The United States has reteamed with the world in a collective and unified effort to end the threat of climate change. Applaud President Biden’s commitment to cut carbon emissions that endanger the entire planet.
A full-on war is being waged against the Asian giant hornets, also known as murder hornets. These invasive killers can mercilessly decapitate entire colonies of honeybees in a matter of hours. Applaud the dedicated efforts of those who are vigilantly working to protect the defenseless bees.
President Trump has been impeached for a second time after inciting a mob to overtake the chambers of Congress with deadly violence. Support this essential safeguarding of American democracy.
Assault rifles and other deadly weapons will be removed from Canadian streets, allowing citizens to rest easy. These weapons will no longer be available for madmen to use against innocent people in the deadly mass shootings that ravage our communities. Thank the Prime Minister of Canada for prohibiting them.
Whitebark pine trees are the guardians of nature’s high mountain environments but they are being decimated by climate change. Sign this petition to protect these incredibly special trees from destruction.
Coral reefs in the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea that have been decimated by climate change and other human destruction will be granted critical habitat protections. Thank the advocates who helped give some of nature’s most beautiful artifacts a shot at survival.
After a long battle, Mexico has officially banned the use of Roundup and is phasing out all usage of it by 2024. This is a huge victory for environmental rights in Mexico! Sign the petition to thank the government for taking this important step.
The endangered Joshua Tree has finally earned protected status in an environmental success. Climate change hit Joshua trees and other endangered plants especially hard, with habitat loss worsening the crisis. Applaud recent steps taken to ensure the survival of these beloved plants.
Peru’s government has announced that all violent attacks on pro-democracy protesters will cease and those responsible for the brutality will be investigated. Thank Peru’s president for making this wise and humane decision.
After widespread protests against the intent to criminalize the recording of police brutality, the president of France has withdrawn his support for this violation of rights. Congratulate him for his decision to listen to the demands and concerns of his people.
Extensive charges of tragic violence and abuse committed against refugees by European border forces are now under independent investigation. Thank the European Ombudsman for her decision to stop these alleged abuses and combat the erosion of human rights.
An accused sexual predator has been removed from office as Haiti’s top soccer official, ending a decades-long reign during which numerous young women were alleged to have been exploited and silenced. Praise the decision to prevent this potentially dangerous man from doing further harm to young people.
Same-sex marriage will be protected in the state of Nevada, regardless of what the conservative U.S. Supreme Court may one day rule. Thank the state’s activists for relentlessly working toward this goal.
An urgent armed conflict that may have claimed thousands of lives is finally drawing to a close. Support the cease-fire that could mark a new beginning for the people of Armenia and Azerbaijan,
A man who beat his dog until she suffered a broken skull and then stabbed her to death has been convicted of animal cruelty. He could receive a sentence of up to three years in prison. Applaud the justice delivered in this tragic case.
Libya’s decade-old war has finally been brought to a close with the signing of a permanent historic ceasefire agreement. Libyans will soon be able to return to peace and progress with the cessation of hostilities. Praise the work of the negotiators in bringing about this long-awaited peace agreement.
Facebook has taken decisive action against a rapidly growing provocateur of hateful propaganda and violence. Legions of QAnon manipulators will now be left without a home base for their dangerous disinformation campaigns. Support Facebook’s full-on ban of this defamatory agent of chaos.
The National Football League has successfully reversed its archaic policy punishing players for taking a knee against racial injustice. They are no longer penalizing athletes for kneeling during the national anthem and are in fact supporting this peaceful protest and other appeals for racial equality. Applaud this win for free speech and grassroots activism.
A threatened bird species will not be stripped of protection in the state of Arizona, defying powerful interests that would happily see this animal go extinct. Praise this sound and compassionate decision to protect the yellow-billed cuckoo.
Nonviolent offenders who valiantly fought wildfires will now be able to get training to become professional firefighters when they are released. Thank California lawmakers for pushing for this legislation to bolster the firefighting force and rehabilitate people who have been in prison.
The Mayor of Louisville, Kentucky agreed to pay the family of Breonna Taylor a $12 million settlement and institute changes within the police force. Sign below to thank Mayor Fisher for taking positive steps toward bringing justice to Breonna Taylor.
Russia and Germany will collaborate in the investigation of the poisoning of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, signaling a welcome opportunity to learn the truth behind an event eerily similar to attacks on numerous other Russian opposition figures. Congratulate the German Justice Ministry’s good sense in allowing this cooperation.
Twelve suspects who reportedly made millions from the illegal trafficking and killing of sharks and endangered marine life for their valuable fins and bladders are now facing charges, thanks to the efforts of federal authorities. Applaud the demise of an alleged mass trafficking enterprise.
Poland has announced massive investment in green and sustainable energy, signaling a faster move away from coal which has been both the country’s main source of power and a perpetual stain on the environment. Congratulate the Polish government for this sensible decision.
Criminalizing marijuana has caused more harm than it ever accomplished for the good. Non-violent offenders have sat in jail for years, sometimes decades, and countless individuals have suffered in pain without this medically beneficial recourse. Applaud promising strides made in ending this senseless misfire within the justice system.