Save Wild Rice Lakes From Industrial Pollution

Target: Katrina Kessler, Commissioner of Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)

Goal: Preserve the ecological integrity of Minnesota’s wild rice lakes.

The wild rice lakes of Minnesota, integral to the state’s ecological balance and cultural heritage, are facing unprecedented threats. From industrial pollution to invasive species and the looming shadow of climate change, the challenges are manifold and escalating. This is not a minor concern but a critical issue that demands immediate, effective intervention.

The ramifications extend beyond environmental degradation. The wild rice lakes are vital to local economies, supporting tourism and recreational activities. Moreover, these ecosystems are essential for the indigenous communities for whom wild rice holds significant cultural value.

Sign the petition below to insist that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency enact immediate, comprehensive measures for the protection of Minnesota’s wild rice lakes. Key actions must include stringent pollution control, effective water resource management, and proactive measures against invasive species.


Dear Commissioner Kessler,

The ecological balance of Minnesota’s wild rice lakes is at a critical juncture, jeopardized by rising pollution levels, the spread of invasive species, and the increasing impacts of climate change. The data points to a troubling trend: declining water quality, loss of native species, and reduced yields of wild rice.

The situation necessitates more than deliberation; it calls for immediate, concrete action. We insist that you formulate and execute a comprehensive strategy that addresses the multiple challenges facing these unique ecosystems. This should encompass not only rigorous pollution control but also innovative water management systems and proactive measures to counteract the spread of invasive species.

Failure to address this pressing issue will have far-reaching implications, affecting not only the ecological balance but also the economic stability and cultural heritage of the communities. The wild rice lakes are an irreplaceable asset, integral to Minnesota’s identity.

We urge you to act with the urgency that this critical situation demands. Take steps that will not only mitigate current threats but also ensure the long-term sustainability of Minnesota’s wild rice lakes.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Superior National Forest

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273 Signatures

  • Kathy Harris
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Alice Rim
  • Mary and Roger Stephens
  • James Brown
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
  • John B
  • Evan Jane Kriss
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