A rash of suicides recently rocked a naval aircraft carrier. These latest tragedies are part of a troubling trend of mental health crises being ignored in the armed forces. Call on leaders to help save their soldiers from deadly despair.
Politicians across the U.S. are using their power over voting district maps to stack the odds in their favor at the expense of voters. Racial and partisan gerrymandering is out of control. Urge Congress to clean up its act with fair redistricting.
Federal efforts to address the climate crisis are being jeopardized by politicians beholden to the fossil fuel industry. Demand that those in charge take this environmental emergency seriously and ensure funding for necessary programs.
The tires on automobiles could be killing fish and other wildlife on a massive scale. Demand federal investment in tools to combat these environmental threats.
Tsunamis are an under-recognized but deadly threat to coastal communities near and far. Demand more expansive funding for the technologies and warning systems that could stop these disasters from becoming insurmountable crises and tragedies.
After a century and more, lynching has finally been recognized as a federal hate crime. Applaud the decisive condemnation of these horrific murders and the pursuit of justice for victims taken by prejudice-fueled violence.
The food millions of people eat contains dangerous amounts of disease-causing chemicals. Demand action against this hidden threat to our health.
One of the Senate’s most influential members is once again derailing critical climate action with misleading, ill-informed rhetoric. Urge Senator Joe Manchin to cut his ties with fossil fuel special interests for good.
A teenager lost his life after falling from an amusement park ride, and safety violations could have possibly played a role in the tragedy. Demand accountability in this incident and similar cases where recreation turns deadly.
The wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was intimately involved in attempts to overthrow the 2020 election. Demand that Justice Thomas recuse himself from hearing cases relating to the insurrection that his wife supported.
Senator Ted Cruz criticized Supreme Court Judge Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s alleged support of critical race theory. Using a children’s book as evidence, Cruz challenged Judge Jackson’s qualifications on racist and politically motivated grounds. Demand that Cruz immediately apologize for his inappropriate, irrelevant and racist tirade.
A promising tool in the fight against climate change, habitat loss, deforestation, and much more could soon be decommissioned and destroyed. Demand NASA halt its plans to throw away this invaluable environmental aid.
Animals are being cooked and suffocated to death on America’s farms, and these heinous killings are justified as euthanasia. Urge an end to legal torture in the agriculture industry.
Animals are suffering and dying on farms due to inhumane conditions. Yet instead of going after these abuses, the legal system punishes individuals who fight for animal welfare. Demand the law be used to protect animals instead of punishing animal activists.
U.S. women’s soccer won a landmark settlement that will finally secure them equal pay for their talents. Applaud this strike against gender discrimination and this step toward long-needed reform.
The three men who took Ahmaud Arbery’s life were convicted of federal hate crimes. Support the repudiation of horrific violence driven by racism and prejudice.
Many healthcare providers have been taking advantage of patients in crisis with surprise medical bills. These unfair practices can send individuals and families into massive, crushing debt. Applaud the legislative push to end balance billing and other destructive forms of surprise billing.
At least four young women were groomed for sexual abuse by Jeffrey Epstein’s former employee and girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell. Now, this convicted abuser will likely face decades in prison. Applaud the efforts of those who sought justice in this case.
Vehicle emissions, a major contributor to rising greenhouses gasses and climate change, will soon be reduced thanks to a landmark announcement by environmental advocates. Sign the petition to thank them for taking steps towards a cleaner future.
Lead-contaminated and health-hazardous drinking water could soon be a danger of the past. Applaud leaders for taking on a long-standing affront to consumer protection.
America’s infrastructure is about to receive a major boost thanks to continued calls for change. Applaud an investment that will benefit transportation, communication, public health, the environment, and more.
Ahmaud Arbery’s killers have been convicted of murder, along with a series of other charges. This is a landmark case for civil rights. Thank the prosecuting attorney for her amazing work.
Methane and forever chemicals, toxic to the environment and to living beings, will soon be restricted by an environmental agency finally doing its duty. Polluters will no longer have free reign to contaminate air, water, and land with these detrimental substances. Applaud this vital recommitment to environmental protection over special interests.
“Never forget” is the common theme for September 11, but too many families have felt forgotten by a government that owes them honesty. Applaud President Biden’s decision to give them the answers they have long sought regarding the most transformative and tragic day of their lives.
Hard-working students scored another win after the Department of Education reinstated an additional vital protection. The new move will help ensure millions of student loan borrowers enjoy a hassle-free and honest process. Applaud the department’s new leadership for making the right moves for students.