
Success: Anti-Puppy Mill Bill Passed

In a critical victory for innocent pets, the California Senate has passed a bill to put a stop to mass breeding and deplorable puppy mills. Support this important and humane decision.

Success: California Set to Ban Commercially-Bred Pets in Pet Stores

Puppy mills and other commercial breeders will no longer be able to supply pet shops in California with cruelly bred and raised animals. This is thanks to a recently passed bill that requires stores only sell animals from shelters and nonprofit rescues. Praise this compassionate decision, which will likely save the lives of countless animals and prevent cruelty.

Success: Trump Forced to Denounce Hate Groups

Both parties of the House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution that requires Trump to condemn hate groups and for the Attorney General to investigate these acts of violence. Sign this petition thanking Representative Connelly and the members of Congress for making this a priority.

Success: Fox News Host Out After Alleged Sexual Misconduct

After public outcry, and even a petition here on ForceChange, a Fox News commentator has been taken off the air due to alleged sexual misconduct. Thank Fox News for taking sexual harassment in the workplace seriously.

Success: Single Payer Healthcare System Gains Huge Support

A single payer healthcare system is gaining more congressional support than ever before and is set to be introduced in the coming weeks. California Senator Kamal Harris has declared that she will co-sponsor the bill with Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Sign this petition and thank Senator Harris for her bold support of this controversial plan.

Success: Immigrants Allowed to Re-Apply for Visas

The Department of Justice is making the reversal of President Trump’s travel ban official by alerting hundreds of immigrants that they can now re-apply for their visas. These immigrants have been barred from America since January. Sign this petition to thank the department for allowing them to return.

Success: Law Punishing Sanctuary Cities Blocked in Texas

An unconstitutional ban on sanctuary cities in Texas was blocked by a court ruling. Support this upholding of human rights and America’s constitution.

Success: Protestors Will Remain Protected from Motorists

A bill that would have legalized motorists running over protestors has lost steam and is set to fail in North Carolina. Applaud that murder won’t be legalized and social justice will continue.

Success: Transgender Military Ban Frozen

U.S. President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender troops has been frozen, but there’s still more work to do. Sign this petition to welcome the freeze and demand the ban be totally scrapped.

Success: Coach Accused of Forcing Cheerleaders into Splits Fired

The cheer coach who has been accused of emotionally and physically abusing his young team of cheerleaders has been fired. Thank the school district’s superintendent for protecting his students.

Success: Nepal Criminalizes Forcing Women into Isolated “Menstruation Huts”

The cruel practice of banishing women from their homes during menstruation and forcing them into isolated huts has been criminalized by a new law in Nepal. Support this move to protect the rights and lives of Nepali women.

Success: Google Employee Behind Sexist Memo Fired

The Google employee who penned a discriminatory and sexist memo was fired. Support this decision to combat sexism in the workplace.

Success: Law Requires Harsher Penalties for Animal Abusers

More animals will be protected from horrific cruelty, thanks to a new state law enforcing stricter punishments for animal abusers. Applaud this major victory for animal welfare.

Stop Inhumane Elephant Rides

An elephant who was forced to give rides to tourists was shot and killed after he attacked his handler. Attacks such as this are not uncommon and are the result of the abuse elephants endure as part of this cruel industry. Sign this petition to call for a ban on all elephant rides in Africa.

Success: Harsh and Unreasonable Abortion Laws Blocked by Judge

Four unjust abortion restrictions have been blocked by a judge in Arkansas. Support this victory for the human rights of women.

Success: Obamacare Lives

Obamacare has been saved by a trio of Republican senators voting against its repeal. This important landmark of Obama’s term has been invaluable to millions of Americans for years and was in severe danger, but we can rest easy for a moment knowing it is safe. Sign this petition to thank Senator Susan Collins for voting against the repeal.

Success: Harming Bulls for Bullfighting Prohibited in Spain’s Balearic Islands

Spain’s Balearic Islands have passed a law that prohibits harming or killing bulls during a bullfight. Support this push in the right direction toward ending this inhumane practice.

Success: Anti-Horse Slaughter Amendment Passed

Horses in America will be protected from inhumane export and brutal slaughter for human consumption with the passing of new legislation. Sign below to support this move to protect these innocent animals.

Success: Animal Protection Law Will Help Stop Heat-Related Dog Deaths

Dogs finally have protection from heat-related deaths thanks to a new law in Pennsylvania. Too many animals die from being left in hot cars or tied to posts on hot days, but this law will help prevent future tragedies. Applaud the decision to offer stronger protection for dogs.

Success: New York Approves High-Tech Methods to Stop Animal Fighting

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has legalized the use of wiretaps and surveillance video in capturing those involved in animal fighting rings. Sign this petition to praise New York for this decision.

Success: Laptop Ban Lifted on Flights from Middle East to U.S.

The controversial electronics ban on U.S.-Middle East flights has finally been lifted. Support the decision to lift the ban.

Success: Serial Cat Killer Given Maximum Punishment

A man who has pleaded guilty to torturing and killing over a dozen cats will now spend the next 16 years behind bars following a judge’s sentencing. Sign this petition to express your gratitude that justice has been finally been served for the cats of San Jose.

Success: Maximum Penalty Sought for Albatross Killer

A young man who plead no contest to charges that he helped butcher and slay over a dozen protected albatrosses could now face the maximum possible penalty for his crimes during his upcoming sentencing. Far too often, cases of animal abuse are ignored or given leniency in the justice system. Sign this petition to voice your support for the prosecutor’s actions in this case.

Success: Ireland Bans Destructive and Harmful Fracking

Fracking, a practice that causes man-made earthquakes, pollutes waterways, and harms ecosystems has been banned in Ireland. Thank the Irish government for taking a stand in favor of its country’s environment.

Success: Alliance Formed to Combat Sexism in Advertising

U.N. Women and several big companies have joined together to form an alliance against sexism in advertising. This is a big step for the advertising world, which has continued to rely on gender stereotypes and hypersexualization for years. Sign this petition to thank the Unstereotype Alliance for tackling this issue.

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