A helpless pit bull named Romeo was reportedly found dangling from a fifth-floor banister, a victim of apparent animal abuse. Demand action against the culprit allegedly responsible for this act of cruelty.
A mother dog was reportedly mercilessly dragged to her death, leaving behind grieving puppies. Sign the petition for justice and stronger animal protection laws.
Two former University of Buffalo football players face animal cruelty charges for allegedly beating a dog. Demand justice and accountability for their reported actions now.
A woman is accused of hoarding cats in an apartment, eventually leaving them to die. Demand justice in this alleged case of horrifying animal cruelty.
A Siberian Husky was found with a 28-inch chain wrapped around his neck, which caused an abscess in his skin. He had to undergo surgery and treatment to restore his health. Demand justice for this dog.
A young boy allegedly threw a puppy into a river, showcasing appalling cruelty. Demand justice for the innocent puppy and stronger animal protection measures.
A dog was apparently shot multiple times and finally killed as he fled for his life. Call for justice in what seems to be a deliberate act of deadly cruelty.
Two dogs were reportedly left to suffer and die unattended for six months. Take immediate action against the accused for this alleged horrific act of animal cruelty.
146 dogs were found dead after having been allegedly neglected at the residence of an animal rescuer. Take action to ensure accountability and stronger animal protection measures.
Horses on route to a temple in India were reportedly forced to smoke weed by those meant to care for them during the journey. Demand justice for this shocking act of apparent animal cruelty.
Zander, a helpless terrier, was reportedly stabbed in the throat in cold blood in a shocking act of animal cruelty. Demand justice for Zander.
Three horses were reportedly starved and deprived of sufficient water over a period of three grueling years. Demand prosecution of this case and accountability for animal cruelty.
A chicken farm is accused of allowing birds to be callously run over and crushed to death, all as “part of the job.” Sign the petition demanding accountability and immediate action against these alleged atrocities.
A dog nearly lost his life after reportedly being thrown out of his owners’ car and hit by another. Demand justice for Morti by encouraging the investigation and prosecution of his alleged perpetrators.
A dog tragically died from apparent starvation and a pig nearly met the same fate after they were allegedly abandoned by their caretaker. Demand the punishment fit the reported crime.
A 15-year-old girl faces animal cruelty charges after allegedly throwing a cat out of a moving car and off a bridge. Demand justice for this reported appalling act of cruelty now.
A man is accused of cutting paws and legs off six puppies. Two of the mutilated animals died from this apparent attack. Demand prosecutors seek the maximum penalty in this case.
A man allegedly brutally thrashed and threw dogs from the roof of his house. This is reportedly part of a disturbing pattern of animal cruelty for this individual. Demand a full investigation so that these apparently reprehensible acts can be rectified in court.
The reported cold-blooded killing of a kitten by a nurse in Bali has sparked outrage. Demand justice for this apparent act of sadistic animal cruelty.
A man who reportedly dragged a dog to death behind a truck has been identified and is soon to be charged with animal cruelty. Thank Florida’s law enforcement for bringing justice to this poor animal.
A woman allegedly threw a pigeon to its death. Sign the petition demanding justice and punishment for this alleged act of animal cruelty.
A dog was allegedly kicked violently and hung from his leash by the very person who should have taken care of him. Demand a punishment be sought befitting the reported crime.
A video of a cat trapped inside of a blender circulated on Twitter and caused widespread outrage. It is far from the only video to display such devastating animal cruelty. Take immediate action to combat the dissemination of violent content and strengthen moderation practices.
A dog’s head was allegedly cut multiple times with a machete in an attempt to spell the word “Hi.” Demand the person arrested in connection with this horrific crime be punished if found guilty.
A dog appears to have been brutally killed by a man for eating his daughter’s food. Demand justice in this case, and enact stricter animal cruelty laws.