
Don’t Let Poaching Wipe Out Endangered Black Rhinoceros

The black rhinoceros is critically endangered due to poaching and habitat loss. Demand immediate action be taken to protect this vital species and the biodiversity of its region.

Protect Giant Otter From Extinction Due to Habitat Loss and Pollution

The giant otter, an iconic species of the Amazon rainforest and a crucial part of its delicate ecosystem, is in danger of going extinct due to habitat loss and pollution. Demand immediate action be taken to support efforts to protect this animal.

Stop Abusing and Killing Animals for Religious Celebrations

From camels breaking bones to donkeys crushed to death, too many animals suffer and die at holiday events intended to celebrate spirituality and life. Demand event producers keep exploited animals out of their plans.

Protect Red Pandas From Habitat Loss and Poaching

Adorable red pandas are at risk of extinction from habitat loss and poaching. Support conservation measures and law enforcement efforts to ensure their survival.

Protect the Majestic Andean Condor From Extinction

The Andean condor is threatened by habitat loss and hunting. Urge mmediate action to protect this iconic species and ensure its survival.

Ban Cyanide and Mercury in Artisanal Gold Mining

Toxic cyanide and mercury used in gold mining is contaminating the environment and endangering nearby communities. We urgently need to promote sustainable mining practices by implementing cleaner technologies. Call for immediate action to address this problem.

End Poaching That is Killing Endangered Sumatran Orangutan

The Sumatran orangutan is critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. Demand immediate action to protect this iconic species.

Ban Deadly Gillnets to Save Endangered Vaquita Porpoise

Gillnets, a tool used in fishing, trap and sometimes even kill the vaquita porpoise. A permanent ban could save this endangered species along with many others. Demand action be taken to end the suffering of these animals.

Ban Snare Traps That Kill and Maim Pets and Wild Animals

Snare traps injure, stress, and kill countless animals. Ban the use of these cruel and inhumane traps.

Success: Putin Charged With War Crimes for Allegedly Kidnapping Ukrainian Children

The first arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin has been issued for alleged war crimes in Ukraine. Applaud this welcome win for justice and human rights.

Protect Critically Endangered Lemurs From Habitat Loss

Lemurs, found only on the unique island of Madagascar, are at dire risk of extinction from habitat loss and hunting. Call for emergency action to save them from disappearing forever.

Conserve Critically Endangered Mexican Wolf

The critically endangered Mexican wolf is on the brink of extinction in the US, with only around 150 individuals remaining. Immediate action is needed to conserve this iconic species and its habitat. Demand the president take action and support conservation measures.

End Habitat Destruction to Save Endangered Chinese Giant Salamander

The Chinese giant salamander is critically endangered due to habitat loss and over-harvesting for the illegal wildlife trade. Establishing a protected area is crucial to ensure its survival. Demand action be taken immediately to support this initiative.

Protect Endangered Snow Leopard From Poaching and Habitat Loss

The snow leopard is in danger of extinction due to climate change, habitat destruction, and poaching. We must work together to protect and restore our planet’s precious ecosystems so that this endangered species can survive. Demand action be taken now.

Stop Trophy Hunting of African Lions

African lions are being brutally shot and killed by trophy hunters for “sport.” Tanzania must ban this cruel practice and protect lion habitats to ensure their survival. Take action now to save the lions.

Save African Penguins From Overfishing and Habitat Loss

African penguin populations have plummeted 60% just in the last decade. It’s crucial to take action and increase protections for this species. Join us to support this critical initiative.

Protect Bengal Tigers From Extinction Due to Habitat Loss

Bengal tigers are facing a significant threat to their survival due to habitat loss in India. Urge decision-makers to take immediate action to protect their habitat and ensure their survival.

Protect Whales From Hunting in the South Pacific

Migratory whales are under threat. Establishing a marine sanctuary in the South Pacific would protect them and the ocean ecosystem. Take action now to support this critical initiative.

Don’t Let Illegal Wildlife Trade Kill Animals and Communities

Illegal wildlife trade leads to extinction of species and destroys ecosystems. Stronger law enforcement, more sustainable wildlife use, alternative livelihoods, and raising awareness may be the solution. Demand efforts be made to protect biodiversity and communities.

Save North Atlantic Right Whale From Extinction

The critically endangered North Atlantic right whale is in danger of extinction due to ship strikes, habitat destruction, and fishing nets. With only 400 individuals left in the wild, time is running out. Demand urgent steps be taken to protect this species and their habitat.

Save Rare Asian Unicorn From Extinction

The saloa, known as the Asian unicorn, is at risk of extinction due to hunting, habitat destruction, and illegal wildlife trade. With a population of fewer than 100 individuals, urgent conservation efforts are needed. Sign the petition now and make your voice heard for the saola.

Save the Last Javan Rhinos From Imminent Extinction

The Javan rhinoceros is critically endangered, with only 72 remaining in the wild. Call for urgent action to establish a breeding program before it is too late.

Establish Safe Passage for Endangered Rainforest Animals

Deforestation and human activity have decimated the habitats of endangered rainforest species and put countless others at risk. Establishing safe passage between existing habitats will protect biodiversity, prevent habitat fragmentation, and promote sustainable development. Demand leaders support this important cause.

Protect Vaquita Porpoise From Threat of Extinction

The vaquita porpoise is critically endangered due to the use of illegal fishing nets. Protection, enforcement, and sustainable fishing alternatives are essential for their survival. Demand those in charge take action to save this species.

Ban Electric Shock Collars That Hurt and Traumatize Dogs

Electric shock collars cause dogs physical pain and distress, and they are a popular tool commonly used for training. This inhumane method cannot be allowed. Demand a ban on these devices and advocate for positive reinforcement training methods.

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