Economic woes have only increased in Venezuela since the US imposed sanctions in response to their allegedly corrupt leader and his questionable win in the presidential election. Fortunately, a recent announcement has indicated a possible mending of the two countries’ relationship. Applaud the US’s gesture and the hope it rekindles.
A doomed inmate whom evidence suggests may have been wrongfully convicted now has another chance to fight for his freedom and his life. Applaud the reprieve given to Richard Glossip.
Another nation has affirmed the right of matrimony to same-sex couples. Applaud the formal legalization of gay marriage throughout Mexico.
Cannabis users will no longer be branded federal criminals because of their personal and health choices. Support the reevaluation of marijuana possession as a crime worthy of incarceration.
In the battle between megacorporation Starbucks and its employees, the underdog workers are scoring needed victories with unionization and employee benefits. Applaud these wins for workers’ rights.
Animal welfare activists have long sustained legal punishments for conducting undercover investigations of potentially abusive farms, breeding facilities, and more. Fortunately, one state has chosen to protect these investigators as they expose the truth. Thank Iowa for prioritizing animal, consumer, and worker welfare over the greed of large, abusive corporations.
During natural disasters, animals are typically abandoned to face the harsh elements alone. In the wake of increasingly frequent weather events, certain animal care facilities are now required to develop escape plans for their animals. Thank Congress for saving the lives of thousands of innocent animals and for protecting them from the effects of climate change.
All instances of animal abuse on farms, roadside zoos, breeding facilities, and research institutions must now be fully reported. Thank Congress for upholding animal welfare standards and for helping to keep animals safe.
Pro-choice advocates have secured important recent wins in the fight for reproductive rights. Applaud these victories and what they convey about American beliefs regarding privacy and freedom.
New York is attempting to prevent the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits from pet stores throughout the state. This is also a major step in shutting down puppy mills. Thank lawmakers for prioritizing animal welfare and encourage further support.
Grant County, New Mexico commissioners recently voted against funding a federal agency responsible for killing millions of wildlife each year. Sign this petition to thank commissioners and to encourage other counties throughout the nation to do the same.
Coca-Cola has vowed to go completely plastic free by the year 2023, in favor of biodegradable, plant-based alternatives. Commend Coca-Cola for their commitment towards reducing their footprint on the environment.
Out-of-control prescription drug prices will be reined in thanks to significant new Medicare reforms. Applaud this win for Americans burdened by excessive healthcare costs.
A city recently lifted its antiquated, decade-long ban on pit bull ownership. This gives the millions of dogs a better chance at finding a forever home. Thank the Excelsior Springs City Council for speaking up for pit bulls across the U.S.
Tiger populations have been increasing throughout regions of Asia and Nepal for the first time in centuries. Thank the World Wildlife Fund conservation organization for their dedicated efforts in protecting these majestic cats.
A major clean energy investment was recently made by American leaders that could provide an important win in the battle against the climate crisis. Applaud this essential eco-conscious commitment.
Health care for veterans has received a major boost. Soldiers who have fallen ill due to toxic exposure will now have enhanced coverage for their conditions. Laud this win in the battle for better healthcare.
The Trump administration removed a series of vital environmental protections and put endangered animals at risk of extinction. Thankfully, these species are now safe, and their welfare is guaranteed by law. Praise the judge responsible for protecting these animals.
The barbaric practice of gassing dogs and cats to death may soon be banned in one state. Thank the people who fought for this victory for animal rights.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has grown two members stronger with the admission of Finland and Sweden. Applaud this needed security win in an increasingly destabilized geopolitical landscape.
The fight against America’s gun violence epidemic received a needed boost when several senators came together in a rare bipartisan effort. Applaud an initiative that will help protect future victims from mentally unstable and abusive threats.
Hundreds of thousands of animals have been saved from cruel and unnecessary drug test research. Thank the U.S. House for ending the archaic mandate that all experimental drugs be tested on animals before they could be used on humans in clinical trials.
New Mexico has introduced stricter vehicle emissions standards, reversing a Trump era roll back of environmental protections. Add your name to thank this state for taking swift action against climate change.
Justice has been served to the woman who neglected 135 dogs and 23 horses while operating a horrific underground puppy mill. Sign this petition to thank officials for prosecuting the abuser and encourage them to continue fighting for voiceless animals.
The world’s most famous circus will reintroduce itself to audiences without the exploitation and potential abuse of innocent animals. Applaud the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for sparing elephants, tigers, and lions from a lifetime of misery.