Foie Gras has officially been banned in New York City, prompting celebration amongst animal rights activists. The cruel culinary practice, involving force-feeding ducks until their livers are painfully engorged, will no longer garner profit in one of the country’s largest fine-dining cities. Thank those involved in this monumental decision.
A multi-acre park with over 160 trees has taken the place of multiple Dallas parking lots, paving the way for more green spaces and clean living. Countless communities will be better for this amazing achievement. Applaud the drive to clean and green urban landscapes.
The last dog slaughterhouse has been shut down in Seoul, South Korea in response to public pressure from animal rights activists. Thank the mayor of Seoul for bowing to such pressure and saving the lives of many dogs.
Bees have been saved from a cynical attack by Big Agriculture. Bee populations have been collapsing over the past several years, with the EU finally stepping up to help put a stop to it. Thank the European Parliament for continuing the fight to protect bees.
Renewable energy sources are expected to see a 50 percent increase within the next five years. This is a great boon for the planet, as well as a strike against governments and other political parties who have been trying to revive fossil fuels. Thank a leading environmental organization for helping make this increase possible.
Almost 1,200 acres of irreplaceable old-growth forest in Alaska is at least temporarily spared, thanks to a court injunction. This means there is still a chance to save this beautiful forest from destruction. Thank an organization that fought for this monumental decision.
Animal rights took two monumental steps forward in California. Now, the living beings most victimized by circuses and by the blood-money fur trade have new hope. Applaud these encouraging wins for abused and exploited animals.
The lives of 100,000 Americans with sickle cell disease will soon be improved, thanks to a recently funded program. The Sickle Cell Data Collection program aims to identify gaps in care throughout patients’ lives and give aging sufferers added comfort. Praise those who made this debilitating disease a funding priority.
The remains of three Native American children were returned to their tribe after over 300 years. The children were part of a larger group who were kidnapped and forced into a boarding school, where their culture and values were to be erased. Thank those involved in bringing these children home.
TripAdvisor will no longer be selling tickets to marine parks where whales and dolphins are bred in captivity. This is an important step forward in not only the company’s animal welfare policy, but in pushing for better treatment of marine mammals. Thank TripAdvisor for no longer enabling the support of marine mammal cruelty.
A scared calf was allegedly cruelly butchered in public view. This poor animal’s accused killers must now face not only the court of public opinion but the court of law. Support just punishment for seemingly unremorseful accused animal abusers.
The Great Barrier Reef shark cull is over, and Queensland has no further right to bait and kill the creatures. Introduced to protect swimmers from shark attacks, the cull was deemed useless upon reasoning that it did not lessen the risk of such attacks. This is a great victory for shark conservation. Thank the federal court for ending the inhumane practice.
If monarch butterflies vanished, the world would not only lose a beautiful symbol of nature, it would forsake a vital tool in countless plants’ survival. Applaud an unlikely alliance that could help save monarchs and prevent a bleak outcome.
A chemical company has withdrawn plans to build another polluting factory in an area known for its high rate of cancer. The saga of “Cancer Town” has been worsening for months now, and while the cancellation of factory construction is only one step, it is an important one. Thank the community for ensuring that the inhabitants will not be put at even more risk.
Germany is phasing out a weed killer linked to cancer in humans and a sharp decline in insect populations. This is an important step forward that will greatly benefit the environment. Thank Germany for heeding public concerns and phasing out this chemical.
The mayor of Dearborn, Michigan announced that his city would no longer be co-operating with ICE, a huge victory for the fight against the horrible organization destroying families in the U.S. Additionally, more than 1,000 church congregations are now offering sanctuary to migrant families facing deportation. The tide is turning against ICE. Praise this success and thank those who are fighting to keep families together.
The modern era’s war on drugs does not unfold in the streets but in corporate boardrooms. Opiod drug manufacturers have profited at the expense of half a million American lives. Applaud the legal day of reckoning visited upon one prominent opioid kingpin.
Coal usage in the United Kingdom has reached an all-time low, with emissions totaling less than one percent. For years, coal dependency has been a problem due to the country insuring big coal companies. People have died from air pollution related health complications, and coal plants have ruined many green spaces. Thank the UK government for finally taking public concern about coal seriously.
A record number of countries voted to regulate the fishing of mako sharks, as well as 16 other species. Mako sharks are heavily endangered due to the demand for shark fin soup and the profits made from shark fishing. Thank those who oversaw this vote to protect this vulnerable species.
California mountain lions will soon have a new habitat with safe passage and access to other big cat families. This wildlife overpass will give the vulnerable species a chance to reproduce and thrive in the face of predicted extinction. Praise this landmark conservation effort.
Giraffes now have one less obstacle in their fight against extinction, thanks to a bold move made at an international convention. Giraffes have been added to a protected list, banning their trade in all but extraordinary circumstances. Thank those involved in protecting this vulnerable species.
Wild otters in Asia have been devastated by the exotic pet market, but a new ban on the cruel trade in these persecuted animals could save them. Thank CITES for finally putting an end to the otter pet trade.
Young children will be less likely to receive suspensions and expulsions from the Colorado school system, thanks to child welfare advocates. These punishments have only been shown to worsen behavioral problems in young students and their abolishment will make room for healthier behavioral conditioning. Sign this petition to thank those who advocated alternative ways to help these students.
Cuba has drastically improved its fishing law to protect disappearing coral reefs. Reefs have been endangered for the past several years due to many factors, one of which is overfishing; these structures are vital to the survival and well-being of the ocean overall. Thank Cuba’s lawmakers for taking this important step to save these natural wonders.
The use of wild animals in traveling circuses will finally be banned across England. Show your support for animal welfare by thanking the UK Parliament for outlawing the cruel practice.