Skin and eye irritation, force-feeding to induce illness, and forceful chemical ingestion to determine ‘lethal dose’: these are a few of the common ‘testing’ methods performed on animals. For decades, cosmetics and personal care product manufacturers have implemented these brutal practices with impunity. Praise and support the efforts of one state to fight inhumane animal testing.
This year a ban on 24 types of waste, including electronic waste, became law in China. This addresses environmental and human health concerns, and could lead to a reduction in plastic pollution going into our oceans. Sign the petition to applaud the Ministry of Environmental Protection for its efforts.
In a victory for animal welfare, Wales has announced plans to ban the practice of using wild animals in circuses. Support this stand for animal rights.
Montana’s Yellowstone grizzlies will be protected this year, as the state’s Fish, Wildlife & Parks department recommends a hunting ban. Support this humane decision to preserve this iconic species.
If a lobster possessed the vocal chords to scream, could you hear its cries of agony emanating from a cooking pot? One country believes the answer is a definitive yes. Applaud the steps Switzerland is taking to restore a humane approach to a highly divisive practice.
A San Francisco shop owner was sentenced to three years of probation, 500 hours of community service, and $3,599 in penalties for possessing and selling endangered animal products. Animals used included ocelots, jaguars, and snow leopards, which are endangered and threatened species. Thank District Attorney George Gascon for charging the offender and helping prevent more poaching.
President Trump recently gutted two national parks. Without strong action, these and other natural wonders will face disintegration and destruction. With willing allies, we can stop these travesties. Join the fight for Utah’s and America’s sacred environments.
Hong Kong has finalized a ban on all ivory sales, three years after announcing their intention to put a stop to the trade, closing all loopholes and ending grace periods. This is wonderful news that will hopefully put an end to the poaching of elephants across the country. Sign this petition to thank Hong Kong’s legislature for banning ivory for good.
PepsiCo has cut ties with a destructive palm oil plantation accused of using illegal child labor. Thank the company for putting human rights ahead of its bottom line.
President Trump said in a statement that he will testify under oath as part of the probe into Russian collusion, and on the firings of FBI Director Comey and National Security Adviser Flynn. Support this decision and demand that Trump follow through on this claim.
The Vancouver aquarium has finally given in to public pressure from animal rights groups and will be ceasing their captivity of whales and dolphins. Captivity of these creatures has led to many deaths over the years, and it is a relief that this aquarium will help put an end to this. Sign this petition to thank the Vancouver Aquarium for taking a step forward regarding the well-being of sea mammals.
A puppy was beaten to death and then dumped outside in a shocking case of animal cruelty, according to reports. The suspect apparently attacked the puppy after the animal urinated on his shoe. Police described the deceased puppy’s body as looking like “ground hamburger.” Demand justice for this poor puppy.
Bolstered by the unified voices of unwavering advocates, a global airline forged powerful partnerships that ultimately rescued scores of animals from devastating conditions. Hurricanes Harvey and Maria left untold victims and survivors in their wake, among them the many animals that inhabit Texas and Puerto Rico. Lend your support to rescue efforts underway for these animals and encourage future aid.
Long-suffering elephant Nosey, who was rescued after a decade of abuse and exploitation in a traveling circus, finally has a new home that will ensure her continued freedom. Support this huge victory and the protection of this innocent elephant.
President Trump will scrap his own voter fraud commission, which he created to investigate his own allegations that illegal votes were the reason he lost the popular vote in the 2016 presidential election. Support the dissolution of this unnecessary and potentially dangerous panel.
Famous designer Michael Kors has announced it will no longer use fur on its products. Countless animals are trapped within fur farms and face unimaginable horrors daily. Sign this petition and praise Michael Kors for no longer supporting this cruel industry.
President Donald Trump’s proposed ban on transgender military recruits has been overturned. Sign this petition to praise the judge who ruled that all recruits must be given a fair chance to enlist, regardless of their gender identification.
Two species of kiwis have been removed from the endangered species list. Sign this petition to applaud New Zealand’s Department of Conservation for its extraordinary efforts to protect kiwis.
Instagram is finally banning the posting of wildlife selfies, an exploitative trend that has been growing far too much within the past year. While the ban may not actively stop such pictures, it will no longer enable them and hopefully discourage tourists from taking them. Sign this petition to thank Instagram for putting animals first.
Animals’ ability to think and feel will be officially recognized by UK law, according to the environment secretary. Support this promise to acknowledge animal sentience and protect animal welfare.
Cruel research was being conducted on countless animals, in which the animals were reportedly starved for extended periods of time and then gassed to death. Thankfully, St. Mary’s University put an end to these barbaric experiments. Sign this petition and praise the university for ending the research.
A newly-created marine park will provide a pristine habitat for endangered sea turtles, whales, sharks, and manta rays. Applaud the Mexican government for protecting our oceans.
Life-saving humanitarian aid has finally arrived in Yemen, thanks to the partial lifting of a blockade on all routes in and out of the country. The blockade threatened Yemen with the worst famine in decades. Support the reopening of aid routes and demand that all such routes be reopened to save millions of lives.
Fashion giant BCBG has made the decision to stop selling products using fur and angora wool. Countless animals are trapped within these industries and face unimaginable horrors and death daily. Sign this petition and praise BCBG for no longer supporting these barbaric industries.
India is finally addressing its countrywide sexual assault epidemic by deploying an all-female motorcycle squad to ensure the safety of women on the streets and in spaces like university campuses. This is a great relief after the spike in rape incidents over the past several years. Sign this petition to thank the police force for cracking down on rapists at last.