
Stop Fishing Industry From Wiping Out Ocean Life

Life in our oceans is dying out. We must stop the greedy over-fishing now.

Stop Unstable Mass Murderers From Victimizing Children

Over twenty children have died and more have suffered in a horrendous mass shooting and stabbing event allegedly perpetrated by an ex-police officer. Unstable adults wielding weapons is a serious world-wide problem that must be addressed. Urge more investment in life-saving mental health support for individuals on the brink.

Save Bees By Planting Flowers in Cities and Towns

Bees are at a risk of endangerment and extinction worldwide. Overdevelopment of land in New Jersey, where they once thrived, has eliminated resources bees rely on to live and reproduce. Demand the state act now to prevent wild bee populations from becoming extinct.

Protect Whales From Death

A total of 230 pilot whales washed up on the shores of an Australian island; the majority dehydrated to death under the hot sun. Scientists cite climate change, habitat loss, and overfishing as the likely causes of this event and warn against future catastrophes of similar scale. Demand we do more to protect our oceans and their animals.

Stop Shooting Alligators in Head and Dragging Them Behind Cars

Dragging alligators behind cars and shooting them with a device that causes a slow and painful death are acceptable practices in Florida. Demand an end to this cruelty.

Replace High Fructose Corn Syrup With Cane Sugar in Pepsi-Cola Products

High-fructose corn syrup is known to cause a number of health issues, more-so than regular sugar. Pepsi-Cola briefly experimented with using real sugar in Pepsi and was met with success. Demand this influential brand embrace this healthier alternative.

Stop Ripping Feathers Out of Live Birds to Make Down Jackets

Ducks and geese endure agony as their feathers are ripped off to make “real down” for high-end winter wear. Tell global luxury brand Canada Goose to commit to using only recycled down.

Save the Bees From Deadly Disease

Over 500 environmental protections, including safeguards for bees, could be struck down within months. Demand a key European region stop gambling with its future and the fate of the planet.

Save Penguins From Death Due to Climate Change

Climate change, caused by greenhouse gas emissions, has killed more than 600 penguins in Brazil. Unfortunately, while this country’s total emissions account for only 1% of the world’s total, its people and wildlife are forced to live with the damage caused by other nations. Demand climate action is taken immediately.

Incentivize Solar Panels to Fight Climate Change

Emissions from fossil fuels are one of the leading contributors to the global climate crisis. While solar panels exist as a renewable alternative, they are not commonly used. Demand solar panels be incentivized to reduce the environmental footprint.

Stop Confining Pigs in Tiny Metal Torture Cages

Mother pigs on factory farms are confined in torturous cages that are too small for them to even turn around. Help end the use of these cruel “gestation crates.”

Stop Paying Roadside Zoos to Abuse Wildlife

Animals at roadside zoos are kept in tiny, isolated and filthy cages and yet some governments are encouraging this business. Demand an end to roadside zoos.

Demand Research Institutions Help Preserve Biodiversity

The welfare of wild animals has long since taken a back seat in the research world. New York University has become one of the first institutions to launch a program that will study the impact of human activity and associated environmental changes on animals. Demand other research universities and institutes implement similar initiatives and dedicate resources to the biodiversity crisis.

Stop Inhumane and Environmentally Destructive Livestock Ranching

Cattle held on ranches not only are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, but they often are forced to live short and painful lives. Demand a stop to this inhumane and environmentally destructive business.

Provide Clean Water to Community Ravaged By Wildfire

A public health crisis is unfolding in a fire and flood-battered Western community. Clean drinking water remains in critically short supply. Call on the leaders apparently partially responsible for this disaster to extend a stronger helping hand.

Prioritize Room for People, Not Cars

There is a severe housing shortage in cities like Philadelphia and cars are part of the problem. Urge leaders to prioritize residential housing over more parking spaces.

Reduce Food Waste By Feeding Livestock Unsellable Scraps

A massive amount of whole and partial food ends up in the landfill because people find it undesirable. Feeding these perfectly healthy scraps to livestock is one way to put this food to use. Demand leaders make moves towards zero waste.

Demand Accountability for Alleged Swindling of Taxpayers and Impoverished Communities

America’s poorest state has allegedly been redirecting support for the poor to the ultra-rich and powerful. Mississippi’s state welfare agency reportedly spent over 90 million dollars of its funds for frivolous vanity projects of wealthy citizens. Urge the state’s leader to stop seemingly protecting his influential friends and to start standing up for his most vulnerable constituents.

Prevent Offshore Wind Turbines From Destroying Fishing Industry

Offshore wind turbines have serious potential to disrupt the local fishing industry, putting legacy fishermen at risk. Demand these turbines undergo strict review to ensure that workers don’t lose their livelihoods in the name of preserving the environment.

Don’t Prioritize Cheap Cocoa Over Human Rights

The Mars Cocoa company seemingly continues to support underpaid and child labor in overseas production of their cocoa. Demand the organization act now to use support human rights as well as encourage other national brands to do the same.

Justice for Bird Whose Neck Was Reportedly Snapped for Revenge

A woman is accused of breaking a pet bird’s neck in a fit of rage after arguing with her roommate. Demand justice for this defenseless animal.

Stop Endangering and Exploiting Workers at Lululemon Factories

Workers at Lululemon factories reportedly face physical harassment, verbal abuse, and grueling long hours. Urge this company to use its role as a leader in the fashion industry to set a better example.

Stop the Dolphin Slaughter at Mirage Hotel and Casino

Three bottlenose dolphins have died at the Mirage Hotel and Casino within six months. Demand the casino close this exhibit permanently and allow the remaining dolphins to be rescued.

Don’t Let Women Die at Hands of Morality Police

Massive protests have erupted in the wake of an Iranian woman’s death in the custody of the morality police. This woman was reportedly deprived of her freedom, and her life, because of a headscarf. Demand real change to prevent the next tragedy.

Success: Rights of Unionizing Workers Supported and Upheld

In the battle between megacorporation Starbucks and its employees, the underdog workers are scoring needed victories with unionization and employee benefits. Applaud these wins for workers’ rights.

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