apparently hunted and skinned a husky puppy and claimed she thought it was a wolf. Demand an end to wolf hunting and punishment for this disgusting act.
Fast-fashion is responsible for dumping tens of thousands of tons of toxic dyes into international waterways and the release of significant amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Demand stricter regulations to reduce the environmental impact of mass manufacturing methods.
A major hurricane is once again threatening lives and livelihoods. Leaders of the state in the most imminent danger are doing nothing to rectify the root causes of these dangerous disasters. Urge real and immediate action on climate change.
A natural gas pipeline has threatened Indigenous territories and an abundant array of aquatic animals. The company in charge of this operation has reportedly polluted waterways with no remorse. Demand they be held accountable and that they work towards reducing their environmental impact.
Starbucks uses 8,000 single-use paper coffee cups every minute, most of which end up in landfills due to their plastic coating. Demand Starbucks stop fueling the destruction of our natural environment.
Bottle litter plagues the landscapes and waterways of Virginia. Support a container deposit system to curb plastic waste and protect natural ecosystems.
A flood exacerbated by the effects of global warming killed at least three people and countless animals. Rescue efforts are underway, but they cannot provide the necessary resources to save the thousands of animals affected by the damage. Demand the U.S. contribute to recovery and rescue projects to make up for their role in this natural disaster.
A greenlighted nuclear power plant could kill 500 million fish, upend marine ecosystems, and cause a wide-scale environmental disaster with decades-long repercussions. Demand leaders rethink their reckless decision.
West coast fishers are small, carnivorous mammals that are facing extinction because the government refuses to protect them. Demand these fascinating little mammals receive the protections they deserve.
People are slaughtering innocent sea lions in the name of fish conservation. Sea lions, however, are not the cause of dwindling fish populations – humans are. Demand an end to this cruelty.
Animal-tracking tags have long been used to better understand the behaviors of endangered species. However, the lack of public tracking data makes it difficult for conservationists to communicate and strategize. Demand all animal trackers be required to enter basic information into an accessible, online database to preserve animals.
There are only 350 North American right whales left in the world and if fishermen get their way, this rare species may not survive much longer. We must save these whales before it’s too late.
The Colorado River and its critical water supply is quickly vanishing due to climate change and mismanagement. Demand leaders stop arguing and start working on a productive rescue plan.
Concerningly high levels of water pollution, mostly due to runoff from nearby cattle ranches, is harming protected shorelines. Demand the development and implementation of a strategy to better regulate farm waste.
A massive logging project is threatening the fragile Yellowstone grizzly bear population. Demand an end to this environmentally destructive project.
Millions of lives are at stake as mass flooding, heatwaves, and dangerous weather patterns caused by climate change damage communities across the globe. Powerful countries, including the US, contributed most to this global warming crisis. Demand the US repair damage it caused and fund international relief.
The rapidly melting Doomsday Glacier could cause catastrophic flooding across the globe. Demand leaders address the climate crisis before it’s too late.
Each year millions of wolves, bears, coyotes, and other wild animals are killed by a government-funded agency. To make matters worse, many of these animals are trapped and poisoned with cyanide bombs, leading to slow, painful deaths. Help ban inhumane cyanide traps for good.
Bats are vital to American ecosystems, and yet they are flushed out of their natural habitats at an alarmingly high rate. While many end up roosting in manmade structures, there are no rules or regulations protecting them during eviction procedures and bats are often injured or stressed in the process. Demand more suitable alternative roosting sites to keep bats safe during hibernation and pup birth.
Sources have estimated that more than 1 million species are currently at the risk of extinction, with thousands of others threatened by continuous human activity. Now, the world’s top representatives are convening to take action. Demand they work together to preserve our world’s biodiversity–and fast.
Whales are being coerced into tiny cages and implanted with electrodes by the US Navy. These conditions are extremely stressful for the animals and have failed to produce meaningful data. Demand an end to this cruel research endeavor.
Electric bikes with bike sharing programs are a cost-effective way to reduce environmental impact. They are also much more accessible and better for the environment than electric cars. Demand that US invest in programs that promote and support these programs.