
Address Reportedly Horrendous Living Conditions at Residential Property

A property management company has reportedly ignored complaints filed by residents of their newly acquired rent-stabilized building. Egregious conditions, including an abhorrent rat infestation, have allegedly rendered the tenants’ building unlivable. Demand that this company address the needs of their tenants.

Reveal Truth of Devastating and Fatal Oil Spill to Affected Community

An oil spill has killed nearly 2,000 animals and left the community concerned for their welfare. Full details about the extent of the spill are being withheld from those affected. Call on the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to inform the public of all details.

Amazon: Stop Selling Suicide Poison

Despite years of pleas, the world’s top online retailer is still peddling a product that’s potentially associated with several suicides. Grieving family members, and Congress itself, have not moved the needle of action. Help enact the needed change and save lives.

Protect Beluga Whales From Illness and Death at Aquarium

Two beluga whales have died at one Connecticut aquarium in less than a year. Six whales remain, with one being in bad health. Call on the CEO and President of Mystic Aquarium to provide proper care to the beluga whales.

End Sponsorship That Supports Reportedly Abusive Dog Race

Dogs are being put through seemingly extreme abuse in the Iditarod dog race. More than 150 dogs have died. They deserve freedom and safety. Demand an immediate end to a company’s sponsorship of the allegedly abusive dog race.

Indict Russian Leaders for War Crimes Against Ukraine

Innocent civilians are being slaughtered by the thousands in Ukraine under the orders of Vladimir Putin. These war crimes being committed by Putin and other Russian leaders must be punished.

Close Inhumane, For-Profit Migrant Detention Centers

Migrant detention centers previously cited for egregious conditions are still open, despite the reduction of migrant children in need. Demand the immediate closure of the remaining for-profit migration shelters, specifically Fort Bliss in Texas, and the establishment of adequate nonprofit migrant care systems.

Stop Renting Out Endangered Koalas for Parties

Endangered koalas are being rented out for parties, putting profit over care. Urge an end to this exploitation that harms the health and well-being of these special animals.

Demand Resignation of Secretary Who Made Homophobic Comments

Homophobic comments made by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ press secretary have sparked outrage. Her hateful tweets, including one comparing LGBTQ communities to “groomers,” criticized opponents of anti-LGBTQ legislation. Call on Governor DeSantis to fire her.

Ban Animal Abuse on TikTok and Report Suspects to Authorities

Numerous disturbing videos which appear to show pets being abused have been appearing on TikTok. Although the company was told about the issue, they allegedly only removed a couple such clips. Demand all videos that show apparent animal abuse be removed from TikTok and that the company report any suspected animal cruelty to the correct authorities.

Protect Women From Gender-Based Violence and Murder

Women in Mexico protest against gender-based violence at risk to themselves and without the support of their dismissive government. Implore leaders to stop belittling these activists and to fight for instead of against them.

Limit Rent Increases and Protect the Right to Affordable Housing

Excessive, uncapped rent increases have reduced New York City’s affordable housing and increased the population of priced out, vulnerable tenants. Demand essential protections for tenants against abusive landlords.

Small Dog Allegedly Thrown Off High Balcony Deserves Justice

A little pug named Bucky died after the dog was allegedly tossed off a seventh-floor condominium balcony by an angry ex-girlfriend. Demand the accused be held accountable if it is found she killed this sweet dog.

Provide LGBTQ Youth Access to Mental Health Resources

LGBTQ youth no longer have access to suicide prevention resources on The Texas Department of Health and Human Services website. The suicide rate for them is statically higher than for others not in the community and it is extremely dangerous to remove the resources that provide the community with safety and protection. Demand the website provide accurate information for LGBTQ youth suicide prevention hotlines.

Don’t Punish Activists for Rescuing At-Risk Animals

Animals are suffering and dying on farms due to inhumane conditions. Yet instead of going after these abuses, the legal system punishes individuals who fight for animal welfare. Demand the law be used to protect animals instead of punishing animal activists.

Protect the Rights of Trans Youth and Don’t Outlaw Gender Affirming Healthcare

Gender affirming medical procedures now constitute cases of child abuse, under an order from Texas Governor Greg Abbott that calls for inquiries into parents and medical providers associated with them. Demand that legal measures be taken to protect the rights of vulnerable trans youth.

Support and Protect Victims of Domestic Violence and Their Pets

Victims of domestic violence are more likely to stay in dangerous relationships if they have pets, as abusers may use the animal’s welfare as a bargaining chip. One piece of legislation can protect and support those in this situation. Demand funding and legal safeguards that will save many women and their pets from abuse.

Allow LGBTQ Groups to March in St. Patrick’s Day Parade

A St. Patrick’s Day Parade is banning LGBTQ groups from marching, even after nearby Manhattan lifted its ban. No one should be barred from this celebration due to beliefs based in hate and ignorance. Demand the head of the parade committee allow LGBTQ groups to march.

Success: Premier Female Athletes Score Equal Pay Victory

U.S. women’s soccer won a landmark settlement that will finally secure them equal pay for their talents. Applaud this strike against gender discrimination and this step toward long-needed reform.

Prevent Pandemic of Podcast Disinformation

Podcasting platforms have become the latest haven for conspiracy theorists and opportunistic profiteers spreading chaos and division. Meanwhile, real lives are being destroyed by online lies. Demand leaders stop letting these destructive elements stay unleashed.

Ban Apparently Abusive Auction From Veterinarians’ Property

An allegedly abusive animal auction was hosted by two veterinarians. Footage appears to show workers striking multiple different animals at the event. Demand any upcoming auction be banned from the property and that the victims get justice.

Support Puerto Rican Government Workers Demanding Fair Wages

Puerto Rico’s government workers have taken to the streets to demand fair wages. Call on the governor to guarantee higher salaries in the face of an increased cost of living.

Don’t Hit Brakes on Tackling Climate Crisis

The climate crisis is losing priority among America’s leaders, just as the United Nations is sounding another alarm on its future impacts. Call on U.S. leadership to keep clean energy and other climate-friendly actions top-of-mind.

Stop Over-Charging and Concealing Information From Electricity Consumers

An electricity monopoly is raking in money at the expense of consumers, while shrouding its decisions in secrecy. Demand transparency and accountability from companies that provide essential services.

Sledding Dog Reportedly Slammed to the Ground and Stomped on Deserves Justice

A dog at a sledding facility was reportedly abused on video by a current employee. These dogs are allegedly confined to their leashes and are not allowed to run-free. They deserve freedom and humane care. Demand a full investigation and the immediate firing of all employees that are found to be abusing the dogs.

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