Post Tagged with: "international"

Don’t Let Famine Kill Millions

A three-year drought propelled by the climate crisis has put children and countless communities at risk of starvation and malnutrition in Somalia. Other nations are largely ignoring this impending catastrophe. Demand action to stop the next killer famine.

Dogs Reportedly Found Starving and Emaciated in Feces-Filled Pen Deserve Justice

Two dogs nearly died after they were reportedly found starved, dehydrated, and imprisoned in a tiny enclosure. Two of the people accused in this disturbing case got off with a light sentence. Sign the petition to urge a stronger punishment for the third allegedly involved party if he is found guilty.

Plant Trees on Farms to Fight Climate Crisis

Agroforestry could be a tremendous environmental boon, but officials are seemingly reneging on their investment in this important eco-tool. Demand decisive action that will realize the potential of tree-planting in agriculture.

Rescue Trapped Ukrainian Civilians Facing Starvation, Torture, and Slaughter

The lives of thousands of people hang in the balance in the besieged Ukrainian city of Mariupol. They are trapped, starving, desperate, and the targets of possible genocide. Demand international leaders ramp up efforts to save these innocents from annihilation.

Save Rainforests From Soya Deforestation

Deforestation is devastating the Amazon when a beneficial alternative exists. Demand investment in insect proteins as an environmentally friendly alternative to soya grown by destroying rainforests.

Don’t Deprive Ukrainian Refugees of Fair Work and Family

Ukrainian farm workers are reportedly being underpaid, overworked, and separated from their families in the United Kingdom. Demand better legal protections and employment options for these war-time refugees.

Stop Farmers From Killing Seals With Explosives, Darts, and Lead Shot

Seals are being attacked by salmon farmers with explosives, darts, and lead shot. Demand the government stop the attacks on seals by greedy and inhumane farmers.

Don’t Let Volcano Eruption Cause Food Shortage Crisis

Tonga’s volcano eruption has endangered food supplies and put the well-being of every citizen at risk. Demand the country’s leadership stop refusing essential aid.

Stop Funding Mauling and Killing of Bulls

The European Union is helping pay for the continued slaughter of roughly 250,000 bulls annually. Urge them to cease subsidies of bull-breeding farms immediately.

Don’t Enable Russia’s Censorship

YouTube has become the last man standing in Russia’s war on media and truth. Demand the influential platform resist calls to sever its availability to the Russian people.

Stop Dumping Sewage and Agricultural Waste Into Rivers

Rivers between Wales and England are being polluted every day due to improper sewage disposal and agricultural techniques. Demand an immediate end to this pollution by enforcing stronger security and regulations on farming.

Demand the Removal of Music Video Showing Alleged Sexual Assault

A Marilyn Manson music video with nearly 32 million views allegedly depicts the rape and assault of an actress. Survivors and activists are urging its removal. The voices of survivors must be heard. We demand YouTube’s CEO remove the video permanently.

Don’t Bankrupt Struggling Nation

Inflation and spiraling economic turmoil are threatening the livelihoods of every citizen of Sri Lanka. Call on lending nations to give this struggling population a much-needed break.

Support Marriage Equality and Stop Colonial-Era LGBTQ+ Discrimination

Same-sex couples, long stigmatized in the Caribbean, are once again facing off with a government determined to dictate their private lives. Demand these politicians stop standing in the way of marriage equality.

Stop Unjust Imprisonment of Dissidents and Detainees

Innocent people are being caught in the crossfire between warring nations and authoritarian governments. Demand detained travelers and political dissidents have access to legal aid and appeals.

Send Essential War Jets to Ukraine to Protect Allied Countries

Russia continues to launch unwarranted attacks on Ukraine and they are now approaching the borders of United States’ allies. The Biden administration refuses to help Poland send fighter jets to Ukraine, because they want to prevent a third World War. Demand Biden find a way to help Poland transfer these jets to Ukraine before Russia crosses a dangerous line.

Don’t Abandon Ukraine Animals Amidst Bombings and Starvation

Pets and other animals are the often-forgotten victims of the Ukraine invasion. Demand Europe’s leaders do more to aid and rescue these innocents from slaughter and starvation.

Amazon: Stop Selling Suicide Poison

Despite years of pleas, the world’s top online retailer is still peddling a product that’s potentially associated with several suicides. Grieving family members, and Congress itself, have not moved the needle of action. Help enact the needed change and save lives.

Indict Russian Leaders for War Crimes Against Ukraine

Innocent civilians are being slaughtered by the thousands in Ukraine under the orders of Vladimir Putin. These war crimes being committed by Putin and other Russian leaders must be punished.

Stop Renting Out Endangered Koalas for Parties

Endangered koalas are being rented out for parties, putting profit over care. Urge an end to this exploitation that harms the health and well-being of these special animals.

Ban Animal Abuse on TikTok and Report Suspects to Authorities

Numerous disturbing videos which appear to show pets being abused have been appearing on TikTok. Although the company was told about the issue, they allegedly only removed a couple such clips. Demand all videos that show apparent animal abuse be removed from TikTok and that the company report any suspected animal cruelty to the correct authorities.

Protect Women From Gender-Based Violence and Murder

Women in Mexico protest against gender-based violence at risk to themselves and without the support of their dismissive government. Implore leaders to stop belittling these activists and to fight for instead of against them.

Success: Keystone XL Pipeline Permanently Shut Down

The Keystone XL pipeline has been permanently terminated. After 12 long years of fighting, the environment across North America is safe from the devastating effects of this unnecessary project. Sign this petition to thank the company for finally ending the controversial pipeline.

Success: Police Force Commits to Preventing Abuse of Power

The Lethbridge police force faced serious allegations of abuse of power. However, thanks to the tireless efforts of their chief, they have come forth with an action plan to rectify their mistakes. Praise those who have taken steps to move forward in the right direction.

Success: City Bans Herbicide That Kills People and Environment

The toxic herbicide glyphosate has been banned from one Canadian city, preserving the health of both people and the environment. Praise those who are making these changes and saving our future.

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