Laborers Allegedly Suffering Inhumane Pay at H&M Factories Deserve Justice
Workers are reportedly subjected to wage theft and inhumane hours at garment factories supplying H&M Group. Demand a transparent investigation and corrective action now.
Workers are reportedly subjected to wage theft and inhumane hours at garment factories supplying H&M Group. Demand a transparent investigation and corrective action now.
A 12-year-old dog tragically died due to alleged abuse and neglect by her owner. Ensure a thorough investigation and prosecution to bring justice for this innocent pup.
Facebook is failing to crack down on online child pornography. This shows the need for proactive user safety measures. Demand stringent content regulations now.
A young girl who famously survived a trek in the Amazon jungle is potentially also a survivor of sexual abuse by her stepfather. Demand justice for this child and accountability now.
Power lines get knocked down during tumultuous weather, causing fires and putting communities and ecosystems in harm’s way. Demand power lines be turned off during hazardous weather to stop preventable destruction.
X, formerly Twitter, is enabling the spread of child abuse content online. Call for real change now.
The worldwide mental health crisis is crippling the quality of life of many individuals, starting as early as childhood. Future generations cannot continue to have psychological disorders go untreated. Require evaluations when entering school to help the mental and emotional standing of the world.
Hidden fees can hit the pocketbooks of consumers hard, particularly during uncertain economic times. Applaud victories against this deceptive practice.
An innocent child was allegedly abused at a childcare center, prompting concern from parents and teachers alike. Demand child welfare advocates perform a thorough investigation to ensure that all suspects are brought to justice.
Human traffickers target thousands of innocent people each year. The education system must teach younger generations how to protect themselves. Demand officials educate students about human trafficking.
Millions of gallons of milk are being needlessly destroyed. Demand better methods for preserving and distributing this food source.
Domestic workers are regularly subjected to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse at the hands of their employers. Something must be done to right this wrong. Demand justice and protection for these victims now.
There are only a couple hundred Florida panthers left in the wild due to habitat loss. They’re important parts of the ecosystem because they keep prey populations stabilized and support biodiversity. Demand the habitat of this essential species be protected.
Wild horses are being killed by the dozens on Nevada’s ranges under the guise of corralling and roundups. Demand the federal management agency responsible for this grossly mismanaged practice take a more humane and less deadly path forward.
A 38-year-old captive manatee was apparently killed by injuries inflicted by another captive manatee, and the company that houses and cares for these animals has reportedly been assigned blame by a federal agency. Urge this agency to follow up on its damning findings with decisive action.
Store bought produce is grown with dangerous chemicals that put our health at risk and compromise the soil that grows our food. Both the environment and the public’s safety is being compromised for convenient production strategies. Demand change.
Contestants in a beauty pageant allege sexual harassment by organizers. Demand a thorough investigation and accountability now.
A mini poodle was apparently so matted due to neglect that the poor animal couldn’t even walk. Demand justice for this animal.
The U.S. Armed Forces is going without key leadership because of a politician’s culture wars. Demand the senator responsible for blocking over 250 military nominations and promotions stop putting national defense at risk.
A man is accused of committing heinous acts of sexual violence against a dog. Demand swift legal action against the accused.
A dog was allegedly killed during a dog fight, igniting concern among animal rights activists in the community. Neighbors stated that this dog, as well as other pets in the house, suffered ongoing abuse for a year. Demand justice for these animals and strengthen animal welfare enforcement.
A family dog was reportedly stabbed to death in broad daylight without reason. Demand justice for this poor animal by encouraging maximum sentencing and mental health treatment for the suspect if he is found guilty.
Twelve horses and 24 dogs were reportedly found dead after suffering agonizing starvation. Demand justice for the innocent lives lost now.
Tons of non-biodegradable electronic waste enters landfills and contaminates the surrounding environments, emitting toxic chemicals that harm innocent workers. Demand that e-waste be disposed of in specialized facilities to limit its dangerous footprint.
Road salt’s toxic components pose extreme harm to ecosystems and wildlife. Natural alternatives are available and should be used instead. Demand this change.