Young Cat Reportedly Found Lifeless and Decomposing Deserves Justice

Target: Phil Dolby, Commander of the Walsall Local Policing Area (LPA) at West Midlands Police, England

Goal: Conduct a thorough investigation and ensure justice for the young cat subjected to a potentially cruel fate.

The community of Walsall was shaken by a macabre scene. A young moggy, lifeless, was reportedly found suspended from a fence and allegedly left to decay for an extended period. The harrowing image of the animal, adorned with a pink collar, highlights a potential act of malice. These alleged circumstances beckon for a comprehensive probe and justice.

Further disturbing details add to the complexity of the situation. The absence of a microchip obscures the cat’s origins. The timeline of its demise remains a mystery. It’s unknown if the creature faced a cruel fate while alive or if this act was a posthumous display. This ambiguity necessitates a thorough investigation. It’s imperative to unravel the facts, bring clarity to this situation, and ensure such alleged acts of cruelty face proper scrutiny.

The necessity for this petition stems from a collective responsibility to protect the voiceless. Alleged acts of cruelty, especially involving defenseless animals, demand attention and action. The community looks to its leaders to set a precedent. Acts of alleged cruelty should not find refuge in ambiguity. They must face the full weight of justice. Demanding a comprehensive investigation is not just a plea for justice for one young cat but a stand against alleged cruelty in all its forms.


Dear Commander Phil Dolby,

A deeply disturbing incident recently came to light in your jurisdiction. A passer-by reportedly stumbled upon a young cat, lifeless and decomposing, suspended from a fence. The animal, unidentified due to the absence of a microchip, allegedly faced a cruel and undignified end. This act, potentially one of malice, has not only caused distress within the community but also raises grave concerns about animal welfare and safety.

This case demands a comprehensive and detailed investigation. The ambiguity surrounding the cat’s fate – whether it was a victim of a heinous act while alive or subjected to indignity after death – calls for clarity and resolution. The community trusts in your capacity to unearth the truth and ensure that justice prevails. This incident, while isolated, speaks volumes about the treatment of animals and the presence of alleged cruelty in our midst.

We urge you to allocate the necessary resources to this case. Conduct a thorough investigation and take all necessary measures to bring those responsible to justice. This is not only about finding closure for one lost life but also about reinforcing the message that alleged acts of cruelty, in any form, will not be tolerated. Your actions will reflect our collective stand against such acts and reinforce the sanctity of life, human or otherwise.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Jay Woodworth


  1. For a country that prides itself on being civilized and polite you sure aren’t doing anything about the severe and vile animal abuse being reported daily in the UK. If you want to enable animal abusers then just ignore this act, but it’s government enabling and encouraging animal abuse and torture if you do ignore it. You are better than this, do your jobs and find these nasty cowards and punish them.

  2. Mean people suck!

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1230 Signatures

  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Caroline Lockett
  • Rob Rondanini
  • Shayna Schneider
  • Bonnie Svec
  • lisa allarde
  • Eleonora Haas
  • Karin Schmitz
  • Sebastian Gomez Silva
  • Linda Waine
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