Protect Vulnerable Individuals From Domestic Abuse

Target: Kim Reynolds, Governor of Iowa, United States

Goal: Prevent domestic abuse and protect vulnerable individuals.

A recent incident in Albia, Iowa, involving Dr. Alejandro Curiel, a 46-year-old family physician at Monroe County Hospital and Clinics, has highlighted the pressing need for stricter regulations to prevent domestic abuse and safeguard the well-being of individuals in vulnerable situations. Dr. Curiel was arrested on charges related to a reported altercation at his home on August 14, 2023.

During a verbal argument with his wife, Dr. Curiel is reported to have physically assaulted her, causing her harm and distress. The allegations include claims that he shoved her, damaged her belongings, and violated a no-contact order by returning to their residence the following day. These alleged actions are deeply concerning and underline the significance of addressing domestic abuse more effectively.

Such incidents expose the gaps that exist in current regulations, allowing individuals who allegedly commit acts of domestic abuse to potentially evade accountability. To protect the safety and dignity of all citizens, it is crucial that legal mechanisms are in place to prevent such behavior and to offer protection to those who might be vulnerable to abuse. Take action now.


Dear Governor Reynolds,

We are writing to draw your attention to a matter of utmost urgency that affects the safety and well-being of individuals in our community. The reported incident involving Dr. Alejandro Curiel underscores the imperative need for enhanced regulations to prevent domestic abuse and to ensure that vulnerable individuals are safeguarded from harm.

It is alleged that Dr. Curiel was involved in a disturbing altercation with his spouse, during which he is reported to have allegedly physically assaulted her, violated a no-contact order, and attempted contact with her mother. These allegations are deeply troubling and remind us of the critical necessity to address domestic abuse comprehensively.

As a society, we have a shared responsibility to protect our citizens, particularly those who may be vulnerable to abuse. We urge you to take a proactive stance on this issue by advocating for the implementation of stricter regulations that deter domestic abuse and ensure that those who engage in such reprehensible actions are held accountable.

By enacting more stringent measures, we can create an environment where individuals feel safe and empowered to report incidents of domestic abuse, and where the perpetrators are swiftly brought to justice. Let us work together to create a society that prioritizes the well-being and safety of all its members.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: DANNY G


  1. Abusers of women, children and animals need to have a 25 year automatic sentence. Period.
    Abusers are among the worst but least sentenced criminals. Yes, they are criminals! To know the law states this punishment no matter who or what you abuse might stop the overwhelming amount of abuse which happens these days. Animals are among the most abused and such abuse must be stopped. What we need is a law which states that as a fact and then to demand judges carry forth the sentence. If abusers realize they will be faced with an extreme prison sentence they may be less likely to abuse others.

    • Dawn Richardson says:

      As long as sentient beings are considered possessions, the patriarchal world view will do little to implement change. Reinstating the Goddess in organized religion could be a start for a more compassionate planet.

    • Cori Daniels says:

      I’m not an advocate for beating women or children but sometimes women antagonize the man women are very hurtful and spiteful and very revengeful to men to the point where they want them to do something to him so they get them arrested, conniving lying b******and if they don’t get their own way they’ll make up s*** and push the buttons on a man to make him flip out they say walk away but sometimes it’s not that easy especially if hurtful things are said Dr curiel is a great doctor and a great human being

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