
Stop Harming Watersheds With Large-Scale Marijuana Cultivation

The surge in marijuana cultivation is harming the watersheds. Act now to enforce stricter regulations and protect the environment from further damage.

Restore the Salton Sea to Protect Wildlife and Human Communities

The Salton Sea, a haven for migratory birds, will soon be a dry, toxic lakebed due to water divergence. Act now to restore its life before it’s too late.

Investigate Reported Trespassing and Flooding of Dormitory that Endangered Students

A person allegedly trespassed and caused extensive flooding in a freshman dormitory, impacting around 12 rooms. Demand a comprehensive investigation.

South Korean Woman Allegedly Abused and Killed By Religious Group Deserves Justice

A South Korean woman was allegedly tortured and murdered by a religious group. This deeply troubling case must be fully investigated to prevent further harm. Demand justice now.

Demand Justice for Russell Brand’s Alleged Rape Victims

Russell Brand has been accused of sexual assault, rape, and emotional abuse. Demand a rigorous inquiry into the allegations against this well-known media personality.

Success: Pesticide Use Regulated to Protect Endangered Insects

To better the lives of endangered insects and more, the use of pesticides will be further considered and restricted. Thank environmental agencies for promoting this much needed cause.

Open Up Therapeutic Possibilities for PTSD-Afflicted Veterans

A notorious class of drugs is shaking up the landscape of treating severe mental illnesses. Urge the legalization of helpful psychedelic drugs for mental health treatments.

Stop Using Disposal Starbucks Cups to Reduce Pollution

Disposable plastic pollutes the environment and kills animals. Millions of those cups come from Starbucks, despite their drive to reduce their waste. Demand Starbucks require reusable products to help Earth.

Don’t Push the Unique Tule Elk to the Brink of Extinction Again

Tule elk are once again at risk of extinction as their habitat is destroyed for urban and agricultural development. Act urgently to safeguard these majestic creatures that are a vital part of the national heritage.

Combat Wildfire Risk through Sustainable Forest Management

Wildfires are raging with terrifying force due to parched forests and invasive species. Act now to implement sustainable forest management and prevent this disaster.

Preserve the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker and Its Pine Forest Habitat

The red-cockaded woodpecker and its ancient pine forest home are disappearing due to logging. Act now to strengthen protections for these magnificent woodpeckers and their critical habitat.

End Glacier Destruction for the Safety of Surrounding Environments

The once assumed ‘forever’ glaciers of Mount Rainier are now proving to be the opposite. Climate change is destroying these glaciers, resulting in harm to the environment and potentially to tourists. Demand officials undertake efforts to prevent further destruction.

Success: Potential Toxins to Be Taken Out of Candies

Candy lovers may soon have one less reason to worry about a sweet tooth putting their lives at risk. Applaud the long-overdue removal of dangerous ingredients from food products.

Save Forests From Reckless Logging

Without sustainable practices, forests face destruction. Act now to enforce responsible timber harvesting.

Stop New Fossil Fuel Production to Halt Climate Change

Increased fossil fuel production threatens to lock in catastrophic climate change. Demand officials stop increased mining and drilling of fossil fuels.

Protect Unique Mountain Ecosystem From Expanding Urbanization

An ecological refuge home to numerous plant and animal species is in grave danger. Act now to protect this unique natural wonder from urbanization, industrialization, and deforestation.

Stop Clearcutting Ozark National Forest

An urgent problem looms over the Ozark National Forest: relentless clearcutting endangers its precious ecosystem. Stop the destruction now.

Preserve Agave Plants, Deeply Cherished by Indigenous Communities

The fate of agave plants, deeply entwined with centuries of tradition, hangs in the balance. Safeguard these resilient succulents and honor the enduring bond between people and their arid land.

Mitigate Uncontrolled Light Pollution to Preserve Night Skies

The breathtaking desert vistas and esteemed observatories are in grave danger as light pollution intensifies. Enact and enforce regulations, preserving the pristine beauty of the night skies.

Preserve Rare and Endangered Species in the Sky Islands

The Sky Islands are teetering on the edge of ecological peril. Strengthen conservation measures to safeguard this priceless biodiversity before it’s too late.

Protect the Sonoran Desert Tortoise From Droughts and Heat Waves

The Sonoran Desert tortoise is in danger due to droughts and heatwaves, which are shrinking its home, disrupting its life, and harming the entire desert. Act now to save the species.

Prevent a Drought Disaster in the Colorado River Basin

Climate change and human activities have siphoned off substantial volumes of water from the Colorado River Basin. This looming crisis that’s been growing silently for decades threatens the viability of this national treasure. Implement sustainable water management practices.

Fund Renewable Energy Solutions in Isolated Communities

Remote communities are facing an energy crisis, trapped by their isolation, and forced to rely on costly and polluting diesel generators. Allocate funding and resources for sustainable energy solutions.

Combat Ocean Acidification Impacting Marine Ecosystems

Marine life is under grave threat from rising ocean acidity caused by excessive carbon emissions. Act now to protect these precious ecosystems from this looming disaster.

Protect the Ozark Hellbender Salamander From Water Pollution

The Ozark hellbender salamander stands on the brink of crisis due to pollution, habitat damage, and shifting climates. Act now to protect this ancient species.

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