Stop Cities From Drowning in Toxic Sewage

Target: Thérèse Coffey, Environment Minister of the United Kingdom

Goal: Mitigate pollution spikes in UK rivers due to excessive rainfall.

Recent rainfall in the United Kingdom reached unparalleled levels, notably causing ecological threats to numerous rivers. Data indicated a week of record-breaking precipitation, particularly in Central and East England. An emergent environmental crisis stems from this deluge: a precipitous increase in sewage discharges and contaminant runoff from roads and farms. Within this framework, water companies possess the right to release untreated sewage into rivers if their infrastructure can’t cope with extraordinary downpours.

Rivers Trust analysis revealed a 60% upsurge in average weekly sewage spills across regions served by Thames Water, notably within the last fortnight. Additionally, statistics from River Mole River Watch showed Thames Water’s local jurisdiction experienced 424 hours of sewage spills in merely one week. Such data only account for Thames Water, yet companies in regions like the Midlands, severely battered by the rains, might report even higher discharge rates.

Alarmingly, the leniency accorded to water companies permits such hazardous discharges, imperiling aquatic ecosystems and public health. Demand urgent revisions in water management policies.


Dear Ms Thérèse Coffey,

With utmost urgency, this communique addresses the grave environmental issue unfolding in the United Kingdom’s rivers due to recent extreme weather events. Reports indicate that rivers face a hazardous increase in sewage discharges and contaminant runoff, a consequence of water companies exploiting existing lax regulations.

We, therefore, beseech you to revamp water management protocols posthaste. Resources must be committed for an immediate assessment of the current crisis, identification of the most impacted areas, and development of a strategic action plan for mitigation.

The collective voice of concerned citizens insists that rigorous measures be enacted to safeguard both ecological systems and public health. Failing to act decisively undermines not only the environment, but also the very principles that the United Kingdom aspires to uphold: accountability, transparency, and guardianship over its natural resources.


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Photo credit: Ken Lund

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235 Signatures

  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Vincent L
  • Kathy Harris
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Maria van Geel
  • Fournier Fernande
  • Raphaël PONCE
  • Alice Rim
  • Mary and Roger Stephens
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