Don’t Deprive Children of Mothers Due to Misogynistic Law

Target: Mohamed Hossam Abdel-Rahim, Minister of Justice for Egypt

Goal: Allow mothers to retain legal guardianship of their children after a father’s passing.

A woman grieves the death of her husband. In the aftermath, her struggles are compounded after guardianship of her children is transferred to her father-in-law by legal mandate. Yes, it is the plot of a TV show. Yet this scenario is also the reality for countless mothers in Egypt.

According to Egyptian law, when a father dies and leaves behind children under the age of 21, the mother of the children loses key legal rights…even in the absence of abuse, neglect, or other extenuating circumstances. Instead, the children’s paternal grandfather is granted legal guardianship of the kids as well as control of any inheritance provided to the children. Essentially, mothers have no say in important aspects of their own kids’ lives, such as their education.

A popular series in Egypt, Under Guardianship, brought renewed scrutiny to this archaic law and reignited calls for its repeal. Sign the petition below to urge revocation of this long-standing legal discrimination against mothers.


Dear Minister Abdel-Rahim,

Mothers are a vital source of nurturing and guidance for most children. Think about the women in your life who have helped you become the person you are today. Egypt’s guardianship law is an affront to these women and to mothers across the nation. Legally taking away a woman’s right to care for her own children—in the absence of any aggravating circumstances—is a blight upon a country that considers itself developed and modern.

The television show Under Guardianship only highlighted a festering problem and a tremendous injustice that needs to be addressed immediately. Please heed the pleas of MPs and ordinary citizens alike for your assistance in ending this shameful legal legacy.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Nicolas Postiglioni

One Comment

  1. How can you not feel guilty when taking a mother’s children away from her? If these children aren’t abused, then she should have full custody plus money to help raise them.

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700 Signatures

  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Alice Rim
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
  • Natalia Balkowska
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