Car parts continue to pollute landfills with toxic automotive fluids, despite rules against their disposal. Demand metal recycling facilities be utilized instead to promote environmental sustainability.
Multiple J-pop idols reportedly suffered sexual abuse as children. Their abusers? Apparently, members of their own talent agency. Demand an urgent investigation into this shocking case.
A dog was reportedly starved to death and lived amongst garbage and feces. The owners’ children apparently suffered the same abuse. Demand a thorough investigation to protect the vulnerable and help hold those allegedly responsible accountable for their actions.
A stray dog was reportedly brutally killed in a shocking act of animal cruelty. The suspects are in police custody. Demand swift justice for this innocent animal.
Israel’s judicial branch is under attack, upending the delicate checks and balances that sustain democracy. Demand leaders stop going against the will of their people and undermining their own government.
The use of natural gas emits harmful chemicals into our atmosphere and damages Earth. Biomethane is a renewable alternative that presents little harm to the environment. Demand the use of biomethane over natural gas.
A puppy dog was stabbed and disemboweled to death, according to reports. Demand authorities seek the maximum penalty in this case.
A woman who reportedly neglected and ended the lives of hundreds of dogs was charged with 146 fifth-degree felonies for animal cruelty. Each individual life apparently lost was accounted for in this ruling. Thank officials for bringing justice to the deceased dogs in the best way they could.
Raw milk contains dangerous bacteria that can lead to food-poisoning and other illnesses. Milk needs to go through pasteurization before being consumed. Demand the banning of raw milk sales nationwide.
Consumers are increasingly relying on their phones and computers to complete important financial transactions. Demand enhanced protections for on-the-rise mobile money transfer services.
There are only 10,000-25,000 blue whales left around the world. They’re at extreme risk for extinction because of vessel strikes and prior commercial trading. Demand shipping routes be altered to not enter their habitats and cause any further harm.
Animal hoarding affects the mental and physical well-being of both hoarders and the animals in their custody. Demand a more nuanced legal approach to this complicated problem.
Six stray dogs and their puppies were allegedly poisoned to death. Demand justice for these innocent animals.
Dogs and birds were reportedly forced to perform against their will at a circus. This alleged abuse could injure or even kill these animals. Demand appropriate action to protect them from exploitation and harm.
Florida is squarely in the crosshairs of climate change. Its leaders refuse to evolve and adapt. Call for full investment in a cleaner environment and a better and safer world.
Popular clothing retailer Aéropostale is reportedly violating human rights by manufacturing products in countries that condone child labor. This practice harms millions of children every year through long workdays and unfit working environments. Demand this fast fashion empire end this apparently unethical association.
A BBC TV show, Countryfile, featured the use of snares to capture wildlife. This apparent normalization of animal cruelty sparked outrage. Demand the BBC prevent the inclusion of content that promotes inhumane practices in the future.
People in mental health crisis have a new lifeline in the form of the 988 national hotline. Applaud this important support service for America’s hidden epidemic.
A dog was set on fire and died at the hands of an unknown perpetrator. Demand an immediate investigation and swift justice for this innocent victim.
The stakes of the dual strikes paralyzing television and film production reflect challenges that are and will be faced by nearly all workers. Demand employers recognize and respect these employees’ rights.
Rubber tires contribute to nearly half of the world’s small particle pollution. The use of biodegradable tires reduces the world’s carbon footprint and prevents harmful chemicals from entering Earth’s atmosphere. Demand the world’s number one tire manufacturer take these steps to protect the planet.
The pigeon racing scene is marred by allegations of animal cruelty and organized crime. Take immediate action to enforce stronger regulations and protect the welfare of these birds.
A girlfriend of a suspected cat murderer allegedly knew that he was hurting and killing helpless kittens and reportedly did not inform anyone of her concerns. She was even said to help him purchase two other animals. Demand she receive the maximum prison sentence if she is found guilty of aiding and abetting this reported cruelty.
A new paint has been in the works that can reduce global warming through cooling environments and reflecting sunlight. Dubbed the “world’s whitest paint,” barium sulfate paint could be the key to saving our planet. Demand its immediate use once it’s released.
The menhaden fish population has decreased by 90% because of previous over-fishing. This essential species provides nutrients to humans and is a major player in the Atlantic’s food chain. Demand stricter fishing regulations to prevent another devastating extinction.