Cat Apparently Stuffed in Trash Bag and Slammed on Ground Deserves Justice

Target: Mike Gmoser, Butler County Prosecutor, Pennsylvania, USA

Goal: Ensure the individual accused of stuffing a cat in a trash bag and slamming it on the ground faces full legal consequences.

A chilling incident recorded at the Indian Springs Apartment Complex in Hamilton revealed a heinous act of cruelty that shook the community to its core. Disturbing footage captured a man appearing to ensnare an innocent cat, only to confine it within a stark white trash bag. What appeared to follow was a gut-wrenching scene: the bag, with the cat inside, was mercilessly slammed against the ground. This report of barbarity wasn’t just a display of violence; it was a stark illustration of the depths of cruelty one can inflict on a defenseless animal.

The aftermath of this appalling act laid bare the consequences of such brutality. The cat, discovered behind the building, bore the scars of the vile treatment it endured – a fractured pelvis and a broken spine, injuries so severe that recovery remained beyond the realm of possibility. This innocent creature’s life, filled with suffering and pain, was concluded with the somber act of euthanasia. The gravity of this offense is magnified by the alleged premeditation and disregard for life, as evidenced by the suspect’s apparent actions, meticulously captured by the vigilant eyes of surveillance cameras.

This heart-wrenching incident demands more than just a fleeting glance or a momentary expression of sympathy. It necessitates immediate, decisive action. The person accused of this reprehensible act must face the full force of the law, ensuring that justice is not just served but seen to be served. Take swift and resolute action, ensuring that the individual responsible is held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.


Dear Mike Gmoser,

The community of Butler County was recently shaken by an act of cruelty so vile that it has left an indelible mark on the hearts of all who bear witness. A defenseless cat was apparently subjected to unspeakable torment: trapped in a trash bag, violently slammed against the ground, and left with injuries so severe that its only escape was through euthanasia. This wasn’t merely an act of violence; it was a declaration of disdain for life and empathy, a challenge to the values we hold dear as a society.

This reported act, captured in stark detail by surveillance, has not only caused irreparable harm to an innocent animal but has also cast a shadow over our community, stirring a deep and resounding call for justice. The individual accused of this cruelty has not just broken legal statutes but has fractured the moral foundation upon which our community stands. It is imperative, therefore, that this case be pursued with the utmost rigor and determination, ensuring that the full weight of the law is brought to bear upon the perpetrator.

I, along with the community of Butler County and advocates for justice everywhere, implore you to act decisively. We urge you to use every resource at your disposal to ensure that this case is not relegated to the annals of forgotten atrocities but stands as a testament to our collective resolve to protect the vulnerable and uphold justice. Let this moment be a turning point, a clear and unequivocal statement that cruelty, in any form, shall not find safe harbor in our midst.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pete Markham


  1. Elizabeth Fine says:

    Am I getting this correct?
    It was a kitten that he tortured, and not a cat as the petition stated?
    Even more vile and disgusting.
    Feed him to the sharks.

  2. This evil POS needs to be tortured … then EXECUTED on live TV

    • I like the idea about showing his execution on live TV. Maybe animal abusers will think twice before torturing animals. An eye for an eye. No jail. They have to suffer the same way they did to these poor animals.

  3. Leslie Hansen says:

    Animal abusers need to be punished to the full extent allowed by law and never be allowed to own another animal. There is something wrong with them.

    • Totally agree, the law needs to make the punishment fit the crime. This psycho needs to be caught, anyone who can commit this type of abuse and torture to an innocent animal is a danger to all in society and should be locked up.

  4. Christine Farrell says:

    Please locate, convict and sentence to the fullest extent of the law and never allow him/her to be near or own ANY animal.

    • And how will anyone be able to make sure this POS stays away from animals? There is no way to ensure this.
      This idea sounds fine, on the surface, but there’s no way to keep track of what some bastard like this does.

  5. Jacqueline Adams “ Torture the Sh*t” says:

    Who is this Monster!!
    Make this public to catch this Psychotic POS as this was not his first time.
    Torture the Sh***bag!!


  7. Agree all comments bit do the same to them.

  8. @Vincent Verse, haha, clever pseudonym, however please keep in mind that these tragic and horrific recounts of pure evil are not a joke! Stop using flowery language and overuse of romantic adjectives! Showing minimal respect. It’s sick to read! Your editor should be ashamed. Why did he/she not teach you to write appropriately for the topic? Be aware that people read these petitions, and they judge accordingly. The whole world does. Good journalism is about relaying the correct facts in a clear and concise way, showing the appropriate emotion for the topic.

  9. Carol Pearce says:

    Sic S.O.B. must be jailed and hopefully whipped to death.

  10. This POS needs to be tortured, while stuffed in a bag, & trampled on! This poor little innocent cat didn’t deserve to be tortured! Where were the kitty’s angels that night? So HEARTBREAKING! 💔 I hate this mf & wish his life would be taken in a horrific way so there would be one less POS running around hurting innocent animals! 😡

  11. Dr. Dagmar Görz-Lenzen says:

    Put a bounty on this degenerate brain (scum betrays scum for money…..), catch the gd TERRORIST and throw this lowlife scum into jail, where rather bad men stay, who have to lose nothing, but love and adore animals. They will teach this error of nature his /her one and only lesson……

  12. These people in India they do salvage things to defenseless animals, they should find the evil coward and give him/her the same treatment

  13. Urszula Lund says:

    Death penalty for this psycho! We don’t need psychopaths, sadists and dehumanized human trash on planet Earth!

  14. Mike – this type of cruelty has no place in today’s society! Please make an example of the uneducated POS and put this asshole behind bars! WTF…

  15. Flores Rocky says:

    Time to start applying the same torture and death to all these pieces of subhuman excrement.

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