
Success: Protection for Migratory Birds Restored

Ex-president Trump removed the laws protecting migratory birds in the United States. President Biden has reinstated these vital environmental protection laws and honored the 1916 treaty between Canada and the US. Thank the Biden administration for their dedication to conservation.

Success: Leaders Unite Behind Clean and Safe Water

Tainted drinking water and dangerously unregulated wastewater have harmed public health in communities countrywide. United support from Congressional leaders could soon change these fortunes for the better. Applaud needed investments in America’s water infrastructure.

Success: Police Chief Resigns After Death of Daunte Wright

A police chief who defended tear gassing peaceful protesters and who minimized the tragic death of 20-year-old Daunte Wright has resigned in the face of public pressure. Celebrate this successful removal of a cop who has no place as a public servant.

Success: Police Force Commits to Preventing Abuse of Power

The Lethbridge police force faced serious allegations of abuse of power. However, thanks to the tireless efforts of their chief, they have come forth with an action plan to rectify their mistakes. Praise those who have taken steps to move forward in the right direction.

Success: City Bans Herbicide That Kills People and Environment

The toxic herbicide glyphosate has been banned from one Canadian city, preserving the health of both people and the environment. Praise those who are making these changes and saving our future.

Success: Chauvin Found Guilty of All Charges in Death of George Floyd

The death of George Floyd stirred America and the world. A guilty verdict against his accused killer, Derek Chauvin, has brought some measure of justice. Applaud the vigilant prosecution of this explosive case.

Stop Greedy Corporation From Plundering Spectacular Sierra Nevada Mountains

A greedy corporation is planning to build an open pit gold mine in California’s spectacular Sierra Nevada mountains. This unbelievably scenic location is also home to countless natural and cultural wonders. Sign this petition to demand a stop to this environmentally destructive and culturally insensitive plan.

Success: Major Biden Gets Another Chance After Biting Incident

President Biden’s dog Major was involved in two biting incidents that threatened his safety. Now, training sessions are to be held in Washington to correct Major’s behavior. Sign this petition to thank the Bidens for giving their dog another chance.

Success: Rights of All American Students Affirmed

Predators who manipulate and exploit America’s education system could finally face a day of reckoning. Applaud essential progress made in the fight against education fraud, harassment, and discrimination.

Success: Action Taken to Save Infants From Harmful Foods

Infants are exposed to poisoned and improperly labeled baby foods due to a lack of regulation. Thanks to proposed legislation, this concern can be a thing of the past. Sign this petition to applaud the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021.

Success: Canadian Rockies Temporarily Safe From Coal Mining Devastation

The Rocky Mountains are safe from coal mining exploitation for the time being. Thank the people responsible for temporarily halting unsound operations, and encourage them to further protect this magnificent mountain range.

Success: Youngest Americans Protected From Poverty and Homelessness

One in six children live in extreme poverty…and these estimates were calculated before the onslaught of a global pandemic. Promising provisions in the newest U.S. rescue plan could help change the narrative in America. Applaud these efforts to end another epidemic plaguing the country.

Success: Vital Protections for Wild Birds Restored

Countless migratory and endangered birds were put at risk by former President Trump. Now, the Biden administration has protected these vulnerable creatures once more. Sign this petition to praise Biden’s actions to defend migrating birds.

Success: Leaders Take Up the Fight for Voting Rights

Voting rights are under constant attack in America. Promising actions taken by the president and Congressional leaders could soon change this troubling narrative. Applaud key wins in the war against voter suppression.

Success: Wolves Potentially Saved From Cruel and Horrific Death Due to Strychnine

The brutal and cruel killing of wolves with strychnine may soon be banned, thanks to Canada’s Health Ministry. Sign this petition to thank those undertaking this important battle and encourage further success.

Success: General Motors Pledges All-Electric Vehicles Fleet

Electric vehicles are now an integral part of the national conversation about climate change. General Motors has pledged to replace its gasoline-powered cars and SUVS with this clean technology. Applaud this important inflection point in the battle against pollution and climate change.

Success: The LGBTQ Community is Protected from Housing Discrimination

Housing is now within reach for millions more Americans thanks to the expansion of anti-discrimination rules protecting LGBTQ individuals and couples. Sign the petition to thank the Biden Administration for standing up for LGBTQ rights.

Success: Construction of Trump’s Border Wall Comes to a Screaming Halt

Construction on the border wall between Mexico and the U.S. has been put to a stop. Now plans for restoration are in the works. Sign this petition to applaud Biden for heeding the call to stop this treacherous project from seeing completion.

Success: Biden Pulls U.S. Support From War in Yemen

The U.S. will no longer be providing offensive support to Saudi Arabia, including related weapons’ sales. This is a major victory for humanitarian efforts, as the Saudi-led conflict in Yemen has led to one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. Applaud Biden for honoring the will of the people to withdraw from this treacherous war.

Success: Permit for Cancer Causing Plastics Factory Suspended

The development of a toxic plastic factory has been put on hold, thanks to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This project would have disturbed wetlands and unmarked graves of formerly enslaved people as well as furthered the environmental impact of polluting plastics. Sign this petition to praise this success.

Success: City Reservoir & Drinking Water Protected from Fracking

After public outcry and a petition on ForceChange, plans to frack near the LaDue Reservoir have been scrapped. Applaud Akron, OH mayor and city council for putting public health before profit.

Success: Muslim and Transgender Ban Abolished by Biden

Visitors can once again travel to the United States regardless of their faith, and soldiers are no longer being punished for their gender identity. Applaud the reversal of hurtful bans that discriminated against millions of people.

Success: Oil and Gas Drilling Prevented on Federal Lands and Oceans

President Joe Biden has issued an executive order to halt oil and gas leasing on federal lands and oceans. This is a major victory in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the climate and ecological crisis. Sign this petition to applaud Biden for keeping his climate promise.

Success: Biden Suspended Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE

Sales of bombs that might have been dropped on Yemeni civilians have been suspended by the Biden administration. This may be the first step toward pulling U.S. support from the war in Yemen. Sign this petition to applaud Biden and encourage him to terminate the sales completely.

Success: Joe the Pigeon Saved from Death Sentence

Joe the Pigeon, once sentenced to death, has been spared. Thank the Australian government for listening to the public and saving the bird’s life.

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