Toxic algae is killing thousands of fish, poisoning marine mammals, and harming local fishing economies around San Francisco Bay. Demand the State of California take action and fund bay recovery.
Live animal markets and auctions throughout Texas legally sell wild animals to unqualified buyers. Demand the sale of wildlife at these events is banned and help protect animals from the exotic pet trade.
Black university students have been forced into coping without water due to an ongoing crisis exacerbated by recent flooding. Demand the state of Mississippi allocate the proper resources and funding to help them end this catastrophe once and for all.
Dogs are being baked alive in overheated cars. These agonizing deaths could be prevented with stronger punishments for reckless pet caretakers. Demand stricter laws against leaving pets in hot cars.
Consumer privacy, and national security, may be under constant attack at Twitter. A whistleblower claims the company is doing nothing to solve its security breaches. Demand they face the music of a comprehensive investigation.
Thirty-three dogs, cats, and puppies were reportedly found covered in maggots and with broken bones, mange, and parasite infections. Demand justice for these innocent animals.
Drinking just 2/3 cup of milk per day increases the risk of prostate cancer by 60%. Call for labels to warn consumers of this serious health risk.
Forests provide vital habitat for an estimated half of the world’s species, and are home to indigenous communities that depend on them for sustenance. However, each year 18 million acres of forest are destroyed to make room for agribusiness and industry. Demand California help stop mass deforestation.
Recreational hunting of mountain lions, bobcats, and Canada lynx is still being allowed in Colorado. Protect thousands of beautiful wild cats from being trapped, poisoned, and slaughtered.
Five Guys is one of a few fast-food chains to not include vegan and vegetarian meal replacement options on their menu. Demand Five Guys choose compassion and inclusion and start offering plant-based alternatives to their popular menu items.
Undercover investigations have exposed corruption and protected the health and welfare of consumers and animals. Several states, however, still prosecute undercover activists. Demand that lawmakers stop treating these advocates like criminals.
Body camera footage shows officers arresting Pastor Michael Jennings for seemingly no reason while he was watering his neighbor’s plants. Demand these officers are terminated, if found guilty of wrongful arrest.
Bears and other animals are being subjected to horrific injuries and slow, painful deaths because of bow hunting. Urge a ban to this cruel and inhumane practice.
PetSmart has been accused of denying sick animals access to veterinary care and stuffing hundreds of dead rodents, reptiles, birds, and fish in freezers. Demand PetSmart stop selling live animals at their retail locations.
Secret footage taken by undercover investigators at a KFC supply farm appears to show the horrific conditions these chickens endure, including being forced to live in their own feces. Demand justice for these animals.
Public defenders make enormous personal sacrifices to make sure marginalized people receive justice in a court of law. Demand that these essential employees receive the right to unionize.
Post-pandemic spikes in unemployment and homelessness have been accompanied by increased national food insecurity. Help feed those living in poverty while reducing runaway food waste.
New York is attempting to prevent the sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits from pet stores throughout the state. This is also a major step in shutting down puppy mills. Thank lawmakers for prioritizing animal welfare and encourage further support.
Giraffe populations have declined by 35% but officials still refuse to grant these animals the protection they deserve. Demand efforts to protect and restore giraffes before it’s too late.
Grant County, New Mexico commissioners recently voted against funding a federal agency responsible for killing millions of wildlife each year. Sign this petition to thank commissioners and to encourage other counties throughout the nation to do the same.
Coca-Cola has vowed to go completely plastic free by the year 2023, in favor of biodegradable, plant-based alternatives. Commend Coca-Cola for their commitment towards reducing their footprint on the environment.
Record-breaking floods have destroyed precious Australian forests, threatening thousands of already endangered species. Demand the US reduce their carbon footprint and to help ease the impact of global flooding.
Flooding caused by climate change has submerged one third of Pakistan, forcing half a million people out of their homes. Demand wealthier countries that are responsible for most of the world’s emissions face the consequences of their actions and compensate Pakistan in funding and aid.
With climate catastrophe and homelessness skyrocketing, we need a new campaign to replace turf grass with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Forgiven student debt may come with a major price tag attached if some states follow through on a new tax. Demand amendment of murky laws that could cancel out key financial and educational benefits.