Stop Destroying the Rio Grande Valley With Urban Development

Target: Bruce Baizel, Director of the New Mexico Environment Department

Goal: Halt habitat fragmentation in the Rio Grande Valley.

New Mexico’s Rio Grande Valley, a vital corridor for biodiversity, is facing a crisis of habitat fragmentation. Urban sprawl, infrastructure development, and agricultural expansion are slicing through natural habitats, leaving wildlife isolated and ecosystems in disarray. The situation is critical and demands immediate attention.

Fragmented habitats are not just a concern for local flora and fauna; they also impact human communities. The Rio Grande Valley serves as a natural flood control system and contributes to groundwater recharge. Its degradation could lead to increased flooding and water scarcity.

Sign the petition to call upon the New Mexico Environment Department to enact immediate, effective measures to combat habitat fragmentation in the Rio Grande Valley. Essential actions should include land-use planning reforms, habitat restoration projects, and community education on the importance of ecological integrity.


Dear Director Bruce Baizel,

The Rio Grande Valley, a cornerstone of New Mexico’s ecological diversity, is in jeopardy. Habitat fragmentation is tearing apart this vital landscape, leaving wildlife stranded and ecosystems in a state of imbalance. The facts are undeniable: loss of native species disrupted migration patterns and compromised natural services like flood control.

We insist on immediate, impactful action. A comprehensive strategy is essential, one that goes beyond mere regulations. This plan should involve rethinking land-use policies, restoring fragmented habitats, and engaging local communities in conservation efforts.

The cost of inaction is unthinkable. The Rio Grande Valley is not just a collection of ecosystems; it’s a lifeline for both human and non-human residents of New Mexico.

We beseech you to act with the urgency this critical situation warrants. Take actions that will not only mend the current fragmentation but also ensure the long-term ecological health of the Rio Grande Valley.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: mlhradio

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203 Signatures

  • Kathy Harris
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Alice Rim
  • Mary and Roger Stephens
  • James Brown
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
  • John B
  • Evan Jane Kriss
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