Health care for veterans has received a major boost. Soldiers who have fallen ill due to toxic exposure will now have enhanced coverage for their conditions. Laud this win in the battle for better healthcare.
Polio is rearing its head in regions once thought free of the potentially paralyzing and deadly disease. Demand global health leaders step up to provide equal and safe vaccine access.
Pearl Harbor is once again the scene of American suffering. This time, thousands were poisoned by their own drinking water. Call for accountability in this public health nightmare allegedly fueled by reckless leadership.
Children continue to be slaughtered by unregulated guns while the Supreme Court works to invalidate more gun safety laws. Demand politicians take action to protect our children and communities from gun violence.
Patients are losing access to life-saving diagnostic imaging procedures that can help prevent worst-case health outcomes. Supply shortages are to blame. Demand a boost in availability of these essential materials.
Politicians blame mental health problems for mass shootings, while undermining efforts to combat this crisis daily. Call on hypocritical leaders to invest in mental health access, programs, and related laws.
Overworked employees are increasingly facing mental and physical health problems. Demand America’s labor leaders give a shorter work week a shot at solving the expanding worker crisis.
A rash of suicides recently rocked a naval aircraft carrier. These latest tragedies are part of a troubling trend of mental health crises being ignored in the armed forces. Call on leaders to help save their soldiers from deadly despair.
Over 100 former students and employees of a high school have developed brain tumors or cancers. As the search for answers continues, urge public health officials to protect current attendees of the school.
The food millions of people eat contains dangerous amounts of disease-causing chemicals. Demand action against this hidden threat to our health.
Many healthcare providers have been taking advantage of patients in crisis with surprise medical bills. These unfair practices can send individuals and families into massive, crushing debt. Applaud the legislative push to end balance billing and other destructive forms of surprise billing.
Tainted drinking water and dangerously unregulated wastewater have harmed public health in communities countrywide. United support from Congressional leaders could soon change these fortunes for the better. Applaud needed investments in America’s water infrastructure.
Firefighting foam that contains dangerous, cancer-causing chemicals may soon be phased out, thanks to research done by the United States Air Force. In addition, the Air Force agreed to work with communities contaminated with chemicals and clean them up. Thank the U.S. Air Force for prioritizing the health of firefighters, the public and the environment by working to provide a safer firefighting foam.
The largest oil refinery on the East Coast will be shut down permanently thanks to four years of campaigning by a Philadelphia-based environmental group. This refinery emitted the highest levels of cancer-causing benzene in the country, far exceeding the EPA standard. Praise the environmental group for working to ensure the closure of this harmful oil refinery.
The dangerous and highly controversial pesticide chlorpyrifos will no longer be produced by the largest manufacturer of the chemical, Corteva. This victory comes after years of advocates working to keep this product off the shelves due to its link to brain damage in children. Applaud Corteva for deciding to stop producing chlorpyrifos.
The state at the center of the last major American outbreak has shielded its youngest citizens from the “anti-vaxxer” threat with required vaccinations in public schools. This will mandate vaccinations that combat measles and other dangerous health conditions. Applaud the prioritization of children’s health over unproven, unscientific claims.
The legal smoking age has been raised to 21 in a landmark victory for consumer health and the environment. This will hopefully decrease nicotine and smoking addiction among minors across America. Sign this petition to thank one of the four senators who made this possible.
The lives of 100,000 Americans with sickle cell disease will soon be improved, thanks to a recently funded program. The Sickle Cell Data Collection program aims to identify gaps in care throughout patients’ lives and give aging sufferers added comfort. Praise those who made this debilitating disease a funding priority.
A chemical company has withdrawn plans to build another polluting factory in an area known for its high rate of cancer. The saga of “Cancer Town” has been worsening for months now, and while the cancellation of factory construction is only one step, it is an important one. Thank the community for ensuring that the inhabitants will not be put at even more risk.
Germany is phasing out a weed killer linked to cancer in humans and a sharp decline in insect populations. This is an important step forward that will greatly benefit the environment. Thank Germany for heeding public concerns and phasing out this chemical.
The modern era’s war on drugs does not unfold in the streets but in corporate boardrooms. Opiod drug manufacturers have profited at the expense of half a million American lives. Applaud the legal day of reckoning visited upon one prominent opioid kingpin.
Children will be less likely to suffer injury and death, due to newly implemented school bus safety measures. Drivers who ignore the bus’ stop-arms can now be charged with a felony. Praise the state’s dedication to improving school bus safety.
Americans are being priced to death by the drug companies that often become their lifeline. Applaud efforts to end pharmaceutical price gouging and its inhumane extortion of human life.
Emerging leaders are taking a stand against asbestos and other hazardous chemicals. Encourage these pioneers who aim to end the danger of government-approved toxins.
Children and young adults will now have access to a clinical psychologist in a groundbreaking move to combat mental illness. Several of England’s schools and community colleges are recruiting full time psychologists with funding provided by the NHS. Applaud this important and life-saving initiative.