
Make Plastic Producers Pay to Recycle Their Environmentally Toxic Products

The oceans are drowning in plastic and will outnumber fish in less than thirty years. Most of the plastic production is caused by just twenty companies. Sign the petition to ensure they pay for the mess that they caused.

Don’t Rehome Imperative Emotional Support Animal

A man who suffers from chronic anxiety is being forced to rehome his emotional support pig, Ellie, even though not allowing him to keep her is discrimination under the Fair and Equal Housing Act. Demand the town immediately stop all legal actions against him and that they allow Ellie to remain with her owner.

Stop Theft of Shipped Packages That Steals Consumers’ Money and Time

Consumers are losing their already-paid goods to thieves at an alarming rate. These packages disappear from railyards, ports, and backs of trucks. Demand leaders take action to stop this wholesale robbery of the American people.

Justice for German Shepherd Allegedly Brutally Beaten by Owner on Video

A German shepherd named Ginger was allegedly tortured and beaten in a horrific act of animal cruelty. Demand that the dog’s owner receive the strictest sentence under law and no longer be allowed to adopt or keep pets if he is found guilty of this senseless animal abuse.

Protect Horses Reportedly Forced to Work for Hours Without Water in 90-Degree Heat

Horses and ponies were reportedly left in the heat without water for hours at a Los Angeles-based petting zoo. This is one of many allegations of neglect against this attraction. Act now to protect these animals.

Don’t Censor Sexual Assault Allegations of Missing Athlete

An athlete from China has seemingly vanished following sexual assault allegations against a former prominent politician. Demand China’s leadership halt any attempts to censor this woman and allow an investigation into her accusations.

Stop Climate Change-Fueled Neurotoxins From Causing Widespread Brain Damage

Climate change driven wildfires and hurricanes grow worse every year and are spewing neurotoxic particulates into the air and water. Demand action to protect the public from these deadly toxins.

Stop Polluting Waterways and Natural Areas With Cigarette Butts

Cigarette butts are the most common form of toxic waste, numbering in billions of pounds yearly. They endanger wildlife and cause fires. Demand immediate action to reduce this environmental poison.

Save Hundreds of Lakes and Wildlife Habitats From Disappearing Forever

Beautiful lakes and diverse wildlife are disappearing at an alarming rate in Turkey. Humanity’s exploitation of these lands and waters are to blame. Call for urgent action to rescue these natural wonders from annihilation.

Punish Financial Officer Who Allegedly Stole From Animal Shelter

A chief financial officer has been accused of stealing $300,000 from an animal shelter that was meant to be used for a new building. She is currently accused of two separate felonies and the animals in her care were reportedly neglected. Demand the prosecutor seek the maximum penalty possible if she is found guilty.

Horse Who Suddenly Died Following Alleged Animal Cruelty Deserves Justice

A 23-year-old horse died suddenly after being entrusted to the care of a stabling business. An investigation into the circumstances of this death has commenced. Demand justice if animal cruelty accusations are deemed credible.

Demand Justice for Dogs Allegedly Shot in Cold Blood

Two non-aggressive dogs were allegedly shot by an angry resident. Demand this person not be given any clemency under the law if he is found guilty of causing these helpless animals to suffer.

Stop Oil and Gas Lobbyists From Corrupting Global Climate Change Policy

Oil and gas lobbyists are corrupting the world’s efforts to combat climate change. It’s time to put the environment ahead of this greedy industry’s profits.

Stop Lead Lined Cans From Causing Brain Damage

Lead exposure is known to be harmful to both adults and children. It is time to ban or reduce lead content connected to food or drink. Sign the petition to call for more stringent lead safety.

Success: Methane and Toxic Chemicals Restricted to Protect Environment

Methane and forever chemicals, toxic to the environment and to living beings, will soon be restricted by an environmental agency finally doing its duty. Polluters will no longer have free reign to contaminate air, water, and land with these detrimental substances. Applaud this vital recommitment to environmental protection over special interests.

Stop Confining Hens to Torturous, Tiny “Battery Cages”

The vast majority of egg-laying hens are confined to small cages with less than 67 inches of space. They suffer from illness and physical debilitation due to the inability to engage in nesting and perching. Demand that cage-free eggs become a federal mandate.

Nine Concertgoers Killed in Music Festival Disaster Deserve Justice

Thousands of people attended a Houston music festival for fun and instead endured tragedy. Accountability for this mass casualty event can only be achieved with impartial and independent investigations. Demand clear answers for victims and survivors.

Breach Dam to Restore Fragile Wetland Ecosystem

One of the most fragile ecosystems and wetland communities, the Great Florida Riverway, is being continuously harmed by a long-standing dam. This majestic network of different rivers and springs needs our help. Act now to breach the dam and bring back the natural wetlands.

Punish Company for Allegedly Covering Up Disastrous Oil Spill

A major oil spill that endangered California’s wetlands and marine life may have been the result of gross negligence by the company operating the ruptured pipeline. Urge accountability for a multi-time offender that has escaped responsibility time and again.

Stop Putting Government-Ordered Hits on Suffering Drug Addicts

The war on drugs has taken an especially lethal turn in the Philippines. Upwards of 30,000 people have reportedly lost their lives due to government-directed orders to kill. Call for an end to these alleged crimes against humanity.

Invest in Climate Positive Farming to Reduce Harmful Pollutants

Climate change threatens to devastate farmland and agriculture, but farmers themselves can be part of the solution. Support climate-friendly growing practices now.

Provide More Funding for K-12 School Counselors

America’s school system is grossly neglecting the mental health of the youth. It’s time we listened to the students’ cries for help and increase the counseling budget for K-12 schools nationwide.

The Filibuster Has to Go

The filibuster is an archaic, racist rule that has held the Senate in political gridlock for far too long. Act now to ensure that the American majority’s voice is heard.

Dogs Apparently Left to Suffer With Infections in Filth Deserve Justice

A family of alleged serial animal abusers is facing the legal system again after years of cruelty charges with no real consequence. Compel authorities to finally hold them to account for their reported abuse and neglect of dozens of dogs.

Stop Mining Project From Destroying Pristine Wilderness

An environmentally catastrophic mining project is slated to go ahead unless the Biden administration blocks it. Stop this greedy land-grab before it irreparably damages a pristine wilderness.

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