A caged cat was shot and killed, and the two people allegedly responsible for the horrific act have not faced any meaningful punishment. Compel the system to do its job in holding reported animal abusers fully accountable.
Countless underweight and injured dogs with matted fur, living in their own feces in outdoor kennels, were reportedly found at a horrific puppy mill. Demand the woman accused of these crimes receive the maximum penalty.
Two dogs nearly died after they were reportedly found starved, dehydrated, and imprisoned in a tiny enclosure. Two of the people accused in this disturbing case got off with a light sentence. Sign the petition to urge a stronger punishment for the third allegedly involved party if he is found guilty.
A golden retriever puppy, named Chowder, was reportedly picked up and callously thrown for pooping inside his home. Chowder may now need to have one leg removed as a result. Demand the person accused of this cruel act be brought to justice.
A cat named Figaro was reportedly hunted down and given a bloody neck by two assailants. Demand these men be sent to prison if they are arrested, tried, and found guilty of this disgusting animal abuse.
Protesters interrupted two basketball games to shine a spotlight on a controversial team owner whose egg farm has been accused of horrendous animal cruelty. If the allegations are true, five million chickens may have been intentionally suffocated to death. Demand justice in this troubling case.
A puppy was reportedly stuffed inside a zipped-up bag and jammed in a car trunk underneath a heavy drill, while drugs were apparently being transported and delivered. Demand justice for this animal.
A poodle needed surgery after she was allegedly found running around with a band firmly wrapped around her mouth. Demand justice for this innocent animal if it is found she was abused and left to die.
A cat and a guinea pig both died from apparent acts of animal cruelty. These victims’ lives were then demeaned even further when they were disposed of in trash bags. Demand the perpetrator of these horrific crimes be held fully accountable when identified.
One hamster was apparently doused in hot liquid while others were reportedly beaten with objects while they cried out in anguish and pain. Demand justice for these animals.
Sixteen dogs were reportedly forced to fight each other and lived in cages with piled up feces and urine. Demand justice for these innocent creatures.
Dogs and cats at risk of inhumane experimentation have been granted legal protection in Virginia. Applaud a welcome win for animal welfare.
An unidentified man was reportedly caught on video beating his dog at a gas station. Help secure justice for this innocent animal.
A dog was allegedly shoved inside a closet and left behind by the owners before they moved from the residence. The poor creature was reportedly severely matted and malnourished. Demand justice for this innocent animal if the suspects are found guilty of such inexcusable abuse and neglect.
A man who was found guilty of torturing and skinning seven dogs to make fur coats may be released from prison early because the dogs are only considered “personal property.” Demand this man not be released from jail early.
The European Union is helping pay for the continued slaughter of roughly 250,000 bulls annually. Urge them to cease subsidies of bull-breeding farms immediately.
A four-month-old puppy was stolen from an animal care center by a man in a clown mask, in an ordeal caught on camera. She had just received surgery and needed medicine to fully recover. Demand authorities enforce stronger security measures.
A pharmaceutical company is forcing small animals to swim for their lives. They are drugged, dropped into water, and must swim to save themselves from drowning. This test has been discredited by scientists and other pharmaceutical companies have banned it. Call on the CEO of Eli Lilly to immediately ban the “force to swim test.”
Animals are being cooked and suffocated to death on America’s farms, and these heinous killings are justified as euthanasia. Urge an end to legal torture in the agriculture industry.
One dozen animals died inside an apartment after they were reportedly neglected and abandoned by their caretakers. Demand justice for these creatures if it is found they lost their lives as a result of abuse.
A dog named Sugar was apparently starved in her crate before dying in her own urine and feces. Demand justice for this sweet animal.
Fifteen dogs were reportedly found dead and stuffed inside a freezer, while others were forced to live in their own feces in the same house. Demand justice for these innocent animals.
Pets and other animals are the often-forgotten victims of the Ukraine invasion. Demand Europe’s leaders do more to aid and rescue these innocents from slaughter and starvation.
Mice are allegedly being starved, abused, and neglected at University of Minnesota laboratories. An investigation claims that at least 47 violations of animal welfare laws occured. Call on the president of the university to ensure any employees responsible of abuse are fired.
The bobcat that was reportedly stolen from a farm is back safe and sound. The farm itself released video of Blanche the bobcat looking happy as ever. Thank the farm owner who took measures to ensure the safety and security of their animals after the alleged theft.