Animal Welfare

Success: Russia Bans Slaughter of Stray Dogs

Stray dogs will no longer be killed in Russia, thanks to a new law. This law prohibits the inhumane capture and slaughter of stray animals and implements the use of shelters to house them. Praise Russia for its decision to end animal cruelty.

Success: New Jersey Bans Circuses from Exploiting Wild Animals

Wild and exotic animal are now banned from exploitation in circuses and carnivals. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed the historic bill into law in a reversal of former Governor Chris Christie’s veto. Please sign this petition to applaud Governor Murphy’s support of animal rights.

Success: South Korea’s Largest Dog Slaughterhouse Eradicated

Every bite of many South Korean ‘delicacies’ comes laden with the worst cruelty imaginable. For too long, dog slaughterhouses have electrocuted, tortured, and slayed without impunity. Celebrate the imminent demise of South Korea’s slaughterhouse leader.

Success: Florida Bans Greyhound Racing

One greyhound dies every three days on a Florida race track. Thanks to a new ban on racing in the state, this barbaric sport will be outlawed by the end of 2020. Show your support for the ban and demand that the appropriate actions be taken to ensure that these dogs are rescued and re-homed.

Success: Groomer Who Killed Dog Given Jail Time

A groomer will serve jail time after a dog died in her care. The dog suffered fatal injuries throughout his body after the groomer choked and kicked him repeatedly. Thank the prosecutor for seeking the harshest penalty in this horrific case.

Success: Greek Donkeys No Longer Bear Heavy Burden of Injury and Abuse

Donkeys enduring injury and abuse at the hands of Greece’s tourism industry now have a needed lifeline. Support promising new restrictions that better safeguard the well-being of these exploited animals.

Success: Cruel Elephant Polo Event Comes to an End

Elephants will no longer suffer abuse and neglect following the cancellation of the King’s Cup Elephant Polo Tournament. IBM withdrew its financial sponsorship of the sporting event in a valiant stand against animal cruelty. Thank IBM for its dedication to animal welfare.

Success: Woman Who Starved and Decapitated Dogs Given Jail Time

A woman has been convicted of felony animal cruelty after three dogs starved to death and another was decapitated on her property. The judge sentenced her to jail time under Ohio’s new law, allowing for felony convictions and harsher penalties for animal cruelty offenders. Thank the prosecutor for his his hard work and dedication in this horrific case.

Success: Delaware Strays Now Protected by Law

Earlier this year, two stray dogs were allegedly shot and run over in Delaware—just one example of unchecked violence committed against America’s homeless animals. The state where this heinous crime was allegedly committed has now taken important steps to protect these at-risk populations. Applaud more stringent animal rights laws that aid and protect free-roaming animals.

Success: Charges Dropped Against Rescuer Who Saved Animals From Hurricane

Charges have been dropped against an animal rescuer who opened up a temporary shelter for dozens of animals during Hurricane Florence. Applaud this action that acknowledges that this woman acted out of compassion and therefore should not be punished.

Success: Cruel Cosmetic Animal Testing Banned in California

Cosmetic products developed using the inhumane practice of testing on animals will now be banned in California, thanks to the unanimous support of lawmakers. Sign this petition to praise this decision that makes it illegal for non-cruelty free cosmetics to be sold statewide.

Success: Wild Horses Likely Spared From Experimental Surgeries

Wild mares living in the western United States will no longer be subjected to dangerous sterilization procedures following a university’s decision to withdraw its participation from this government proposal. Sign this petition and applaud this institution for not agreeing to carry out these inhumane and experimental surgeries.

Success: Indonesia to Ban Cruel Cat and Dog Meat Trade

The inhumane dog and cat meat trade that has brutally slaughtered thousands of innocent animals will soon be banned in Indonesia. Thanks to the newly proposed ban, these animals will no longer have to endure lives spent in captive abuse only to be killed to satisfy consumer demand. Sign this petition to thank Indonesian officials for calling for this important and life-saving ban.

Success: Brussels Bans Animal Testing, Saves Thousands

From kittens slaughtered by a government agency to baboons tortured with exploitative surgeries, cruel testing procedures bring terror to scores of animals every day. Applaud a progressive Belgian region for saying ‘no more’ to these atrocities.

Success: Animals Rescued from Roadside Zoo and Brought to Sanctuaries

Several exotic and endangered animals were rescued from a roadside zoo and transferred to sanctuaries. Support this victory for animal welfare and demand that efforts are continued to ensure that all of the animals from Deer Haven Mini Zoo are saved.

Support Major Food Companies in Banning Animal Testing

The lives of countless innocent mice and rats will be saved as four high-profile companies commit to banning cruel animal experiments. Support these new policies and PETA’s continued efforts to ban corporations’ cruel animal testing.

Thousands of Dogs Found Starving and Beaten Deserve Justice

Dogs living within an indigenous community in Australia have been found starving and suffering with signs of obvious neglect and abuse. Volunteers report finding thousands of dogs who have been beaten or who are malnourished, some have had their paws cut-off. Sign this petition to demand justice for these innocent dogs.

Success: Efforts to Protect Pets From Abusers Moves Forward

Abusers are often master manipulators, and a favorite weapon of choice for these perpetrators is a victim’s much-loved pet. Every year, animals by the thousands are collateral damage in violent domestic disputes. Applaud legislation that will better shield all victims from controlling criminals.

Praise Fashion Brand ASOS for No Longer Using Mohair, Cashmere, Silk, or Feathers

Starting January 2019, the fashion brand ASOS will no longer sell clothing made from mohair, cashmere, silk or feathers. Applaud ASOS for no longer contributing to the suffering of animals in these industries.

Success: Teacher Who Fed Puppy to Snapping Turtle Charged With Animal Cruelty

The teacher who fed a dog to a snapping turtle was charged with animal cruelty. Sign this petition to praise the attorney general’s office for charging him with a crime in the cruel death of this innocent dog.

Success: Volkswagen to End Cruel Exhaust Tests on Monkeys

Horrific experiments that forced monkeys to breathe diesel exhaust will no longer be conducted by Volkswagen, nor will any other animal testing unless required by law, according to an announcement by the company. Support this victory for compassion and animal welfare.

Success: Charges Filed Against Mink Farm Accused of Animal Cruelty

A mink farm in southwestern Ontario faces 14 counts of animal abuse after an undercover investigation revealed ¨filthy¨ living conditions. Footage appeared to show distressed minks with neglected open wounds in maggot-ridden environments. Sign the petition to congratulate the animal welfare organization for initiating the formal charges and bringing justice to the victims of the global fur industry.

Success: Indiana Will Not Force Slaughter of Wild Animals

Thousands of animals will be spared a needless death as Indiana withdraws proposals for new rules, including one that would have forced animal control workers to kill wildlife. Support this move toward humanity and compassion.

Success: Breeder Accused of Abusing Over 80 Pets Banned From Owning Animals

More than 80 cats and dogs were removed from a breeding facility where they reportedly suffered from neglect and infection. The owner was recently banned from owning pets for the next seven years. Sign the petition below to thank Canadian authorities for protecting more animals from becoming victims of this alleged abuser.

Success: TripAdvisor Increases Animal Welfare Requirements

TripAdvisor has updated its policies and tightened its standards of animal welfare so that it will no longer promote exploitative attractions that force animals to perform for human entertainment. Support this important stand for the well-being of animals around the world.

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