
Success: YouTube Pulls New Zealand Shooting Videos

YouTube has removed thousands of video copies of the New Zealand massacre, as well as the shooter’s manifesto and warning. The rate at which the video spread throughout social media was alarming, horrifying thousands of users and leading to demands for all platforms to remove the videos; the call has finally been answered. Thank YouTube for listening to the demands of the public.

Success: Environment Protected by Fracking Ban

Fracking has been banned in Oregon while the government takes time to research the controversial practice. Thank the government for taking a stand to protect the environment.

Success: Private Immigrant Prisons Defunded

Two big banks have announced plans to withdraw their funding of private immigrant detention centers. This is a massive step in the fight against migrant discrimination and the private prison industry. Praise these funders for their commitment to human rights.

Success: Trump Ordered to Reunite Separated Families

The Trump administration has been ordered to reunite thousands of children with the guardians they were forcibly separated from at the Mexican border. The racist and xenophobic policy was ended some time ago, but until now it did not include mending the families it had broken. Sign this petition to thank those who fought against this hateful policy.

Success: Amazon Being Protected from Deforestation

One government is taking immediate action against deforestation and illegal mining in the Amazon. Thank them for their efforts and demand other governments follow their lead.

Success: Lake Erie Granted Personhood

“A long, hard struggle” for the future of a Great Lake has yielded tremendous success. Celebrate the voter-affirmed protections for Lake Erie made possible by tireless volunteers and activists.

Success: Safer Pesticide Alternative Developed

Harmful chemical pesticides could be a problem of the past, thanks to a recent scientific development. Researchers have discovered a mutant bacteria capable of protecting plants without harming humans, animals, and the environment. Praise those who are making this progress possible.

Success: Hazardous Fracking Plans Denied

Lancashire’s unspoiled natural areas are safe from a big energy firm’s fracking plans, thanks to the government rejecting the firm’s bid to open four new wells. Lancashire had previously suffered from earthquakes and tremors due to fracking, and the practice, as a whole, is one of the most dangerous ways of obtaining energy. Sign this petition to thank Lancashire’s government for putting a stop to fracking.

Success: Killers of Black Bear Family Sentenced to Jail Time

The lives of a black bear and her cubs were coldly snuffed away by a pair of poachers. Applaud the punishment of a family of hunters who ended the lives of another family.

Success: Mentally Ill Students Gain Access to Clinical Psychologist

Children and young adults will now have access to a clinical psychologist in a groundbreaking move to combat mental illness. Several of England’s schools and community colleges are recruiting full time psychologists with funding provided by the NHS. Applaud this important and life-saving initiative.

Success: USDA Sued For Experimenting On Kittens

An animal welfare advocacy group has filed a lawsuit against the USDA, demanding a stop to their horrific experiments that kill at least 100 kittens and cats per year. While this is only the first step in stopping the experiments, it is an important one. Sign this petition to thank the White Coat Waste Project and to support their fight to protect innocent animals.

Success: Animal Testing Banned in California

Animal testing has officially been banned in California, thanks to a unanimous vote by the State Assembly. This will be the fourth state to ban the unethical and dangerous practice that has harmed animals for years, even leading to deaths. Thank the California State Assembly for taking this important step.

Success: Owner of Animal House of Horrors Sentenced to Jail Time

An animal cruelty offender will serve jailtime after she kept dozens of dogs and a cat in a feces-ridden house. Three dogs died due to neglect and others were emaciated and covered in urine. Thank the prosecutor who gave these animals a voice.

Success: ‘Ag-Gag’ Law Punishing Animal Rights Defenders Struck Down

They recorded some of the worst atrocities committed against animals, and Iowa law once called them criminals. But no more. Applaud the abolition of a destructive law that protected and enabled animal abusers.

Success: Coal to be Phased Out as Primary Fuel Source

Germany has agreed to slowly phase out their use of coal as a fuel, which promises a major positive impact on the Paris Climate Agreement as well as the quality of air worldwide. The country is the last in the region to rely so heavily on coal, which has made up 40 percent of their power. While 2038 is a long time to wait, their decision is still much appreciated. Sign this petition to thank Germany for phasing out coal.

Success: Human Trafficking Survivor Cyntoia Brown Granted Clemency

Sex trafficking survivor, Cyntoia Brown, will soon be freed from the prison where she has languished for 15 years. Support the liberation of a young woman who became a symbol of criminal justice reform.

Success: Breeder Convicted of Animal Cruelty Gets Jail Time

A breeder will serve jail time after he starved and denied veterinary care to sick dogs. The animals were severely emaciated and they suffered with painful and debilitating health problems. Thank the prosecutor for seeking the maximum punishment for this animal cruelty offender.

Success: London Nurseries to Receive Crucial Air Purifiers

Five London nurseries will receive air purifiers, thanks to a decision made by London’s mayor following reports of heavy air pollution in the city’s schools. This is only one step, but it is highly important, as many children in the past year have suffered pollution-related complications and even died from them. Sign this petition to thank Mayor Sadiq Khan for taking this step.

Success: Chris Brown Punished for Illegal Purchase of Baby Monkey

Rapper Chris Brown may face jail time for his purchase of a Capuchin monkey over one year ago. The sale and trade of wildlife as pets is unethical and inhumane, and it is a great relief to know that Brown will face consequences for his actions. Sign this petition to thank California’s government for acting to protect wild animals.

Success: Anti-Choice Abortion Bill Once Again Defeated

In the war against women’s reproductive rights, ant-choice forces lost another battle. Applaud the defeat of an effort to criminalize abortions performed after six weeks.

Success: Russia Bans Slaughter of Stray Dogs

Stray dogs will no longer be killed in Russia, thanks to a new law. This law prohibits the inhumane capture and slaughter of stray animals and implements the use of shelters to house them. Praise Russia for its decision to end animal cruelty.

Success: Researchers Work to Restore the Great Barrier Reef

Breakthrough robotics technology may save the Great Barrier Reef from the effects of global climate change. Applaud the researchers who are working to save this natural wonder.

Success: Congress Protected Crucial Water and Soil Conservation Program

Several essential conservation programs nearly lost their funding, due to the abrupt end of an important farm bill. Thank congress for maintaining this funding and protecting the environment, organic research and food stamps.

Success: Flooding Rivers and Streams Will Be Restored

Britain’s rivers and streams are about to be bolstered to improve the water supply after years of struggling and suffering. These bodies of water will be given more complexity and more bends to slow the flow and prevent flooding. This is an important step in improving the quality of life for all living creatures. Sign this petition to support this endeavor.

Success: New Jersey Bans Circuses from Exploiting Wild Animals

Wild and exotic animal are now banned from exploitation in circuses and carnivals. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed the historic bill into law in a reversal of former Governor Chris Christie’s veto. Please sign this petition to applaud Governor Murphy’s support of animal rights.

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