
Success: School Workers Granted Higher Wages and Healthcare

Thousands of striking school workers demanded higher wages and healthcare and the authorities have relented. It’s a major victory for social justice and fundamental human rights. Celebrate this historic success in solidarity with these determined workers.

Dogs Apparently Starved to Death Deserve Justice

Dozens of animals were apparently found starved to death in the backyard of a former animal control worker. Demand the suspect be fully prosecuted and serve time in prison, if found guilty.

Protect the Public From Dangerous Toxic Chemicals

Crucial updated regulations of toxic chemicals have been repeatedly delayed, potentially due to political ambitions. This puts both the environment and innocent people at risk. Demand the policymakers act fast and enact a powerful regulatory system.

Celebrate Women’s History on the History Channel

A television channel meant to provide informative and educational accounts of history is virtually ignoring the accomplishments and legacy of women. Demand the History Channel better reflect the past and present of all people.

Save Declining Box Turtles From the Illegal Pet Trade

The trade in wild box turtles threatens to wipe out this important species forever. Sign this petition to keep turtles in their natural habitat, where they belong.

Success: Potential Poisoning Disguised as Humanitarian Aid Under Review

The European Union reportedly shipped pesticide-laden food to African countries under the guise of humanitarian aid. Thanks to human rights advocates, a review of these shipping policies and ideas for sustainable investment in Africa are being discussed. Acknowledge this important step taken in the right direction.

Protect Eye Drop Users From Infection and Potential Death

Eyedrops have apparently been linked to a harmful bacterial outbreak that has, in the worst cases, caused blindness and death. Demand regulators do more to safeguard consumers from this potential threat.

Support School Workers Struggling With Dire Poverty

Thousands of impoverished school workers have embarked on a major strike. They claim minimum wage salaries are driving them below the poverty line. Demand better pay for school staff who dedicate their lives so that students can have a bright future.

Prevent Global Water Crisis With Infrastructure and Conservation

Water is in ever-depleting supply, and clean and safe water is experiencing an even more critical shortage. Demand international leaders help sustain the planet’s lifeblood.

Abandoned Dogs With Bones Showing and Wounds From Snouts Bound Shut Deserve Justice

Four dogs found wandering the streets were so malnourished and dehydrated that their spine and ribs were showing. Their snouts had wounds from being bound shut, they had head wounds, and appeared to have recently given birth. Demand justice for these innocent creatures.

Demand a Community Health Study After Disastrous Chemical Spill

A disastrous chemical spill in Alberta was reportedly kept under wraps for nine months. Even now, there has been no complete official assessment of the community damage. Demand the federal government investigate the apparent cover-up and initiate a health study of the aftereffects.

Issue a Most Wanted Notice for Controversial Godman

A self-styled godman wanted on charges of rape and abduction in India has allegedly duped more than 30 US cities by representing a fictional country. Three members of the Congress have also reportedly awarded the country special recognition. Demand the FBI issue a most wanted notice for this international fugitive.

Dogs Gunned Down in Yard Deserve Justice

Two innocent dogs were shot while playing in their yard. One of these animals died as a result. Demand justice in this horrific case of deadly animal cruelty.

5 Horses Shot and Killed, Along With 3 Injured, Deserve Justice

Shots rang out from the stable, but by the time the owners arrived, five horses lay dead and three more lay injured from gun shot wounds. Demand justice for these horses.

Stop Imposing Financial Burdens on Low-Income Groups

The government has been accused of suppressing public dissent in a region of India. Protests have erupted against the imposition of a property tax and higher electricity bills. Demand the authorities roll back the new tax with immediate effect.

Don’t Ignore Alleged Crimes and Humanitarian Crisis Caused by Coup

Millions of people are losing their healthcare access, their educational and work opportunities, their homes, and possibly their lives in a conflict-ridden nation. The world has looked away from the plight of Myanmar’s people. Demand the international community confront and help end alleged war crimes.

Success: Striking Healthcare Workers Receive Well-Deserved Pay Increase

Healthcare workers in the United Kingdom have clinched a major victory after months of striking. The government has relented to a pay hike after initially refusing its mere possibility. Applaud the tough fight put up by thousands of hospital staff to claim the right to a better life.

Make Communities Greener and Healthier With Traffic-Free Zones

Cities are increasingly aiming to cut their carbon footprint by cutting their car footprint. Call on an influential climate investor to help fulfill the potential of traffic-free zones.

End Disastrous, Toxic Landfill Fire Hazards

A massive landfill fire that blazed for 12 days may cause acid rain. The authorities had no backup plan in place to tackle such an unforeseen disaster. Demand the formulation of an emergency response plan to ensure the safety of citizens.

Twitter: Don’t be a Propaganda Machine for Mexican Drug Cartels

Twitter is reportedly becoming the propaganda machine for Mexican drug cartels. Cartel members are apparently openly flaunting videos of decapitated heads and using hardcore images as profile banners. Demand Twitter to suspend the accounts of narco groups.

Save Pets From Potentially Deadly Collars

A popular brand of flea and tick collar is being blamed for an astronomically high percentage of pet deaths and other harmful effects. The agency responsible for regulating this product has apparently fallen down on the job. Demand they take swift action to protect pets and consumers.

Dogs With Dental Disease, Hernias, Tumors, Eye Infections and Parasites Deserve Justice

Dozens of dogs were apparently found living in “feces-filled crates,” in a raccoon trap, and chained to the yard. The animals reportedly had dental disease, hernias, tumors, skin inflammation, eye infections, and parasites. Demand justice for these innocent creatures.

Stop Genetically Modified Fruit Fly From Entering the Food Chain

A genetically modified fruit fly that could have devastating environmental impacts may soon be released into the wild. While the goal is to benefit both public health and agriculture, more studies are needed to ensure the safety of the food chain. Demand the Canadian government hold back until an assessment can be completed.

Success: Drinking Water To Be Protected From Hazardous Forever Chemicals

The U.S. will finally begin removing some of the greatest threats to its drinking water. Commend the proposed end of disease-causing forever chemicals in the water supply.

Compensate Families of Migrants Who Died Due to Alleged Slavery

Reportedly, more than 6,500 migrant workers have died in the preparations for the Qatar FIFA World Cup. Poor working conditions and a biased labor code are apparently to blame. Demand FIFA compensate the migrant worker’s families and end its own alleged human rights abuses.

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