
Success: FBI to Investigate Allegations of Assault Against Potential Supreme Court Judge

After demands from people across the country, the FBI will investigate allegations of sexual violence made against potential Supreme Court judge Brett Kavanaugh. Sign the petition to thank Senator Jeff Flake for breaking with his party and demanding an investigation.

Success: Charges Dropped Against Rescuer Who Saved Animals From Hurricane

Charges have been dropped against an animal rescuer who opened up a temporary shelter for dozens of animals during Hurricane Florence. Applaud this action that acknowledges that this woman acted out of compassion and therefore should not be punished.

Success: Seattle Judge Overturns 15 Years of Cannabis Convictions

A judge in Seattle has overturned cannabis convictions dating back to 1996. Stand with us in congratulating Seattle on this monumental success.

Success: Endangered Species Protections Reinstated for Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

After being stripped of their Endangered Species Act protections, grizzly bears in the Yellowstone region were being put even further at risk, as legal trophy hunts were scheduled to begin for the first time in four decades. Now, however, these hunts have been banned and protections reinstated in a huge victory for animal welfare. Support this win for compassion and preservation.

Success: Access to Plant-Based Meals Required in California Hospitals and Prisons

Plant-based meal options will now be accessible in all of California’s state institutions, In a major victory for human rights, human health, and environmental responsibility. Support this decision to promote responsibility and compassion in the meal options in California’s prisons, hospitals, and healthcare facilities.

Success: Water Vole Population To Be Revived

After three decades of near-extinction and a complete disappearance from the Holcinote Estate, 150 water voles are finally being released onto the property that was once their natural habitat, thanks to the National Trust. The return of this species has been in high demand for years. Sign this petition to thank the National Trust for bringing this species back.

Success: Corporations to be Held Responsible for Destructive California Oil Spill

Hundreds of oil-soaked seabirds washed ashore and a marine wildlife sanctuary under deadly siege: these were dark remnants of a 2015 California oil spill that destroyed lives and livelihoods. Applaud California’s strong legal condemnation of this tragedy’s unrepentant perpetrators.

Success: Hunting of Yellowstone Grizzly Bears Halted

Days before wild Yellowstone grizzly bears were set to be slaughtered, a restraining order has at least temporarily halted the deadly hunt. Support the groups who fought for this victory and encourage reinstated protections for the grizzly bear.

Success: Cruel Cosmetic Animal Testing Banned in California

Cosmetic products developed using the inhumane practice of testing on animals will now be banned in California, thanks to the unanimous support of lawmakers. Sign this petition to praise this decision that makes it illegal for non-cruelty free cosmetics to be sold statewide.

Success: Police Officer Convicted of Murder, Sentenced to Prison, for Shooting Unarmed Black Teen

The former police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black 15-year-old is facing consequences for his actions, and has been convicted of murder and issued a prison sentence. Support this landmark victory for justice and human rights.

Success: Ex-Cop Found Guilty of Murdering Black Teen

Former Texas police officer Roy Oliver has finally been found guilty over a year after his murder of black teenager Jordan Edwards. With the rash of racially motivated killings and racial profiling over the past near-decade, it is a great relief that a white officer is being held accountable for his actions. Sign this petition to thank the court for ensuring that Oliver will face justice.

Success: California Overturns Past Cannabis Convictions

California just overturned all past cannabis convictions, a huge win for the state. Share your support to help keep the tide turning in the direction of positive change.

Success: UK Government to Back Plastic Waste Reduction

The United Kingdom government will heed public demand for less plastic waste, even using the tax system to allow for such plans. Plastic pollution has been an ongoing problem across the globe, especially in the UK, and this is a very important step in solving the problem once and for all. Sign this petition to thank the government for aiding in the fight to end excessive plastic waste.

Success: Wild Horses Likely Spared From Experimental Surgeries

Wild mares living in the western United States will no longer be subjected to dangerous sterilization procedures following a university’s decision to withdraw its participation from this government proposal. Sign this petition and applaud this institution for not agreeing to carry out these inhumane and experimental surgeries.

Success: Indonesia to Ban Cruel Cat and Dog Meat Trade

The inhumane dog and cat meat trade that has brutally slaughtered thousands of innocent animals will soon be banned in Indonesia. Thanks to the newly proposed ban, these animals will no longer have to endure lives spent in captive abuse only to be killed to satisfy consumer demand. Sign this petition to thank Indonesian officials for calling for this important and life-saving ban.

Success: Alex Jones Loses Platforms to Spread Fake News, Hate, and Harassment

A man who has maligned the families of 20 dead children, high school shooting victims, and countless more will now face some significant consequence for his actions. Applaud prominent online companies for their decisive stand against conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Success: Judge Blocks Release of 3D-Printed Gun Blueprints

A judge has prevented the release of downloadable blueprints for 3D-printed guns, which would allow unchecked access to deadly untraceable weapons without documentation, background checks, or restrictions. Support this victory for gun control and the protection of human lives.

Success: Brussels Bans Animal Testing, Saves Thousands

From kittens slaughtered by a government agency to baboons tortured with exploitative surgeries, cruel testing procedures bring terror to scores of animals every day. Applaud a progressive Belgian region for saying ‘no more’ to these atrocities.

Success: Animals Rescued from Roadside Zoo and Brought to Sanctuaries

Several exotic and endangered animals were rescued from a roadside zoo and transferred to sanctuaries. Support this victory for animal welfare and demand that efforts are continued to ensure that all of the animals from Deer Haven Mini Zoo are saved.

Success: Krill Fishing Companies to Back Antarctic Ocean Conservation

Several krill fishing giants have agreed to halt their fishing to aid in the creation of the world’s largest marine sanctuary, much to the joy of ocean conservationists. Krill are not only a vital food source to many seabirds and aquatic mammals, but they control the levels of carbon dioxide through their own feeding habits; more krill ensures a brighter future in many ways. Sign this petition to thank Aker ASA for being one of the companies to support this sanctuary.

Success: Environmental Nightmare Scott Pruitt Has Resigned

Scott Pruitt, the dangerous and immoral head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has resigned from his position and can no longer use his post to damage the environment and spend taxpayer money on needless purchases. Celebrate this victory for the environment and for a more just government.

Success: Efforts to Protect Pets From Abusers Moves Forward

Abusers are often master manipulators, and a favorite weapon of choice for these perpetrators is a victim’s much-loved pet. Every year, animals by the thousands are collateral damage in violent domestic disputes. Applaud legislation that will better shield all victims from controlling criminals.

Success: Trump Signs Order to Stop Separating Families

President Trump has ordered the end of the cruel policy allowing migrant children to be ripped from their parents at the border. Support this order and demand that everything be done to ensure that families are reunited and treated with nothing less than the human dignity they deserve.

Praise Fashion Brand ASOS for No Longer Using Mohair, Cashmere, Silk, or Feathers

Starting January 2019, the fashion brand ASOS will no longer sell clothing made from mohair, cashmere, silk or feathers. Applaud ASOS for no longer contributing to the suffering of animals in these industries.

Success: Seattle Bans Plastic Straws

Seattle just made another historic policy decision and banned plastic straws. Stand with us in congratulating the hard work of Seattle’s mayor.

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