Justice for Diesel: Alleged Brutal End to Innocent Life

Target: John P. Doyle Jr., District Attorney of New Haven Connecticut

Goal: Secure stringent legal action against the individual allegedly responsible for Diesel’s tragic end.

Diesel, a two-year-old American pocket bully, fell victim to what appears as a gruesome act. Arnaldo Silva, his owner’s father, faces charges tied to Diesel’s demise. Silva, held in custody, allegedly contravened his release terms twice. Gabriella Silva, Arnaldo’s daughter and Diesel’s owner, recounts a life turned asunder. She describes finding Diesel in a blood-soaked room, a scene she terms a “murder scene.”

Further details paint a picture of betrayal and horror. Gabriella discovered Diesel beside a bloodied kitchen knife, hinting at a violent altercation. Silva, reportedly under the influence and covered in blood, offered a vague explanation involving an accident. Gabriella, unmoved by his account, asserts a more sinister narrative. She reflects on Diesel’s transformative impact on her life, underscoring the emotional weight of her loss.

This petition demands justice for Diesel. The described events suggest a heinous act that should not go unpunished. We call for thorough legal action against Silva. His alleged actions, if proven, warrant severe consequences. This case stands as a stark reminder of the need for stringent animal cruelty laws.


Dear District Attorney Doyle Jr.,

Diesel’s story is a grim reminder of the cruelty animals can face. Allegations suggest Silva, under the influence, ended Diesel’s life in a violent, brutal manner. The scene described by Gabriella Silva, Diesel’s owner, is disturbing. It depicts a living room drenched in blood with a lifeless Diesel and a kitchen knife, suggesting a violent altercation.

Gabriella’s account challenges Silva’s version of an accidental demise. Her description of the scene and her father’s behavior implies deliberate cruelty. Diesel was more than a pet to Gabriella; he symbolized love, transformation, and a rekindled familial bond. Silva’s alleged actions robbed her of this cherished connection.

We urge you to pursue stringent legal action against Arnaldo Silva. The severity of this alleged crime demands a response reflecting the community’s condemnation of such acts. Let this case serve as an example that animal cruelty is a serious offense, meriting severe legal consequences.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Rock City Kennels

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439 Signatures

  • Phyllis Mazzarisi
  • Vincent L
  • Kathy Harris
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Cassandra Hillman
  • Flora Psarianos
  • Alice Rim
  • Mary and Roger Stephens
  • James Brown
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