
Dogs Reportedly Abandoned and Starved Until Severely Emaciated Deserve Justice

Two dogs were reportedly severely emaciated and neglected when their owner left them unattended. Demand justice for their suffering and urge a thorough investigation into this case of alleged animal cruelty.

Stop Testing on Live Pigs to Train Gynecologists

Live pigs are subjected to excruciating surgeries and other experiments in medical training programs. Call for an end to this outdated, inhumane practice.

Dog That Allegedly Died Amongst Urine, Feces, and Rats Deserves Justice

A dog died in a condemned home reportedly filled with urine, feces, and rats. The person found responsible for this alleged cruelty must face consequences. Demand justice for this animal and urge authorities to fully investigate this case.

Puppy Reportedly Starved to Death in Inhumane Conditions Deserves Justice

A puppy died after reportedly suffering neglect at the hands of its owner. Multiple other dogs were also reportedly starved and kept in inhumane conditions. Stand against animal cruelty and ensure justice for these innocent victims.

Justice for Dog Allegedly Killed at Hands of Groomer

A dog died in seemingly immense pain and distress during what should have been a routine grooming session. Demand the groomer accused of abusing this limp and dying animal for six minutes face full legal repercussions if found guilty.

Dog Brutally Tortured, Killed, and Hung From a Bridge Deserves Justice

A dog was horrifically tortured and killed by an unknown assailant, who then hung the animal’s decomposing remains from a bridge. Demand police take immediate action to find the culprit and ensure justice for this heinous act of animal cruelty.

Success: Cat Reportedly Sexually Assaulted and Killed Receives Justice

A man who reportedly raped and killed a cat has been legally compelled to complete a psychiatric evaluation to prevent the same treatment towards other living beings. Thank officials for looking out for the welfare of the public and doing something to address his supposed dangerous behavior.

Phase Out Smoking to Save the Environment

Millions of people face severe health problems from long-term cigarette use and animals and plants die due to the pollution caused by disposed tobacco products. Demand harsher restrictions on smoking to encourage a ban and save those it kills.

Save Manatees By Classifying Them as Endangered

Manatees are essential in maintaining the ocean’s biodiversity, and their populations are steadily decreasing due to pollution and boat collisions. Demand this species be considered endangered once again to ensure their survival.

End Police Violence Against Vulnerable Communities to Build Better Bridges

Abusive or deadly incidents between law enforcement and the communities they protect and serve are rising across the globe. Urge the United Kingdom to do its part in repairing trust with hurting and harmed communities.

Preserve Swamp Habitats to Save Fireflies From Extinction

Habitat loss is causing a drastic decline among fireflies. Wetlands are necessary for their growth, and they must be protected. Stop eliminating swamps to prevent fireflies from endangerment.

Stop the Bushmeat Trade From Killing Off Gorillas

Great apes are being driven to extinction by the illegal bushmeat trade. Help stop this horrific, cruel industry once and for all.

Punish Man Who Allegedly Drowned Defenseless Dog

A dog was allegedly held under the water at a beach for three minutes and eventually drowned. The suspect apparently claimed he did it to remove fleas from the pet. Demand prosecutors seek the maximum penalty for this reported act of extreme animal cruelty.

Success: Global Leaders Commit to Ending Plastic Pollution

The war on plastic pollution may soon have decisive new generals at the international level. Applaud promising developments on a global plastics treaty.

Don’t Rip Away Diversity in the Classroom

Education free from discrimination and inequity just suffered another blow when the nation’s highest court gutted affirmative action. Demand students of color be protected from prejudice and lacking opportunities in higher education.

Protect Homeowners From Climate Crush

Homeowners are losing crucial protections for their residences because of climate change and extreme weather. Demand leaders work to rectify this growing headache for consumers.

Hold Dow Chemical Responsible for Poisoning Communities

Dow Chemical-owned factories are polluting towns across the United States while the company evades real responsibility. Call on Dow to take long-overdue actions that truly benefit impacted communities.

Don’t Let Horses in Military Funerals Die for Their Service

Military horses used for funeral services are reportedly dying due to fixable issues with their health and their living conditions. Demand fully realized safeguards for these seemingly overworked and at-risk animals.

Justice for Minnie, Cat Allegedly Sexually Abused and Burned

A cat named Minnie was found sexually abused and covered in burns. Take immediate action to address this animal cruelty and ensure justice for Minnie.

Dog Found Curled Up and Dead in Suitcase Deserves Justice

A thin German Shepherd was found curled up and dead inside a suitcase. Demand justice for this poor animal.

Horses Reportedly Abused and Forced to Race in Celebration Deserve Justice

Horses are allegedly being forced to race and perform strenuous exercise for human entertainment at a traditional festival. Demand justice and improved animal welfare regulations now.

Pet Rats Abandoned and Left to Die Deserve Justice

Two pet rats were abandoned in a filthy cage. Demand justice for these defenseless animals and strengthen animal welfare laws.

Stray Dogs Reportedly Allowed to Die at Rescue Center Deserve Justice

The reported mysterious deaths of 13 stray dogs at an animal rescue facility demand a thorough investigation. Join us in calling for justice.

Stop Hurting and Killing Endangered Sea Turtles With Fishing Nets

Sea turtles could be extinct by 2040 because of commercial fishing and other human activity. These species need to be saved for the biosphere of oceanic habitats. Demand conservation experts save these animals from endangerment.

Pit Bull Reportedly Dangled From Fifth-Floor Banister Deserves Justice

A helpless pit bull named Romeo was reportedly found dangling from a fifth-floor banister, a victim of apparent animal abuse. Demand action against the culprit allegedly responsible for this act of cruelty.

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