
Preserve Habitat of Rare Monkey to Protect the Ecosystem

Javan Gibbons, a monkey species that is essential for pollination, are critically endangered due to habitat loss. Demand immediate action be taken to protect their habitat and ensure their survival.

Stop Dismantling Workers’ Long-Held Rights

France’s people have taken to the streets demanding leaders hear their worries about being worked to death with little benefit. Call on leadership to end the assault on retirement pensions.

Protect Southern River Otters From Pollution

Southern river otters in California’s waterways face significant threats from pollution. Help save these important animals and the ecosystems they rely on for survival.

Protect Yellow-billed Cuckoos From Climate Change

The yellow-billed cuckoo could soon go extinct due to habitat loss and climate change. Advocate for its protection to safeguard this iconic bird species and the ecosystems it calls home.

Punish Man Accused of Slamming Dog on Ground and Dragging Him by Rope

A dog was reportedly beaten, tied with a rope, and dragged by the neck. Demand prosecutors seek the maximum penalty in this case.

End Destruction of Land That is Killing African Golden Cats

The African golden cat is vulnerable to extinction due to habitat loss and hunting. Urge those in power to protect their habitat to prevent further decline of their population and ensure the sustainability of their ecosystem.

Stop Illegal Hunting and Trading of Endangered Guatemalan Black Howler Monkeys

Guatemalan black howler monkeys are endangered due to habitat loss, hunting, and the pet trade. Demand protection for these monkeys and their habitats to prevent their extinction and preserve the ecological balance of the region.

Save Dusky Gopher Frogs From Deadly Disease

The dusky gopher frog is critically endangered due to habitat loss and disease. Demand the protection and conservation of this species to ensure its survival and maintain the biodiversity of our planet.

Stop Polluting Oceans and Harming Marine Life With Plastic Cutlery

India generates 25,940 tonnes of plastic waste daily, much from single-use cutlery. These utensils end up in landfills or oceans where they pollute soil and waterways and harm marine life. Sign the petition to ban this cutlery in all restaurants and cafes now.

Combat Climate Change With the Ocean’s Help

A promising technology is gaining traction in the fight against climate change. Demand leaders invest in a path forward for eliminating the dangerous ingredients of global warming.

Ease Tax Burden and Ensure Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share

The wealthiest Americans too often get a sweetheart deal come tax time while average taxpayers carry the burden. Urge more investment in a fairer and more enforceable system of taxation.

Don’t Let Giant Armadillos Disappear Forever

Hunting and habitat destruction have left the giant armadillo endangered. Demand more stringent conservation regulations to conserve this species and its habitat.

Save the Pygmy Hippopotamus From Extinction

The last pygmy hippos are threatened by habitat loss and poaching. Sign the petition to urge the Liberian government to take action and protect these endangered animals and their home.

Don’t Destroy Grasslands That House Endangered Black-faced Impala

Habitat loss and hunting has put the black-faced impala at risk of extinction. Demand the government step up conservation efforts and ban activities that harm and kill this species.

Stop Destroying Rainforests Home to Threatened Goliath Frogs

The largest frog in the world, known as the Goliath frog, is threatened by the destruction of the rainforest and the demand for its meat and skin. Urge the government to take action to protect this species.

Stop Oil and Gas Mining From Killing Woodland Caribou

Hunting and habitat loss are killing woodland caribou and their population is rapidly declining. We must prevent the extinction of this species. Demand the government support population recovery and habitat conservation.

Save Wolverines From Extinction Due to Habitat Loss and Hunting

Wolverines are threatened with extinction from habitat loss and hunting. Logging and mining have destroyed their natural home and their fur makes them a target for human greed. Advocate for the protection of this vulnerable species.

Stop the Slaughter of Elephants for Ivory

African forest elephants are being slaughtered by poachers for their ivory. Support immediate action to protect these majestic animals.

Save American Pikas From Climate Change

The American pika, an important species in alpine ecosystems across the western United States, is threatened by climate change and habitat loss. Advocate for the protection of pikas and their habitat.

Protect Iconic Redwood Trees

Redwood trees and associated wildlife are at risk in California. We must establish a national park to protect this iconic species and its vital role in the ecosystem. Demand immediate action.


Protect Scrub-jays From Starvation Due to Altered Ecosystems

The Florida scrub-jay faces habitat loss and fire suppression, both of which deplete its food source and push it towards extinction. Demand for its protection before it’s too late.

Don’t Let Black Bears Go Extinct Due to Habitat Loss

The black bear in British Columbia is threatened by habitat loss and hunting. Sign the petition to advocate for their protection and ensure the survival of this important species.

Ban Palm Oil in Consumer Products to Stop Deforestation

The cultivation of palm oil has led to massive deforestation and loss of wildlife habitat. Demand a ban on the use of palm oil in consumer products to protect the environment and preserve the rights of local communities.

Save the Last 200 Chinese Alligators

The Chinese alligator is critically endangered due to habitat loss and hunting. Take action now to save this important species.

Stop Hunting Endangered Helmeted Hornbills for Their Valuable Body Parts

The helmeted hornbill is critically endangered due to poaching for its casque. We must raise awareness and advocate for the protection of this unique bird species. Sign this petition to take immediate action and prevent the extinction of the helmeted hornbill.

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