Safeguard the Wilderness of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

Target: Scott Bowen, Director of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Goal: Protect the wilderness areas of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, a sanctuary of untamed beauty and biodiversity, stands on the precipice of irreversible damage. Encroaching development, illegal logging, and lax enforcement of existing conservation laws are eroding this natural treasure. This isn’t a minor quibble; it’s a critical juncture that demands immediate, decisive intervention.

Economically, the implications are far-reaching. Outdoor recreation and eco-tourism, sectors that derive their livelihood from the pristine condition of the Upper Peninsula, are at risk. The downstream effects could wreak havoc on local economies and community well-being.

Sign this petition to press the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to take swift, comprehensive action to conserve the wilderness of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Enacting stringent land-use policies, bolstering sustainable development, and intensifying monitoring and enforcement are essential steps for preserving this ecological gem.


Dear Director Bowen,

The pressing need to conserve the wilderness of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula cannot be overstated. This natural haven, teeming with biodiversity and serving as a bulwark against climate change, is under siege. The evidence is unambiguous: rampant deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and deteriorating water quality.

We urge you to formulate and enforce a comprehensive conservation strategy that addresses the multi-dimensional challenges facing the Upper Peninsula wilderness. This plan must include rigorous land-use policies, sustainable development guidelines, and proactive monitoring and enforcement protocols.

The stakes are high. The Upper Peninsula serves as a refuge for numerous endangered species and plays a vital role in regional climate regulation. Moreover, the degradation of these wilderness areas poses a significant threat to local water quality and increases vulnerability to natural disasters.

We exhort you to act with the urgency this crisis warrants. Implement measures that will not only conserve the Upper Peninsula wilderness, but also ensure its long-term sustainability within Michigan’s borders.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Yinan Chen

One Comment

  1. It’s Michigan, again? Michigan must be falling apart. So who’s on the job? The pressing need to conserve the wilderness of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula cannot be overstated. This natural haven with biodiversity and serving as a bulwark against climate change, is under siege. The evidence is obvious, rampant deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and deteriorating water quality. Addresses the multi-dimensional challenges facing the Upper Peninsula wilderness. This plan must include rigorous land-use policies, sustainable development guidelines, and proactive monitoring and enforcement protocols. Urgency is what this crisis warrants. Implement measures that will not only conserve the Upper Peninsula wilderness, but also ensure its long-term sustainability. Alert: DO IT NOW!

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263 Signatures

  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Erin Borozny
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Michelle Blackley
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Vincent L
  • Kathy Harris
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