Tsunamis are an under-recognized but deadly threat to coastal communities near and far. Demand more expansive funding for the technologies and warning systems that could stop these disasters from becoming insurmountable crises and tragedies.
A teenager lost his life after falling from an amusement park ride, and safety violations could have possibly played a role in the tragedy. Demand accountability in this incident and similar cases where recreation turns deadly.
YouTube has become the last man standing in Russia’s war on media and truth. Demand the influential platform resist calls to sever its availability to the Russian people.
Despite years of pleas, the world’s top online retailer is still peddling a product that’s potentially associated with several suicides. Grieving family members, and Congress itself, have not moved the needle of action. Help enact the needed change and save lives.
Lead-contaminated and health-hazardous drinking water could soon be a danger of the past. Applaud leaders for taking on a long-standing affront to consumer protection.
America’s infrastructure is about to receive a major boost thanks to continued calls for change. Applaud an investment that will benefit transportation, communication, public health, the environment, and more.
Infants are exposed to poisoned and improperly labeled baby foods due to a lack of regulation. Thanks to proposed legislation, this concern can be a thing of the past. Sign this petition to applaud the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021.
Facebook has taken decisive action against a rapidly growing provocateur of hateful propaganda and violence. Legions of QAnon manipulators will now be left without a home base for their dangerous disinformation campaigns. Support Facebook’s full-on ban of this defamatory agent of chaos.
A ridiculous ban on the use of words like “burger” and “sausage” in plant-based food labels has been dismissed in the Netherlands. This ban would have forced plant-based food companies to sell their products using such unappetizing terms “veggie discs” or “protein tubes.” Sign this petition to thank the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport for their wise decision to reject this unnecessary ban.
A ban on most flavored e-cigarettes will likely diminish the use of these harmful devices among youth and other vulnerable populations. This ban constitutes the first strong federal offense against an industry accused of enabling addiction and serious health problems. Applaud this needed protection for consumer health.
If you buy outdoor gear from Black Diamond, your dollars may be helping finance the manufacture of ammunition designed to kill. In an age of mass shootings, no company that assists us in enjoying the outdoors should be involved in the gun industry. Tell Black Diamond’s parent company to divest from Sierra Bullets.
U.N. Women and several big companies have joined together to form an alliance against sexism in advertising. This is a big step for the advertising world, which has continued to rely on gender stereotypes and hypersexualization for years. Sign this petition to thank the Unstereotype Alliance for tackling this issue.
A passenger was forcibly and violently dragged off a United Airlines flight, sparking public backlash. The company has finally accepted full responsibility for what occurred and has promised to make the necessary changes. Sign this petition to thank United Airlines for stepping up.
A home improvement project shouldn’t expose you or your family to dangerous chemicals. But right now you can walk into The Home Depot and buy paint strippers containing chemicals tied to more than 50 deaths nationwide and which are linked to liver and lung cancer. Urge Home Depot to stop selling products containing these deadly chemicals.
The web company Angie’s List has pulled ads from Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News talk show after multiple women accused the television commentator of sexual harassment. Thank the company for putting women’s rights and safety before their own financial bottom line.
Starbucks has been in the spotlight for years because of how many of their cups end up in landfills. However, they have recently begun placing recycling containers and testing completely recyclable cups in the UK. Sign this petition to show your support and ensure this action continues.
Wells Fargo’s CEO has decided to leave his position as investigations continue into the company’s use of illegal banking practices. Lawmakers have called for his resignation because they believe the executive may have known about the illegal acts for years. Praise Stumpf’s decision to leave the company.
A top banking executive is resigning in the wake of a massive scandal of which he allegedly had direct knowledge. Commend the campaign that led to this response.
Philadelphia has become the first major U.S. city to institute a tax on soda and other unhealthy beverages. Applaud the passage of this progressive new measure.
Renowned soup manufacturer Campbell’s has vowed to eliminate a dangerous chemical from its soup cans. Praise the company’s dedication to a cleaner and healthier product.
The ingredients of a corporation’s tampons will now be listed on their website and packaging after a woman lost her leg due to toxic shock syndrome when she used a tampon labeled ‘natural.’ Applaud this decision that will make the ingredients of this corporation’s tampons and pads transparent to all consumers.
Misleading price tags designed to trick consumers are being used by major supermarkets. Protect shoppers from dishonest deals and support fair and accurate pricing.
The Campbell Soup company will now show GMO ingredients on their products’ labels. Applaud their decision to be more transparent in what consumers are eating and drinking.
Scammers are cheating Americans out of tens of millions of dollars by using online dating sites. Tell major sites to take action and crack down on online dating fraud.
The Costco supermarket chain has refused to sell potentially dangerous genetically modified salmon. Thank corporate leadership for their decision to protect both consumers and wild salmon populations.