Economic woes have only increased in Venezuela since the US imposed sanctions in response to their allegedly corrupt leader and his questionable win in the presidential election. Fortunately, a recent announcement has indicated a possible mending of the two countries’ relationship. Applaud the US’s gesture and the hope it rekindles.
The death of a migrant detainee in the United Kingdom’s Manston detention center sparked an investigation into the facility’s health conditions. Infectious diseases were reportedly spreading like crazy in overcrowded conditions made worse from seemingly lacking medical care for those in custody. Urge the prime minister to stop apparently neglecting migrant detainees and make their health a priority.
The gap in global wealth inequality is becoming an ever-widening chasm, and too many human beings are falling through the cracks. Demand rich nations do their fair share in ending deadly famine and hunger.
The rise of greenhouse gasses has led to some regions receiving financial compensation for their efforts to reduce this environmental poison. Africa is a major player working with polluters but is not paid as equally as others. Demand fair compensation for African nations who are helping to save the planet.
Yellow dragon disease, a deadly bacterium carried in insects, is targeting orange trees around the world. Demand global leaders utilize a natural predator to fight this deadly foe.
Transgender people in Singapore are at risk of being forced to undertake reassignment surgery before they are ready. Many are already losing their safety and legal rights if the gender as which they present does not match their identification. Demand an end to the torture of transgender individuals.
Qatar, the host of World Cup 2022, has been accused of using desperate migrants to construct eight stadiums and tailor the surrounding area for the tournament. It is inhumane to take advantage of struggling people in great need of work. Demand a ban on this apparent use of slave labor to build infrastructure.
Clear alerts for natural disasters save lives, yet a large part of the world lacks these vital aids. Demand more investment in early warnings and disaster preparedness as climate change worsens.
The soon-to-be-host of a major global sporting event stands accused of imprisoning foreigners for payoffs. Call on Qatar to end its alleged wrongful detentions and blackmail attempts.
Tens of thousands of children and other innocent people are dying from a lack of food due to Ethiopia’s civil war. We must take action to save these innocent people from death and suffering.
Another nation has affirmed the right of matrimony to same-sex couples. Applaud the formal legalization of gay marriage throughout Mexico.
Venezuela has been hit hard by poor leadership and the effects of sanctions against corrupt leaders. Their recent changes towards a more stable government and the need to regrow the economy is an opportunity to mend a broken partnership. Demand America take action now to reestablish a working relationship with Venezuela that includes increased humanitarian aid.
Catastrophic flooding claimed thousands of lives and upended the entire economy in Pakistan. For other vulnerable nations, the climate crisis could take an even more punishing toll. Call for meaningful aid to combat the next environmental turned humanitarian disaster.
The natural world is in crisis, and so are the talks that could help save it. An international biodiversity conference could provide a global solution to an extinction-level problem, and yet China’s president may not attend. Demand global leaders start getting serious about protecting Mother Nature.
A massive sports event turned into a massive tragedy after 131 people died at a soccer game. Serious violations and breaches allegedly fueled the deadly crush and stampede. Call for accountability and needed change to protect players and fans.
Fish are finally being recognized as sentient beings who feel pain and fear. This means that dragging them from the water to asphyxiate or cutting them apart can equate to torture. Demand fisheries recognize this reality by adopting more humane practices.
Over twenty children have died and more have suffered in a horrendous mass shooting and stabbing event allegedly perpetrated by an ex-police officer. Unstable adults wielding weapons is a serious world-wide problem that must be addressed. Urge more investment in life-saving mental health support for individuals on the brink.
Ducks and geese endure agony as their feathers are ripped off to make “real down” for high-end winter wear. Tell global luxury brand Canada Goose to commit to using only recycled down.
Over 500 environmental protections, including safeguards for bees, could be struck down within months. Demand a key European region stop gambling with its future and the fate of the planet.
The Mars Cocoa company seemingly continues to support underpaid and child labor in overseas production of their cocoa. Demand the organization act now to use support human rights as well as encourage other national brands to do the same.
Workers at Lululemon factories reportedly face physical harassment, verbal abuse, and grueling long hours. Urge this company to use its role as a leader in the fashion industry to set a better example.
Massive protests have erupted in the wake of an Iranian woman’s death in the custody of the morality police. This woman was reportedly deprived of her freedom, and her life, because of a headscarf. Demand real change to prevent the next tragedy.
Chinchillas are reportedly subjected to horrific conditions for the purpose of farming their fur. These poor, sensitive animals are apparently forced to live in unlit, filthy cages, while females are repeatedly bred to sustain the demand. Then they are seemingly killed by having their necks broken or are gassed in pressure cookers. Demand Romania ban fur farms countrywide.
Deadly diseases and dangerous chronic illnesses have skyrocketed as the planet warms and the quality of the precious resources that sustain life degrades. Demand global health leaders sound an urgent alarm on the looming menace of the climate crisis.
A natural gas pipeline has threatened Indigenous territories and an abundant array of aquatic animals. The company in charge of this operation has reportedly polluted waterways with no remorse. Demand they be held accountable and that they work towards reducing their environmental impact.