The United Kingdom is finally introducing a ban on the sale and trade of ivory, giving in to public pressure from environmentalists and conservationists. This ban has been a long time coming, due to the UK being one of the chief exporters of ivory and thousands of elephants dying for the trade. Sign this petition to thank the UK for taking a step towards giving elephants a brighter future.
15 million acres of precious land were just saved by a judge in Montana. Thank this judge who is fighting to preserve national treasures and the rule of law.
Motivated by public outrage over the death of a dog forced to spend a flight in an overhead bin and other senseless animal killings, United Airlines announced it will suspend reservations for transporting animals via cargo until it can review its processes. Sign this petition to express support for this much needed change.
Endangered salmon and orcas in the Puget Sound will be given a better chance at survival after the governor of Washington signed an executive order requiring their protection. Support this vital move for compassion and conservation.
A popular handbag and accessory brand has decided to no longer use fur in its products. This will save countless animals from unnecessary pain and premature death. Sign this petition to show your support of the brand’s recent decision.
Rent the Runway, a fashion brand that allows customers to rent designer pieces, recently made the decision to stop carrying products with fur. Sign this petition to applaud the company’s compassionate decision.
In the wake of the horrific Parkland school shooting, Florida Governor Rick Scott has signed a modest gun control bill into law. This is a small but important step to help prevent future mass shootings. Sign this petition to applaud Governor Scott’s decision to take political action on the gun violence issue.
Abuse, imprisonment, and death are the legacy of Asia’s only greyhound racetrack. In July this tragic legacy will be part of history. Applaud the soon-to-be-abolition of an insidiously cruel practice on the world’s largest continent.
Eight months after being charged with animal cruelty, a teen who tortured and tried to kill a six-week-old puppy has been found guilty. In the wake of so many animal cruelty cases, it is heartening to see an abuser get what they deserve. Sign this petition to thank the Illinois courts for handing down the verdict an animal abuser deserves.
China has armed itself for war against environmental destruction. Their weapons of choice are millions of trees that will soon shelter some of the country’s most polluted regions. Support the world’s most ambitious reforestation project.
A boxer puppy was beaten and stomped in a senseless act of violence. While this dog’s life could not be spared, Texas officials have ensured that the man responsible will be severely punished for this barbaric act. Sign this petition to express support for this sentencing.
Eight people have been arrested and charged with the murder of an important elephant conservationist. Sign below to support that these killers are being brought to justice.
Skin and eye irritation, force-feeding to induce illness, and forceful chemical ingestion to determine ‘lethal dose’: these are a few of the common ‘testing’ methods performed on animals. For decades, cosmetics and personal care product manufacturers have implemented these brutal practices with impunity. Praise and support the efforts of one state to fight inhumane animal testing.
This year a ban on 24 types of waste, including electronic waste, became law in China. This addresses environmental and human health concerns, and could lead to a reduction in plastic pollution going into our oceans. Sign the petition to applaud the Ministry of Environmental Protection for its efforts.
In a victory for animal welfare, Wales has announced plans to ban the practice of using wild animals in circuses. Support this stand for animal rights.
Montana’s Yellowstone grizzlies will be protected this year, as the state’s Fish, Wildlife & Parks department recommends a hunting ban. Support this humane decision to preserve this iconic species.
If a lobster possessed the vocal chords to scream, could you hear its cries of agony emanating from a cooking pot? One country believes the answer is a definitive yes. Applaud the steps Switzerland is taking to restore a humane approach to a highly divisive practice.
A San Francisco shop owner was sentenced to three years of probation, 500 hours of community service, and $3,599 in penalties for possessing and selling endangered animal products. Animals used included ocelots, jaguars, and snow leopards, which are endangered and threatened species. Thank District Attorney George Gascon for charging the offender and helping prevent more poaching.
President Trump recently gutted two national parks. Without strong action, these and other natural wonders will face disintegration and destruction. With willing allies, we can stop these travesties. Join the fight for Utah’s and America’s sacred environments.
Hong Kong has finalized a ban on all ivory sales, three years after announcing their intention to put a stop to the trade, closing all loopholes and ending grace periods. This is wonderful news that will hopefully put an end to the poaching of elephants across the country. Sign this petition to thank Hong Kong’s legislature for banning ivory for good.
PepsiCo has cut ties with a destructive palm oil plantation accused of using illegal child labor. Thank the company for putting human rights ahead of its bottom line.
President Trump said in a statement that he will testify under oath as part of the probe into Russian collusion, and on the firings of FBI Director Comey and National Security Adviser Flynn. Support this decision and demand that Trump follow through on this claim.
The Vancouver aquarium has finally given in to public pressure from animal rights groups and will be ceasing their captivity of whales and dolphins. Captivity of these creatures has led to many deaths over the years, and it is a relief that this aquarium will help put an end to this. Sign this petition to thank the Vancouver Aquarium for taking a step forward regarding the well-being of sea mammals.
Bolstered by the unified voices of unwavering advocates, a global airline forged powerful partnerships that ultimately rescued scores of animals from devastating conditions. Hurricanes Harvey and Maria left untold victims and survivors in their wake, among them the many animals that inhabit Texas and Puerto Rico. Lend your support to rescue efforts underway for these animals and encourage future aid.
Long-suffering elephant Nosey, who was rescued after a decade of abuse and exploitation in a traveling circus, finally has a new home that will ensure her continued freedom. Support this huge victory and the protection of this innocent elephant.