Stop Striking Out Against Climate Activists

Target: Leena Ylä-Mononen, Executive Director of European Environment Agency

Goal: Prevent punitive actions taken against climate protesters who engage in non-violent activism.

Global leaders are once again convening to discuss and make plans for tackling the climate crisis. And across the world, environmental protesters—tiring of what they see as empty pledges and promises—are taking non-violent action to make their own statements. And an increasing number of European nations are punishing them harshly for speaking out.

German and French officials are essentially treating (and sometimes labeling) climate protesters as terrorists and mobsters. They are invoking laws related to the two notorious groups in order to spy on, detain, or outlaw climate activism groups. And in regions like the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy, the Netherlands, and Denmark, incredibly harsh charges (like sedition) and sentences (including multi-year prison terms) are being handed down to climate activists who have participated in non-violent protests.

These oppressive measures are coming at a time when climate scientists are calling more citizens to activism. Sign the petition below to demand these leaders of the world stop trying to silence the voices of the people fighting for the world’s future.


Dear Executive Director Ylä-Mononen,

The past summer marked the hottest in Europe’s history. This year is on track to become the hottest since humankind began keeping records. And as world leaders once again meet to confront the climate crisis, over 1,000 scientists had this urgent message for the world: “we are terrified. We need you. Wherever you are, become a climate advocate or activist.”

Yet across Europe, climate activists are being punished with bans, spying, raids, arrests, and harsh prison sentences for non-violent actions. What kind of message is the European Union sending when it suppresses the voices of ordinary citizens who want the better, cleaner, and healthier future of which global leaders speak? You are telling these individuals that their voices and their rights to a sustainable life do not matter. And you are telling them not to get involved and not to care…or else face severe repercussions.

Please do everything in your power to stop this continental crackdown on human rights and environmental rights. Heed the words of those 1,000 unified voices who warn, “if we are to create a liveable future, climate action must move from being something that others do to something that we all do.”


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Fibonacci Blue

One Comment

  1. We either respect the law or we abuse the law! The same truth is correct for climate change. Each one of us has the responsibility to do all we can to curb the climate so we can all live to see the future. Those who deny climate change are being stupid. Yet many among us will allow others to do the work of our individual survival. If you care about living and having your families live to see future generations, do your part. Don’t let stupidity and self centeredness stop your contributions which are so badly needed if we want earth to survive.

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920 Signatures

  • Phyllis Mazzarisi
  • anna di bitonto
  • Russell Tidy
  • Vasili Galanis
  • Mathias Vogt
  • Fabian Müller
  • Vincent L
  • Kathy Harris
  • Marcelo Marcelo
  • Audrey Arbogast
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