Human Rights

Don’t Push Vulnerable People Back Onto the Streets

Essential funds that keep people at risk of COVID housed will soon dry up. Call for a renewal of this funding to save our neighbors in need.

Success: Draconian Abortion Bans Blocked

Pro-choice advocates have secured important recent wins in the fight for reproductive rights. Applaud these victories and what they convey about American beliefs regarding privacy and freedom.

Don’t Allow Water Crisis to Disrupt Education of Black Students

Black university students have been forced into coping without water due to an ongoing crisis exacerbated by recent flooding. Demand the state of Mississippi allocate the proper resources and funding to help them end this catastrophe once and for all.

Justice for Black Pastor Arrested for Watering Plants

Body camera footage shows officers arresting Pastor Michael Jennings for seemingly no reason while he was watering his neighbor’s plants. Demand these officers are terminated, if found guilty of wrongful arrest.

Eliminate Food Waste by Feeding the Hungry

Post-pandemic spikes in unemployment and homelessness have been accompanied by increased national food insecurity. Help feed those living in poverty while reducing runaway food waste.

Protect Millions of People From Flooding Caused by Climate Change

Flooding caused by climate change has submerged one third of Pakistan, forcing half a million people out of their homes. Demand wealthier countries that are responsible for most of the world’s emissions face the consequences of their actions and compensate Pakistan in funding and aid.

Don’t Source Police Manuals From Private, For-Profit Company

Police departments are increasingly using a for-profit company to source their policy manuals. Experts claim the company prioritizes legal protection for officers over preventing police violence. Call on the Justice Department to protect Black lives.

End College’s Support of Food Service Company Used by For-Profit Prisons

Many US universities use the same food service providers as for-profit prisons. Financially, and otherwise, this supports companies profiting from the carceral state. Call on one school to cut its connections with one such company.

Raise Minimum Wage to Slow the Houseless Epidemic

Skyrocketing numbers of people are unable to afford housing in the United States and houselessness is a looming reality for many federal minimum wage workers. Demand lawmakers raise the minimum wage and act against the houseless epidemic.

Stop Detaining Immigrants in Prisons

Immigrants are being held indefinitely in U.S. prisons without any formal criminal charges. This practice is completely inhumane and must be stopped. Call on officials to end this human rights violation.

Provide Accessible Mental Health Treatment to Combat Pandemic-Induced Crisis

The mental health crisis in the United States has reached staggering levels following the Covid-19 pandemic. We can no longer ignore the millions of Americans that need access to basic healthcare. Call on lawmakers to implement universal mental healthcare.

Restore Clean and Abundant Water Supply to Minority Community

Residents of Mississippi’s capital currently have little to no access to drinking water. Years of ineptitude and inaction by state leaders helped create this crisis. Demand these politicians finally invest in their constituents’ future.

Call Mount Rainier By Its Indigenous Name

Indigenous tribes throughout Washington are calling for the state’s largest mountain to have its original name restored. Support this decolonial movement and call on officials to change the name of “Mount Rainier” back to Tahoma.

Starbucks: Support and Uphold the Rights of Unionizing Workers

Starbucks is allegedly engaging in union busting activities after workers organized in hundreds of stores across the country. These workers voted to unionize, and Starbucks needs to support their cause. Demand this company respect workers and engage fairly with their union.

Don’t Sell Private Data to Immigration Enforcement

A company is allegedly selling the private data of individuals to law enforcement agencies, including federal immigration enforcement. This places many people, particularly immigrants, at great risk. Call on the company’s CEO to stop these potential civil rights violations.

Don’t Give Abusers Legal Access to Firearms

A significant loophole in the Violence Against Women Act has allowed stalkers and other perpetrators of physical violence towards women access to firearms. Demand Congress deny these individuals access to deadly guns and put the victims first.

Federally Legalize Cannabis to Stop Unnecessary Incarceration

The criminalization of cannabis at the federal level has, for decades, disproportionately affected communities of color. Demand the Senate take steps towards ending the racial disparities that exist in incarceration for cannabis usage and legalize the drug throughout the U.S.

Justice for Immigrant Allegedly Beaten to Death on Busy Street

An Italian immigrant was reportedly beaten and killed in front of witnesses. Demand prosecutors treat this hateful alleged act as a hate crime.

Condemn Imprisonment of Saudi Citizens for Voicing Their Opinions

The abuse and imprisonment of dissidents continues unchecked in the Saudi Kingdom. A woman just received 34 years in prison for Twitter posts. Demand American leaders stop acquiescing to and ignoring these escalating human rights violations.

Justice for Jailed Women Reportedly Raped and Trafficked by Law Enforcement

Sheriffs in two different states have been charged with aiding and abetting sexual violence. Demand law enforcement localities face repercussions for their abuse of community trust.

​​Impeach Accused Sexual Predator Brett Kavanaugh From the Supreme Court

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has been accused of lying under oath and of sexually assaulting numerous women throughout his political and college careers. Demand that Congress launch an impeachment investigation of Kavanaugh. It is time for him to suffer the consequences of his alleged actions.

​Don’t Force Americans to Get Pregnant

The overturning of Roe v. Wade has stripped millions of Americans of their reproductive freedoms and now, anti-abortionists are coming for contraceptives. Forced birth is bad enough, there is no need to force people to get pregnant. Demand that access to contraceptive methods, such as birth control, Plan B pills, and IUDs, remain protected.

​​Stop Denying Children Stable Housing With LGBTQ+ Parents

Licensed welfare agencies can refuse to place children with couples because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Not only is this extremely unfair to LGBTQ+ parents, but it also puts children at risk of never settling down with a loving family that can provide them with their basic needs and desires. Demand these discriminatory policies be changed, and allow all qualified parents to adopt and foster children in the U.S.

Don’t Force Migrant Children to Work in Production Lines

Children as young as 12 have allegedly been working production lines in US factories. This practice exploits kids for low wages and prevents them from receiving an education. Demand that child labor cease immediately.

Enhance Economy And Better Lives By Fixing Immigration

Immigrants should be welcomed as a boost to the economy and a reflection of real American values. Instead, they are shunned and literally dying to reach the nation. Demand an end to the destructive hate.

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