Post Tagged with: "international"

Support Ukraine’s Efforts to Defend Itself From Russian Invasion

Russia has launched an imperialistic invasion of neighboring Ukraine in an attempt to rebuild the Soviet Empire. Ask President Biden to provide more weapons to Ukrainians fighting to defend their homeland.

Uphold and Defend Olympic Values and Prevent Human Rights Abuses

Abuse and exploitation have become synonymous with the Olympics. The athletes and the people around the world who believe in the stated values of these games deserve better. Urge essential change that protects vulnerable youth and promotes integrity and equality.

Protect Indigenous Communities from Major Oil Spill

A major oil spill has left Indigenous communities in Ecuador with no water supply, contaminating rivers and rainforests and leaving people and endangered species at great risk. Demand that this never happen again and that the company take responsibility.

Stop Legalized Slaughter of Rare Wild Sheep

Rare wild sheep are being slaughtered. Demand the politicians who claim they care about conservation actually protect these sheep.

Stop Deadly Droughts From Killing Thousands of Animals and People

Wildlife and people are at critical risk of death from a drought plaguing Kenya. Demand leaders dedicate themselves to reversing a crisis they helped create.

Condemn Gucci’s Exploitation of Tigers in Latest Advertisement

Gucci has used real life tigers in their newest advertisement, earning criticism from many animal rights groups. By doing this they promoting the exploitation of big cats. Demand that Gucci take responsibility for their actions and end the use of live animals in their advertisement.

End Legalized Female Genital Mutilation

Women of all ages are being physically and emotionally scarred in a form of female genital mutilation. This practice remains legal in some parts of the world, and reportedly cost a young woman her life in a nation where it runs rampant and unchecked. Demand Sierra Leone finally outlaw this outdated and deeply harmful procedure.

Don’t Subject Genetically Modified Animals to Abuse and Exploitation

New advances in genetic science could revolutionize the way we live. This science also holds the potential to set back animal welfare standards. Demand leaders be extra-vigilant in this delicate balancing act.

Over 1,000 Buffalo Reportedly Starved to Death Deserve Justice

Hundreds of buffalo reportedly died of starvation after their owner abandoned the herd. Rescuers state those who survived were emaciated, living skin and bones. Demand justice for these animals.

Don’t Cover Up Origins of Dangerous Brain Disease

A dangerous ailment is increasingly finding victims in a Canadian province. This illness robs young patients of their minds, their ability to move, and even their lives. Demand health officials stop obstructing a desperate search for answers.

Save Coral Reefs From Destruction Due to Greedy Overfishing

Environmentally critical coral reefs are rapidly dying. Marine animals, ecosystems, and the world’s oxygen supply are at risk. Demand action to save these irreplaceable natural wonders.

Stop the Slaughter of Whales for Blood Money

Japan is still allowing commercial whale hunts, with hundreds of these majestic creatures killed every year. Sign the petition to ban this cruel and inhumane practice.

Pet Monkey Fed Cocaine and Nearly Flushed Down Toilet Deserves Justice

A woman apparently fed her pet monkey cocaine and then tried to flush the animal down the toilet. For this, the court gave her only a suspended sentence. Demand real justice for this poor animal.

Success: Keystone XL Pipeline Permanently Shut Down

The Keystone XL pipeline has been permanently terminated. After 12 long years of fighting, the environment across North America is safe from the devastating effects of this unnecessary project. Sign this petition to thank the company for finally ending the controversial pipeline.

Success: Police Force Commits to Preventing Abuse of Power

The Lethbridge police force faced serious allegations of abuse of power. However, thanks to the tireless efforts of their chief, they have come forth with an action plan to rectify their mistakes. Praise those who have taken steps to move forward in the right direction.

Success: City Bans Herbicide That Kills People and Environment

The toxic herbicide glyphosate has been banned from one Canadian city, preserving the health of both people and the environment. Praise those who are making these changes and saving our future.

Success: Canadian Rockies Temporarily Safe From Coal Mining Devastation

The Rocky Mountains are safe from coal mining exploitation for the time being. Thank the people responsible for temporarily halting unsound operations, and encourage them to further protect this magnificent mountain range.

Success: Wolves Potentially Saved From Cruel and Horrific Death Due to Strychnine

The brutal and cruel killing of wolves with strychnine may soon be banned, thanks to Canada’s Health Ministry. Sign this petition to thank those undertaking this important battle and encourage further success.

Success: Biden Pulls U.S. Support From War in Yemen

The U.S. will no longer be providing offensive support to Saudi Arabia, including related weapons’ sales. This is a major victory for humanitarian efforts, as the Saudi-led conflict in Yemen has led to one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world. Applaud Biden for honoring the will of the people to withdraw from this treacherous war.

Success: Biden Suspended Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE

Sales of bombs that might have been dropped on Yemeni civilians have been suspended by the Biden administration. This may be the first step toward pulling U.S. support from the war in Yemen. Sign this petition to applaud Biden and encourage him to terminate the sales completely.

Success: Joe the Pigeon Saved from Death Sentence

Joe the Pigeon, once sentenced to death, has been spared. Thank the Australian government for listening to the public and saving the bird’s life.

Success: False Charges Against Amazon Firefighters Dropped

Firefighters in charge of saving the Amazon rainforest were arrested on false accusations of setting the blazes to receive donations. The destruction of the Amazon has significant global implications, and the people who fight it are heroes. Sign this petition to applaud the release of these innocent, and brave, firefighters.

Success: Canada Has Banned Assault-Style Weapons

Assault rifles and other deadly weapons will be removed from Canadian streets, allowing citizens to rest easy. These weapons will no longer be available for madmen to use against innocent people in the deadly mass shootings that ravage our communities. Thank the Prime Minister of Canada for prohibiting them.

Success: Mexico Bans Harmful Chemical from Use

After a long battle, Mexico has officially banned the use of Roundup and is phasing out all usage of it by 2024. This is a huge victory for environmental rights in Mexico! Sign the petition to thank the government for taking this important step.

Success: Brutal Police Tactics Halted and Investigated

Peru’s government has announced that all violent attacks on pro-democracy protesters will cease and those responsible for the brutality will be investigated. Thank Peru’s president for making this wise and humane decision.

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