A second city in China recently banned consuming the meat of cats, dogs and other pets. Thank the Mayor of Zhuhai for his help, as well as other activists for fighting hard to try and make sure this practice ends. If we keep fighting to try and ensure that eating these animals is outlawed, this practice may one day be banned in all of China.
Cameroon’s government has opened investigations into and admitted guilt in the massacre of civilians in its Northwest Region. This represents a significant change for what has been one of West Africa’s most repressive governments. Praise the decision to release this report and increase transparency.
Unrestrained oil production has slowly poisoned Earth for decades. Production of this destructive fossil fuel will now be slashed drastically. Applaud the decline of a prominent global polluter.
A ridiculous ban on the use of words like “burger” and “sausage” in plant-based food labels has been dismissed in the Netherlands. This ban would have forced plant-based food companies to sell their products using such unappetizing terms “veggie discs” or “protein tubes.” Sign this petition to thank the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport for their wise decision to reject this unnecessary ban.
Science and medicine have once again rescued scores of living beings from a deadly fate. A promising vaccine spells the end of inhumane badger culling in Britain. Applaud the eradication of a government-mandated form of animal cruelty that has claimed over a million badgers.
The consumption of dog and cat meat has officially been banned in Shenzhen, China, as part of a larger ban on the eating of wildlife following the coronavirus outbreak. This could save millions of innocent animal lives. Thank those responsible for this groundbreaking animal rights success.
Sierra Leone has lifted a years-long ban on pregnant girls coming to school. This law was just one of many harsh cruelties faced by young girls in African countries, a reminder that society and the law see them as lesser people than boys and men and denying them even basic human rights. Once the COVID-19 crisis is over, however, this will no longer be the case. Thank the Sierra Leone school system for lifting this unfair ban.
Coal emissions from the global electricity sector have dropped in the last year, thanks partly to the European Union’s efforts. The EU has been one of the world powers most reluctant to drop coal as a fuel, but this is finally changing. Thank the bloc of countries for finally doing the right thing for clean air.
Airlines will no longer be required to fly empty planes that needlessly pollute the environment during the coronavirus outbreak. This suspension of an old rule will reduce pollution and help the environment during this significant drop in air travel. Congratulate the President of the European Commission on this victory.
Instant divorce has been outlawed in India, extending protection to millions of Muslim women once subject to impoverishment and isolation at the hands of their husbands. An act of the Parliament of India has ended this practice and guaranteed rights and compensation for victims. Congratulate those responsible for successfully ending instant divorce.
The North Atlantic right whale will now be better protected from entanglement in fishing gear, a major cause of their endangerment. A recent decision to permanently close off fishing areas where the whales gather will give them the safe space they need to grow and thrive. Thank those responsible for this important conservation effort.
The UK will be phasing out coal and wet wood as household fuels over the next few years, starting with retailers emptying their stocks and stopping their sale of these fuels. Thank DEFRA for making this victory possible.
The Northern white rhinoceros has been successfully saved from imminent extinction by the creation of viable embryos in a partnership between a research zoo and a national park in Kenya. These embryos represent the first step in the process of recovering this once-doomed species. Sign this letter to thank those who achieved this miraculous success.
Earth will not be exploited by another water, air, and land-polluting oil sands mine. In the process, one of Canada’s most dangerous environmental enemies faces a major, possibly fatal blow. Celebrate the end of a destructive era.
The president of Indonesia has ordered his government to end illegal forest fires immediately, offering hope that orangutans, forests, and public health can be saved and improved. Praise the efforts of President Joko Widodo and his cabinet in ending this scourge on the environment.
Facebook has sent a cease-and-desist letter to Clearview AI, a facial recognition software company that uses social media to mine data and invade the privacy of internet users. This practice has reportedly been used to assist law enforcement and could pose harm to those who maintain their privacy for personal reasons. Praise Facebook for forbidding this invasive practice.
A seafood salesman has been found guilty of smuggling millions of endangered eels over a two-year period as part of the illegal eel trade going on between the UK and certain Asian countries. Sign this petition to thank the Crown Prosecution Service for seeking justice in this case.
Victoria’s supreme court has banned logging company VicForests from cutting down any more trees in the central highlands to protect various wildlife species, thanks to a case opened by environmental group Wotch. In the wake of the recent bush fires, this is a much-needed move to heal some of the damages and prevent further ones. Sign this petition to thank environmental activists for their efforts in stopping this company.
A Moroccan journalist renowned for exposing corruption has been released from jail, where he was being detained unjustly for criticizing a judge. Sign this petition to praise the compassion of the Moroccan official responsible.
Negotiations are set to begin between Canadian First Nations peoples and the energy company intruding on their land, marking a hopeful success. Sign this petition to praise the company for agreeing to respect the dignity and autonomy of Indigenous peoples.
China plans to ban single-use plastic products by 2025, joining many European countries and American states in their fight to stop plastic pollution from destroying the planet. This is a huge step forward in saving our oceans and wildlife from total ruin. Sign this petition to thank the country’s Minister of Ecology and Environment for issuing this ban.
Ontario, once the site of urgent animal welfare lapses, has now become a benchmark in the fight against animal cruelty. New laws will bolster the apprehension and punishment of cruel offenders. Applaud this important win for animal welfare.
The endangered kakapo has experienced a population increase due to multiple targeted conservation programs. Scientists have implemented captive breeding programs to help these struggling birds and tracking efforts to ensure their health and safety. Thank those who have dedicated their time and effort to saving this species.
The European Parliament has prevented fossil fuels from being listed as sustainable, ensuring a clearer path to a green future. The compromise will require governments and investors to be more transparent about where their fuels come from and the impact they will have, while ensuring that green energies get priority. Congratulate the European Union on this significant success for a cleaner world.
The previously extinct-in-the-wild Guam rail has finally made a comeback thanks to the efforts of captive breeding programs. The flightless bird had been declared extinct over a decade ago, but it is hoped that with strong enough protection the species will once again thrive. Thank the Guam Department of Agriculture for their tireless efforts.