Animal Welfare

Justice for Dog Apparently Punched and Kicked on Video

A caretaker was apparently captured on video kicking and punching his defenseless dog. Demand justice for this innocent animal.

Punish Person Who Left Chihuahua for Dead

A small dog was abandoned in such terrible shape that the animal had to be euthanized. Demand justice for the victim of this heinous crime.

Stop Elon Musk’s Company From Mutilating Monkey Brains

Elon Musk’s neurotechnology company reportedly cut open lab monkeys’ skulls, resulting in their suffering and death. This animal cruelty cannot go unpunished. Demand a full investigation and accountability in this disturbing case.

Success: Cruelty-Free Meat Alternatives Promoted by Major Food Agency

Lab-grown meat could save countless animals from slaughter while also appeasing those who eat meat. Applaud the move that made this promising process one step closer to reality.

Capture Person Who Viciously Killed and Skinned Dog

A dog was killed and then skinned close to the scene of a high-profile multiple homicide. Whether the crimes were related or not, this innocent animal deserves justice. Demand authorities pursue this case to the fullest extent.

Turkeys Reportedly Stomped and Beaten to Death on Video Deserve Justice

A farm stands accused of stomping, clubbing, and beating turkeys to death in the most inhumane ways imaginable. Demand a full investigation into these reported brutal practices.

300 Dogs Subjected to Apparent Neglect and Abandonment By Authorities Deserve Justice

Three-hundred dogs reportedly faced abuse at the hands of a dog breeder. There are also accusations that authorities knew of this alleged abuse and covered it up. Demand justice and accountability in this disturbing case.

Stop Neglect From Taking More Innocent Animal Lives

Neglect harms and kills untold numbers of at-risk animals every year. Urge national leaders to tackle this hidden epidemic of cruelty.

Stop Stealing Animals From the Wild for Zoos

Imagine running free in the wild, when all of a sudden you are captured and thrown in an enclosure for humans to stare at you. This is the fate of countless zoo animals. Demand a more humane approach from zoos.

Punish Veterinarian Reportedly Caught on Video Beating and Choking Dog

A veterinarian has been apparently caught on video beating and choking his pet dog. Demand prosecutors take this case seriously and seek the maximum penalty.

Kitten Reportedly Thrown Into Burning Fire Pit Deserves Justice

A newborn kitten apparently had his young life violently ended at the hands of his caretaker. The poor animal reportedly suffered agonizing burns and nerve damage before passing away. Demand justice in this horrific case.

Dog Reportedly Stabbed Three Times by Man in Fit of Rage Deserves Justice

A man reportedly stabbed his husky three times out of anger. Demand justice for this poor animal.

Stop Ripping Feathers Out of Live Birds to Make Down Jackets

Ducks and geese endure agony as their feathers are ripped off to make “real down” for high-end winter wear. Tell global luxury brand Canada Goose to commit to using only recycled down.

Stop Confining Pigs in Tiny Metal Torture Cages

Mother pigs on factory farms are confined in torturous cages that are too small for them to even turn around. Help end the use of these cruel “gestation crates.”

Stop Paying Roadside Zoos to Abuse Wildlife

Animals at roadside zoos are kept in tiny, isolated and filthy cages and yet some governments are encouraging this business. Demand an end to roadside zoos.

Justice for Bird Whose Neck Was Reportedly Snapped for Revenge

A woman is accused of breaking a pet bird’s neck in a fit of rage after arguing with her roommate. Demand justice for this defenseless animal.

Stop the Dolphin Slaughter at Mirage Hotel and Casino

Three bottlenose dolphins have died at the Mirage Hotel and Casino within six months. Demand the casino close this exhibit permanently and allow the remaining dolphins to be rescued.

Save Pets From Being Lost During Natural Disasters

Record-breaking flooding and hurricanes driven by climate change are leading to more lost pets every year. Demand microchips be mandated for all pets.

Stop Shelter From Reportedly Letting Kittens Die Slow, Painful Deaths

An animal shelter has been accused of letting dogs and cats suffer without compassionate care in order to save money. At least one kitten reportedly died an agonizing death as a result. Demand this shelter be investigated for animal cruelty and shut down if these accusations are found true.

Stop Letting Thousands of Farm Animals Drown to Death

Millions of animals die each year on the way to slaughterhouses. Thousands of these deaths are the result of catastrophic transport failures, including the sinking of cargo vessels. Demand the U.S. ban the export of live animals within its borders.

Stop Exposing Rabbits and Other Animals to Convulsion-Inducing Tests

Animals like rabbits, mice, birds, and fish are still facing unnecessary chemical testing in California. Demand all animals receive protections, not just those we deem worthy.

Stop Overcrowded Shelters From Killing Adoptable Dogs and Cats

Dogs and cats are being surrendered to shelters at unprecedented levels, leading to countless animals being euthanized due to overcrowding. Demand more funding to shelters in order to stop the killing.

Success: Undercover Activists Encouraged to Expose Animal Abuse

Animal welfare activists have long sustained legal punishments for conducting undercover investigations of potentially abusive farms, breeding facilities, and more. Fortunately, one state has chosen to protect these investigators as they expose the truth. Thank Iowa for prioritizing animal, consumer, and worker welfare over the greed of large, abusive corporations.

Stop Reportedly Gassing Chinchillas to Death for High Fashion

Chinchillas are reportedly subjected to horrific conditions for the purpose of farming their fur. These poor, sensitive animals are apparently forced to live in unlit, filthy cages, while females are repeatedly bred to sustain the demand. Then they are seemingly killed by having their necks broken or are gassed in pressure cookers. Demand Romania ban fur farms countrywide.

Protect Humans and Pets From Domestic Abusers

Domestic abusers often target their partner’s pets for further abuse. Demand protection for both human and animal victims of domestic abuse.

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